Ep. 169 Human Design for Highly Sensitives with Victoria Jan‪e‬

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In this episode, we discuss:

  •  What it means to be an empath within your Human Design
  •  Breaking down defined vs undefined energy centers and incarnation cross
  •  How to understand and embody your human design for powerful manifestation
  •  How honoring your human design can change your world

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COURSE: Human Design for Entrepreneurs

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences that offers a map of your unique genetic design, with detailed information on both conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. This course is for the empath entrepreneur who wants to feel more flow and in deep alignment with your purpose. Once you learn how to integrate HD into your business, you wonder why the hell you tried to do it any other way.


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PRODUCT: Teachable

Ready to share your magic and create your OWN online courses? Check out Teachable, the platform I use to host all my content!

Episode Transcript:

Welcome to The Uncensored Empath, a place for us to discuss highly sensitives’ energy, illness, healing, and transformation. My name is Sarah Small and I’m a life and success coach for empaths who want to create a thriving body, business, and life. Think of this podcast as your no-BS guide to navigating life, health, and entrepreneurship. You’ll get straight-to-the-point, totally holistic tips from me in real-time as I navigate this healing and growth journey right beside you. This is a Soulfire production.

Hello and welcome back. You all loved the last episode, episode 151 on Human Design and so, I decided to bring another Human Design expert onto the show. You may want to start with episode 151 if you’re brand new to what Human Design is. We’re going to talk about some more of the nuances today with my guest, Victoria Jane. She is a Human Design coach whose mission is to guide growth-oriented humans to live with less hustle and more flow and she is passionate about sharing Human Design with others so they can boldly live their truth. She also has a Human Design Coaching Certification for any kind of entrepreneur, coach, or manager who wants to use Human Design to invite more of that flow into their business, into their life. And you guys, this is something that I have incorporated into the way that I coach my one-on-one clients. And we even have the Human Design for Empath Entrepreneurs online self-guided course that will help you tap into some of these basics if you want a starting point for today.

In today’s conversation with Victoria, again, we dive more into some of these nuances and what it means to be highly sensitive in relation to the framework of Human Design. And she’s going to be sharing her thoughts and feelings on that, and I will be as well, and what it means to be an empath within our Human Design Chart. We’ll also be talking about Defined versus Undefined Centers, how we can embody more of our design, how we can use it for powerful manifestation and in our business. And I am just learning about my Incarnation Cross so we’ll talk a little bit about that today as well. So if you haven’t already pulled your chart, I also recommend you pull your chart. I always get mine just from a free source, which is jovianarchive.com and you’ll just need your name, birthday, time, location, and put that in. You’ll be able to pull your whole chart up. And while it may look a little confusing and it may feel like you’re a little lost at first, that’s why we have these conversations and why I’ve had these guests on the show so that you can begin to understand more. And of course, there are many different opportunities to book a reading so that you can fully understand what everything on your specific chart means because it is so individual, so unique to you.

What I’ve learned is that if we start to understand this, start to embody this, make some of those tweaks and changes in our life, that our whole world can change and we can live in so much more flow, which is something I had been seeking for such a long time. And Human Design has been at least one of the tools to help me find more of that ease, flow, and balance in my own life. So without further ado, let’s start chatting with Victoria.

Sarah: Welcome to the show, Victoria. I’m so glad to have you on.

Victoria: Thanks. I’m so excited to be here.

Sarah: So we’re going to be chatting all about Human Design and I’m super excited because, well, first of all, there’s so much to know. There are so many details and so many different ways in which we can speak about Human Design so I’m excited to have you on to be able to get some questions answered and to dive deeper. But I want to start with just, how did you first discover Human Design? Because I feel like it’s something that is becoming a little more mainstream. People know what the heck I’m talking about when I say Human Design now. And I’m curious what led you to Human Design and what effect specifically has it had on your life?

Victoria: Wow. Yes, okay. So I discovered Human Design about three years ago. I’ve always been into the woo-woo, wellness, spiritual stuff. I was going deep into manifestation at the time and found Human Design first through this lens of like, Oh, there’s a way to manifest that’s either more specific or less specific and that was kind of my entry point. But then as soon as I found out, shortly thereafter, because you enter in your birth info, you pull up your chart, I found out I was a Projector and I was like, Oh my gosh, this makes so much sense and also I’m so not living like a Projector. That makes a lot of sense why I’m tired and I have health issues and I feel like I’m really struggling but everybody else seems to be doing totally fine. I don’t know. It felt like I was going from black and white to seeing in color this extra dimension of how I worked and how the world worked. So that really set me on a path to just learning everything that I could because it made sense. It resonated with my experience.

Sarah: Yes. I so relate and I’m curious. So I’m also a Projector, which I’ve shared with my community before, but I found that I think I was trying to live more…forcefully live more as a Generator, maybe a Manifesting Generator. What about you?

Victoria: I’m a Generator all the way, for sure. So my parents don’t know their exact birth times, but I’m pretty sure my mom is a Generator just based on how she acts. And then my dad is a Condition Projector because he very much also wanted me to go for things, kind of ”manifestoring” in that way, like go for things and push. Everybody knew he took a nap at work every day. He would close his office door and take a nap. So I’m like, that feels very non-Sacral to me. Yes, and my background, before I started sharing Human Design and doing the coaching work that I do, was in tech. And so, I was in this very fast-paced, high-energy, people just so excited to be doing the work that they’re doing, which is great, and also loving it in a way that I couldn’t quite connect with, to be totally honest.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. That’s so interesting. I also found that, in the more forceful, trying to fit myself into the box of more of what I was seeing in my life as well, like you were saying with your parents, went down a career path that I cared about the mission of the organization, but the way, the environment in which we were working was so not conducive. And so, discovering Human Design, so many freaking light bulbs just started clicking and going off. And now, I’d say probably the last year and a half, two years, I’ve been aware of Human Design and more self-study. But I’ve been able to make shifts and changes so that, especially as an entrepreneur where I do have some flexibility, my schedule, the way in which I work, works in alignment. And I’m curious because I know you’ve worked with so many people in regards to their design type, their Human Design as a whole, what really becomes possible as we start to embody our design versus resist, or like we were just sharing, almost live like another type?

Victoria: Well, I think first and foremost, using both of our experiences as a starting point, I think a lot of people are just in a lot of struggle and a lot of resistance. I know for myself there were physical health issues and I know you have your own health journey as well. There’s steps in the journey. So going from that starting point to, Okay, now I’m going to actually trust how my natural energy works. I’m going to move out of my mind into the wiser intelligence of my body and make decisions from there instead of overthinking. Because when I work with say, a Sacral, a Generator, an MG and I ask them, Well, what do you feel like you want to do? The answer comes so fast. But if they were to make a decision in their mind, it might take hours, or days, or weeks. So I think there’s that first step into just feeling more ease, more alignment, more flow. But that going from zero to one is really scary for a lot of people, myself included.

Because it’s like, Well, you’re telling me to trust this thing but I don’t have any evidence that it’s going to work. And I’m like, Yes, you don’t. I didn’t. But we take that first tiny step and then it starts to become this positive cycle. And then I certainly don’t think that we ever get to this place where we’re just living our design perfectly and that’s the destination. It’s much more of a practice. But I do think you can get better at it and it becomes easier. If you’re a Projector, for example, you get more organic invitations just dropping in and like, Oh, I didn’t even need to plan this big strategy to do this thing. People are just coming out and seeing my gifts. And that’s when we’re able to really embody our purpose, whatever type you are. Or if you’re a Manifestor, for example, and you’re really practicing your design, those urges to do something really inspiring just come through and you do it and you see the positive impact that it has and there’s no holding back or keeping yourself small.

So it will differ for each person based on their design, but I think it’s—I know for myself, I feel the signature, which I’m sure some people are familiar with. Each type has a feeling that they most tap into when they’re in flow. And so, for Projectors, it’s a feeling of success, for Generators and MGs, it’s a feeling of satisfaction, for Reflectors, it’s just being so delighted and surprised by life. So all those things can up.

Sarah: Mm, I love that. This is such a fun framework to play within and to really just deepen your path of self-discovery and understanding ourselves because we are such complex human beings. And I’ve heard a couple of HD teachers talk about this and sort of formulated my own thoughts and opinion, I guess, around it. But I’m curious what your thoughts are in how does the highly sensitive or the empath fit into the framework of Human Design?

What it means to be an empath within your Human Design

Victoria: Yes, totally. I feel like this comes up all the time, often around the question of whether or not you have a Defined Emotional Center. So before I even go to the specific definitions, I want people to just picture it’s like a Venn diagram. There’s the general way we use the word empath, which I think is the way you’re using it too, which is like people who, and you can jump in on this definition, but I think of it as people who are sensitive to what others are feeling.

Sarah: I think of it as the sponge. So you are able to absorb or pick up on that energy around you. Yes.

Victoria: Totally. Yes, yes. And then, in Human Design, it has its own vocabulary. So in technical Human Design terms, if you’re defined emotionally like you are Sarah, you are always feeling your own emotional experience and you’re not taking in other people’s emotions the same way somebody with an Undefined Emotional Center would. But it doesn’t mean you’re not empathic in the general sense. Of course, you are, right? Name of the podcast. So it’s like, I think there’s an overlap, but it’s just there are different definitions in what things technically mean in human design. So in your case, it’s, of course, you’re human, you can feel things. And I would guess that part of the way that you can be empathic is that you have felt all of the emotions in your own personal, emotional wave. That’s actually brought you into being able to sponge things up.

Sarah: That was the conclusion I came to as well, is that, if we look at it purely from a perspective of which Centers are Defined or Undefined, then that could be one way of seeing where there’s overlap. But I think that it’s actually bigger than that and that, especially because as empaths and intuitives, not everyone feels it the same way. And so, other Open Centers, the feeling may come through that Center, that Undefined Center versus our Solar Plexus, our Emotional Solar Plexus or something. So I am glad that you were on the same page with that because I think there’s a lot of different ways to look at how we interpret the world and how we feel the world and how that sensitivity is literally felt within our beings. And I had to giggle because in the form you filled out when you were scheduling this interview to come onto this show, you said that, I think it was six years ago or something like that, that you would not have identified as a sensitive person, except as an insult.

And I giggled because I had to relate to that as well, where it was like, I still see myself as this strong, independent woman. I’m not weak or whatever. And the way that that sensitivity used to be, I used to perceive it about myself. And now I see it and I’ve done episodes on this and been on people’s shows and talked about how I absolutely believe that our sensitivity is a strength and is not something to be ashamed of, embarrassed of, so on and so forth. But I’d love to hear more about your personal journey in starting to reframe that so that you can also see that as strength.

Victoria: Yes. I will definitely get into that. But I also just want to add another thing to the topic which is, digging a little deeper as to why somebody is asking, Oh, am I an empath or not, based on my chart? Because I think a lot of the time either it’s coming up because somebody wants to be told that they are sensitive and they’re worried like, Oh, but this part of my trait’s defined, so I can’t be blah, right? And it’s like, that’s not true. To your point, it’s like we all experience things, we just have different ways of experiencing them. And so, you can be an empath with a Defined Emotional Center, you can be an empath without one. Doesn’t really matter. The core tenet of Human Design is you are the authority on your own experience. So even if it doesn’t resonate with Human Design language, who cares, you know?

Sarah: I love that. Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Yes. So my journey to embracing my sensitivity as a strength. Okay. Well, I guess to start off with, as a kid, I was very sensitive as we all are and it was just such a thing that was shamed. If I was upset about something and crying or whatever, I’d be told, Oh, you’re just too sensitive. It’s not a big deal, get over it. And so, I think that set the tone for seeing sensitivity in this shadowy way, and also, I think because I suppressed that part of myself growing up. But there’s always been this seed of being a seeker, I then, in that pattern, put people that I perceived as more spiritual than me, on a pedestal and thought of them as sensitive, but not myself, like that can’t be for me. So I think the turning point was really around when I started having all of my health issues around my Saturn Return and I was like, Hmm, I don’t seem to be able to just keep… I can’t keep pushing myself. Seems like I’m getting worn down more so than other people.

And Elaine Aron’s book, I think, is a big one for a lot of people; The Highly Sensitive Person. For me, seeing her studies on, oh, your actual physical nervous system and how about 20% of any species is always sensitive, it’s just a fact of life, things like that really helped me embrace the sensitivity, not just as this squishy thing that was a shadowy characteristic, but like, Oh, there’s legit value to this. So that was a big piece. And then I think just being able to own and step into and explore that more spiritual seeker part of me and recognizing myself as that too.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. I definitely found in my journey that the physical health issues were very much aligned with the moments when I was living out of alignment and they can be such amazing clues and signs on our path. And I’m curious, I think I saw something on your Instagram about this, but my question is how can being in alignment with your design actually help to amplify intuition and sensitivity in a positive way for growth?

Victoria: Mm. Such a good question. I’m kind of absorbing that for a sec. Okay. So when you’re in alignment with your design, I think the first thing is, it means that we’re probably not as stressed out. At least I know that was the case for me. If we have a certain amount of energy, instead of taking it and trying to, I don’t know, push a rock up a hill, now we’re moving with gravity and that means a lot more clarity, a lot more space. Usually, it means we’re more connected to hearing our own intuition. You just have more resources available to you and you don’t even have to take those resources and immediately do something with it. It could just be replenishing yourself. So I think all of those things are factors that then lead into… The second part of the question is how can it strengthen our sensitivity, is it? Yes, I think all of that is really supportive for sensitivity.

It’s like, I guess there are two pieces. One part of sensitivity is being able to sense maybe a little more of the unseen, pick up on what other people aren’t picking up on, which requires clarity and space and also the energy to do so. And then also, as we’ve been talking about, the other piece of sensitivity is being strong enough to do something with it, not just being plopped over whenever somebody comes behind and pushes on us. So, I think, also, when we’re in alignment, then we have the resilience to not be blown around by life, but actually be rooted and firm while also still soft and taking things in.

Sarah: Yes, it makes a lot of sense that if we are in alignment, if we’re grounded, if we have a sense of who we are and boundaries around that, that then that opens up these doorways as these access points for us to feel more in an empowering way, in a way that helps guide our growth and direct us along an even more aligned path. I’m curious, just thinking about, so everyone listening, we have these things called Centers and…Nine Centers, right? Right, Victoria?

Victoria: Mm-hmm, yes.

Sarah: So we have these Centers and there are Centers that are Defined and Undefined. And so, it would take probably an hour or two to go through all of the Centers and all the details. I’m sure we could spend days on it really, but I’d love to just talk about, in general, when our Centers are Defined versus Undefined, how does that, on a broad level, impact how we’re affected in that area of life? Does that make sense?

Breaking down defined vs undefined energy centers and incarnation cross

Victoria: Yes, totally. Yes. So the Centers in the chart come from The Chakra System and it’s not exact. There are nine versus the traditional system that has seven. But each Center has its own energy. Some of these create energy to actually work, or willpower, or emotions. Other Centers are more around how we express ourselves or what we’re instinctively picking up on. So whatever Center it is, if it’s colored in, it’s called Defined. And in general, that means you have consistent energy that you have access to. It’s always a part of you. You’re creating all the time. I think of it like sun energy, you’re shining it out into the world. And then if you’re white somewhere, it’s either Undefined or Open. And that just means you can take in energy from what’s around you externally, so has a sort of empathic quality. And it’s also where you can experience the full range of things. Because if you’re open to it, then you can experience all the highs and lows or the infinite ways of expressing yourself. And because it’s inconsistent, it’s also where we learn about the world. It’s like we get so many different experiences there. So that’s kind of at a high level, the difference.

Sarah: And so, knowing that information about ourselves, how can we start to apply Human Design, our specific Human Design to the way that we show up in leadership as entrepreneurs, as coaches, and in business?

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yes. So I would think about defined places as you’re going to affect people with your energy there. So for example, Sarah, we can use your chart as an example. You have a Defined Heart Center, right? And so, it’s like you know that you have this strong will where it’s like, if you want to do something, you’re just going to go for it, right? And if you’re working with a lot of people who have Undefined Heart Centers, so you might realize then that when you are around them, they’ll feel… You have the capacity to empower others with your willpower energy, right? So being aware of that, of like, Oh, I could say I love the way you do something and totally give them this little burst of energy or a little charge or somebody might not be believing in themselves and you’d be like, No, you can totally do it. And that energy is going to transform their day.

Sarah: P.S. I’ve totally seen that. And I haven’t necessarily consciously made it a point to do those things, but I’ve absolutely felt guided to do those things and then seeing the feedback that I receive in those moments. And it’s so on point to what you just said.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yes. And I’ll just add to that though. However, we’re exchanging energy, we can do it from a high consciousness way or a lower consciousness way. And so, yes, that’s all I’ll say about that, I don’t want to get too into it. So that’s Defined Energy. You’re sending something out. If you’re Undefined, the exchange is more like you can take in what’s happening and you can reflect it back. So that’s one way. Or in the case of Projectors, we can take it in, and then we can also offer tweaks, right? It’s like we take it in and then we alchemize it in some way. So all Projectors have an Undefined or Open Sacral Center. So the Sacral Center Energy is all about life force energy. It’s creating, it’s building. This is what all Generators and Manifesting Generators have defined. So it’s like a lot of people will be Generators and MGs and they know when they’re doing something that they love, they’re so excited by it they could keep going. And so, that’s the energy that, as a Projector or Reflector or Manifestor, you can actually feel and take in. And then, this is why Projectors are great at guides, it’s one of our general purposes. Because we can take that in and then figure out how to make it a little better or a little more efficient or something like that.

Sarah: What about with manifestation as well? I find that so many people are interested in manifestation and there are so many different ways to manifest and so many different ways that manifestation is taught as well. And I’m curious how either you’ve been able to utilize this or how you may teach— I think that was your access point as well, is learning how Human Design can affect our manifestation process.

How to understand and embody your human design for powerful manifestation

Victoria: Yes, totally. So there are a few different ways to look at it within Human Design. The way in which I first found Human Design was specifically, there’s the bottom right, if you’re looking at your chart, the bottom right-hand corner arrow. If it’s pointing to the left, you tend to be somebody who’s going to do better when you manifest with a little more detail and having an idea of how it’s going to go, like what are the steps, being a little more specific, strategic. All these qualities are left-facing arrow qualities. Whereas if you’re going to the right, it’s actually the opposite. So if your arrow is facing to the right, it’s a little, maybe different from what we have been taught with writing a list or goal-setting or whatever, where instead of needing to have a super clear idea, you can actually be a little more surrendered in the process. And so, for example, for myself, my arrow is going to the right. And so, what’s an example? I’m actually moving soon so I had an idea of what I wanted the place to look like, but I didn’t necessarily need to hold onto it so tightly. I was like, Okay, here are these 10 different things that would be nice. But actually what came through was different from what I had written down and that’s very right-facing nonspecific.

So I think knowing that can be helpful because there are so many different ways to manifest. And so, just knowing where in that spectrum you fall can be great. But the other piece is actually, I think zooming out, just knowing the basics of your type and your strategy can also be really helpful. Because imagine if you’re a Generator and your strategy is to respond to life and then you’re manifesting but you think you have to really push and get after it or if you’re a Projector and you’re like, I want to manifest a new business and you’re not necessarily recognizing the right invitations. Those are all different ways we can trip ourselves up with our minds about how manifestation is supposed to look versus… Even following the basics of your design, I think you naturally get better at manifesting because you’re just more in alignment. Have you found knowing your design shift anything for you around your manifestation practice?

Sarah: Yes. Definitely just knowing my type and my strategy on a higher level, like you were just talking about, as a Projector, to wait for the invitation, I’ve realized that whereas much of the world tells us to just go for it, do it, take all the action and put yourself out there, that I am a much more potent Manifestor when I actually step back and I allow my natural magnetism to allow things to come to me and release the How…releasing the How. And I was just telling you before we started recording that because there are so many layers to Human Design, I’ve been slowly uncovering them in my own chart. And one of the layers that I’ve recently started to dive into is the Incarnation Cross and I told you I have the Right Angle Cross of Planning 4. And this affirms that as well for manifestation because it said something along the lines of, it’s not about the How. And I can get really hung up and focused on the How, like, How is this going to happen?

But as I understand that Right Angle Cross of Planning, it’s that I’m meant to plan for my community, for my family, but it’s not about the specific How and the details and it’s more about grounding down into the vision, at least as I understand it. And that makes a lot of sense in my manifestation process as well, that I am helping guide people there but I don’t have to have all the details. Does that make sense?

Victoria: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yes, absolutely. Yes, because for those that are new to the concept of the Incarnation Cross, it’s just your foremost important Gates. Because there are lots of different Gates, but for those that are into astrology, it’s your Sun and Earth Gates. And for you, some of your Gates are around what’s best for the community and bringing your focus to things. But there’s nothing say, like there’s no Gate that’s in the Sacral Center, for example, that’s all about actually building it, right? So it’s funny to always hear what part of their Incarnation Cross resonates because each Gate is like, there’s so much in it. But I was curious because part of it is also being able to focus on something and hone in on the details. Do you feel like you’re a detail-oriented person?

Sarah: Yes. I think I catch a lot of the details and this actually just reminds me of my husband and I. Last night we were in Class Two of four of our Natural Childbirthing Class because I’m about seven months pregnant, and I had a lot of feedback for how it could be improved and the way this class was hosted over Zoom because I am zoomed into the experience and the details of the experience that we had in that class. And I feel like I can just see how it could be better. My husband’s like Sarah, shh. This is not the place to be offering feedback. At least not in that moment. He was right. But yes, I definitely see that.

Victoria: That’s so funny. And actually a quick correction, I misspoke. So this Gate that we’re talking about actually is in the Sacral Center but you don’t have a Defined Sacral Center. So as a Projector, it’s like, you’re not here to actually do all the things.

Sarah: Yes. I do feel like I… I guess I know I’m not a Manifestor, so I hesitate to say, hold the big vision because I know that’s more of a Manifestor thing. But I feel like, within my Projector, there’s still some energy of that vision holding. Does that…is that—?

Victoria: Yes. Well, actually, I think this is a good thing to dig into because this goes back to, there’s a similarity between this question and the empath thing we were talking about before. Because it’s like, everybody has an idea of what vision means, right? But it’s like anybody can have a vision or leadership, that’s another thing I’ve been thinking about. Any type can be a leader, it’s just a different flavor within Human Design. And Human Design uses some of the same words but means it in a very specific way. So vision, right? A Manifestor having a vision of what they want to bring into the world is going to be much more about, it doesn’t exist at all in the world and they’re here to chop a new path through the forest. They’re the one with the machete, hacking down the weeds. Whereas a Projector can have a vision— And actually, Projectors and Manifestors can work together really well because a Manifestor can hack down through the forest and the Projector’s like, And I have a vision and here’s how I’m going to improve on the vision that already exists or maybe is being birthed by a Manifestor. But anybody can have a vision. It’s not just…yes, it’s not just the Manifestor. It’s just going to come through in a different way. Yes.

Sarah: I love that you said that we can all be leaders too. Because not only do I have a membership for Empath Leaders but I’ve been talking a lot about leadership in recent interviews and just on the podcast in general and I’m so on board with that. And the way in which we show up, act, our being, the way we embody leadership, may just look slightly different depending on our type. Is that how you see it as well?

Victoria: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Because who’s to say…I’m trying to think of a more grounded example. What’s coming to mind is the Human Design space, which I’m in, right? There are lots of different kinds of teachers. Some folks are Manifestors and they’re doing something; they have their own offering that’s kind of different. And then some folks are Projectors and maybe they’re really guiding how people understand and learn in a different way. So yes, we can all absolutely be leaders.

Sarah: Yes, we can still tap into that. So then I’m curious about, especially, I noticed you just said Manifestors and Projectors can work well together. And I have a collaboration coming up with a really dear friend who is a Manifestor and myself as a Projector. And yes, we’re kind of just feeling into a taste of what that might be like so that we may actually partner in a larger capacity later this year. And I just think it’s so interesting. I also have a team of people who support me in my business. And what is your insight on these different types working together? The way I’ve learned is that we all play a role, but is there any types that work especially well together?

Victoria: Mm, yes. So true. We all play a role. Everybody loves to ask, is there a best combo, both in business, but also, excuse me, a lot of time in partnership? And I think it goes so much more complex than that. Yes, we can make some generalities but even within Projectors or any type, it’s like, what’s your profile? What Gates do you have? What Centers do you have defined or undefined? I don’t think there’s any combination that’s the best. Also, because beyond the chart, there’s also, who are you as a person? What experiences have you gone through? What are you seeking right now? You know, all that stuff. So it’s really just looking at what is the combination or what are the two charts coming together and then being aware of how your energy affects each other and then being able to communicate about it.

So in the case of Projector and Manifestor, off the top of my head, I’m starting to think about, Okay, cool. The Manifestor is going to bring this energy that’s going to be able to move through things, direct things, and maybe unblock things in a very different way. The Projector is going to maybe be able to see, Okay, cool. Here’s how the energy is moving. Now how do we want to guide it and direct it? In terms of pace, okay, both are non-Sacrals, so that’s cool. And when the Manifestor is having those big creative urges, does she have the freedom and flexibility to just go for it and how can the Projector support that? What is the pace of the projector? And I’d want to look at what Motor Centers they have defined. Like in your case, you have your emotional waves, you have your Heart Center willpower. So there might be some ebbs and flows to how you work too, like if you’re in a high or a low, what is the effect of your heart energy on the Manifestor if you’re Defined or Undefined?

What else? A lot of times, people who work with Manifestors might feel a little bit— If the Manifestor hasn’t completely…if they’re not great at informing, sometimes other people feel left out. So it’s developing the communication there around like, Hey, what are you thinking? What are you up to? Totally support what you’re doing, don’t want to hold you back but just being like, Let me know, so I can get on board or be involved in whatever way makes sense. So those are some high-level things.

Sarah: Yes. Thank you for offering. Because it is so specific, I know it’s probably hard to answer, but thank you for offering that up. And I just think that it may be interesting to come in and have somebody like yourself be able to consult on the different types of people I do have in my life and all of our specific charts, including my husband. He’s a Generator, as far as I can tell. I’m pretty sure I got his birth time right so he definitely seems like a Generator. And it’s interesting, even just in our relationship, to see how much he holds this sustainable energy and I do not. And so, how sometimes I feed off of his sustainable energy and other times I’m like, Oh, I cannot keep up with you. So I’m curious as a fellow Projector, how you see that play out in especially partnerships or romantic relationships?

How honoring your human design can change your world

Victoria: Yes. Well, I’m curious, does your husband know much about his Human Design? Is he aware of it or—?

Sarah: No. No.

Victoria: Okay. So he’s just doing his thing and you’re observing it all with him?

Sarah: I’m just observing all of it. Yes.

Victoria: Yes. Well, I ask because that’s totally fine. There’s a lot of people where it’s like one person is so into Human Design and the other doesn’t care at all. How have I seen it play out? I mean, definitely, what you just described, and in my last relationship, I was with a Manifesting Generator, so I’ve definitely been around that. So there’s what you can be aware of and control within yourself and then there’s the communication piece. And I don’t think it’s ever about forcing somebody else to get into Human Design. The best way we can maybe get people interested is just to embody it ourselves. So let me think for a sec, just gathering different pieces. So we…it—

Sarah: Yes, well you just— Sorry. You just sparked an idea in my brain too, which is that the communication piece, I don’t know that he’s ever going to dive deep into his Human Design, but I am fascinated by it and I understand somewhat, him, and then certainly I’m starting to understand myself on a deeper level. And so, part of it has been helping him understand and creating boundaries and just expressing my needs of when, for example, I can’t keep up with his energy and I need to take the break. Because I used to hold myself into this high expectation of needing to keep up with him. And when I can just say what my needs are, oh, everything is just so much smoother and better and in more flow because he can honor that. But if I don’t say it, he doesn’t know that about me.

Victoria: Yes. So true. And actually, there’s a tie in here to the empath piece. Because Human Design often gives us a language to describe what we’re feeling but we don’t feel like we can say that’s okay. It’s like, Oh, I feel like I’m too sensitive so I’m not going to give myself a break right now. Or in the case of Projector Generator, it’s like, Oh, I feel like maybe I’m tired, but everybody else seems to keep going so maybe I should. But now we can say, Oh, I don’t have a Sacral Center defined. I’m not trying to keep up. But it’s actually because I feel this jittery energy, which is just my Undefined Sacral amplifying things probably, I need to give myself time to wind down. So I think it helps open up self-acceptance, knowing a little bit about your design and then the language to communicate needs as you were talking about.

And when it’s flipped. So sometimes I’ve worked with Generators that are into Human Design but their partner’s the Projector. And they’re like, I see my Projector partner tried to do more by hanging out or around me and get a hit of that energy. And so, for the Generators that are listening or people who know Generators and want to have this conversation, I think sometimes Generators and MGs don’t realize how much they can change the world by just living their life. Because 70% of the population, you are creating everything the rest of the world does, right? Imagine if all the Generators decided tomorrow that nine to five didn’t work for them, you know? Like, Oh my gosh, we would all just take it a lot more easy. So also setting the tone in a relationship there for the Generator can help with the dynamic too if you notice your Projector partner’s kind of like, ”Ahh.” You know, a little spazzed out.

Sarah: Mm. That makes so much sense. So clearly there are so many details to unpack within Human Design, that the way I see it is that it requires you to not just pull up your free chart online. And first of all, that’s probably not going to make a ton of sense. You really do need the support and the guidance and commitment to understanding what all this means to be able to then, I think, take that information and apply it in an empowering way. So I’m curious, Victoria, where do you suggest people start on this journey if parts of this conversation have piqued their interest or they know some of the basics around their type and maybe their authority or something? Where would you suggest they start and then where do they go from there?

Victoria: Yes. So the best way to get into your Human Design I think is to…because there’s so much, right? So first it’s to not get overwhelmed. There’s a ton of resources out there around just digging into your type, strategy, and authority. There are so many people on Instagram, myself included, that are always just kind of sharing little tidbits. And then if you want to go deeper, there are a few different routes, I think. There’s the kind of person who’s like, I just want to study it on my own, in which case you can buy, there’s one book written by the founder that’s on Amazon that’s kind of the Bible of Human Design. Or you can get a reading, for the kind of person that’s like, This is all really confusing and abstract. Just tell me about me. And I think getting a reading is such a beautiful way to see yourself reflected back in this cohesive story. And then for those that, I guess, going back to the self-study or people who want to work with the system more, I have a course that teaches you about Human Design as a foundation, if you want to work with it as a coach to interpret charts, to support the people in your life in a much more digestible language than you might get in the book or some of the other older resources out there.

Sarah: Yes. That’s really helpful. And I was just reflecting on my own entryway into Human Design and it’s actually really similar to what you just suggested. A friend told me about this thing called Human Design and I thought, Huh, that sounds interesting. And I booked a, I think it was like a 90-minute reading, and it felt very validating, this reflection back of, I was being seen for who I really was. And then I purchased several books, dove into them. I was like, This is a lot, there’s a lot of things here. And so, then I started investing in some more courses that were very specific to Projector energy because I wanted to understand myself. And now I feel like I’ve sort of expanded into then understanding all the types and some of the more details so that as a business coach, as somebody who trains coaches, I can also use it to help guide my clients, which is, it’s so helpful in that way being able to know what your clients are and all the different, unique parts of them to help guide them in a way that’s not just the way that you are and instead customizing that approach. So my entryway has actually taken a similar path. And the patience, I think is super, super key and just being patient and that you don’t have to figure it all out overnight.

Victoria: Yes. And I love what you said. Because it’s really why I created the program that I have, The HD Coaching Cert. Because to really support other people, it’s like, yes, you might be totally different from me, but if I know how your energy works, my ultimate goal is to empower you to listen to your own intuition, to your own authority, follow your strategy. And another piece that I didn’t mention is seeing other people’s design in action is actually what helps bring to life all of this Human Design information because you’re learning a new language. So it’s like, yes, we can read all the books and all those things and that’s a good place to start, but it really, I think, takes it to the next level when I can see the Manifestor that’s telling me about the creative urge, where they were like, I have to drop everything and buy a boat and whatever, right? And being able to get it, to see it in a human and then say, Okay. Now I get how to support my Manifestor client or Projector client or whatever it is.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Yes. You’re witnessing what that actually looks like for them in their life.

Victoria: And then deepening like, Oh, so that’s what I’m not. Like, okay, that’s what it means for me to hold a vision, for example, but not in a Manifestor way, in a Projector way.

Sarah: Yes. Yes. They are, now that you brought that up. And that word vision that I was kind of struggling with before, it’s more clear to me already how that vision is interpreted in a different way in a Manifestor versus myself as a Projector. And that again is so helpful. And it’s just something that I love to continue to peel back all these layers of it and just continue to understand it more and more and more and use it as one framework. Because it’s certainly not the only framework in which to live our lives, you know. There’s the Myers-Briggs Test and there’s our…I mean, there’s a connection to astrology with Human Design for sure but then there’s our astrological signs and all these different other ways to, or frameworks in which to see our life. But I do feel like Human Design goes so in-depth and really helps us build a foundation for alignment so that we’re working with versus against our innate ability, our flow, our…just who we are innately. Ah, so good. Okay. So is there anything else that you feel like we missed or didn’t mention that you really want to bring to the surface today? And also, I would just love for you to invite people to connect with you deeper in whatever way feels most aligned for you.

Victoria: Yes. Well, I feel like there’s always more we could talk about so I’m not going to add anything to the list. But if anybody has listened to this and they’re like, I want to know more about my own design, I do readings. And for those that are, I’m sure you have a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs who want to go deeper, I think by the time this comes out, the next round of my HD Coaching Cert Program will already be running. But you can get on the waitlist for the following round because I like to do it live and then have that container where we’re talking and sharing experiences. So yes, we’ll post all the links for that too. And then I’m on Instagram as well for those that want to just follow along and keep learning.

Sarah: Yes. And I do think, you mentioned that before, I just want to bring it back up, that even just following some accounts that teach and provide these really digestible tidbits on Human Design can be a great starting point to just again, understand yourself. Maybe you stay with just understanding yourself, maybe you expand out to understanding the other people in your life or using it with your clients, so on and so forth. But I do feel like those, like you do on your account, those little tidbits that are really digestible and easy to understand, is even just a great place to dip your toes in and then figure out if you want to like dive in headfirst or how far you want to go down into it because there are so many layers. So thank you. We will link all of those things in the show notes. And I, so, so, so appreciate your time today.

Victoria: Of course. Thanks so much for having me.

Sarah: You bet.

Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of The Uncensored Empath Podcast. I would so appreciate if you could take a couple minutes to rate, review and subscribe. And if you loved this episode, please share it on social media. Tag me, let your friends know about it. And I will see you on the next episode.

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March 12, 2021


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