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There is a HIGH demand for leaders who are grounded in their power and showing up to inspire clarity. This is part FOUR of a free 6-part training series for Empath Entrepreneurs.
Find Part ONE Here
Find Part TWO Here
Find Part THREE Here
Find Part FOUR Here
Find Part FIVE Here
Find Part SIX Here
In this episode, we discuss:
- a card pull for the collective
- taking inventory on your path to success
- the 3 types of subconscious blocks
- understanding your excuses
- discovering your limiting beliefs
- installing supportive beliefs
- decoding your bullshit

Additional Resources:
A 3-month journey to launch and scale your aligned interest. As an empath, you are a natural healer. You have unique magic within your energetic frequency that will help so many people. I invite you to answer the call to expand and step outside of your comfort zone. This course will guide you through building your successful and conscious business.
Save $10 off your first order of period panties! These CUTE, washable, reusable undies absorb your period and are a more sustainable solution than single-use disposable products.
Check out the behind-the-scenes of my business + how I scaled to 5-figure months!

Episode Notes:
Taking inventory on your path to success
Today we’re taking inventory of our path to success, and dissecting our own BS that may be standing in the way.
By now you have gone through exercises to:
- Get clear on your message and niche (during Part One Here)
- Understand your unique energetic make-up according to Human Design (during Part Two Here)
- Considered what kind of leader you want to be (during Part Three Here)
Today I am going to take you through a training to help you answer the question… “Well, why haven’t I hit all my goals yet?”
The 3 types of subconscious blocks
The reason why may be obvious in some instances. But in other situations, it’s actually a subconscious block. This can show up in the form of:
a) A limiting belief
B) Secondary gain
C) An underlying commitment
Listen to the audio above to learn more about what each of these means!
So, friends, spill it… what haven’t you achieved yet that you’d like to?
Write a book
Start a business
Launch a podcast
Start an Instagram account
Do your first live video
Understanding your excuses
What are your excuses for not hitting your goals? Or not starting your business yet?
I want you to form a sentence like this:
I HAVEN’T _____________ BECAUSE ____________________ .
EXAMPLE: I haven’t started my business because I don’t know what I want to do yet.
Discovering your limiting beliefs
Now, go deeper…
I haven’t started my business because I don’t know what I want to do yet because I’m afraid whatever I choose won’t be the right thing because I’m afraid of screwing up or failing.
BAM! There is your limiting belief.
Write it out now as a limiting belief:
Example from above: I am afraid of failure.
Installing supportive beliefs
Now write out the new belief you’d like to install:
I trust myself to create a niche that inspires me and I give myself permission to evolve as I grow.
Now, babes… the cart is closing for Empath Entrepreneur Academy!!!
I encourage you to use this SAME process with your decision.
Example: I haven’t signed up for EEA yet because __________________.
Because I am nervous about investing in myself.
Because I am not sure if my business will be profitable.
Because I question whether I know enough.
Limiting belief: I don’t know enough.
New belief: I am highly resourced, capable, and intelligent. Investing in this course will also give me all the tools I need to make my business profitable.
Trust yourself… your highest self. Silence your ego for a moment so you can see your truth and make the decision that is in the highest alignment for you. Free stuff only gets you so far 😉
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