Ep. 17 How to Protect Yourself from EMFs with Dr. Libby Darnell

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In this episode, we discuss:

Dr. Darnell has written her own nutrition programs, taught hundreds of one-on-one workshops throughout the Chicagoland area on health and happiness, and won Illinois Top Ten Chiropractor in 2016. After getting multiple referrals from her local coaching clients, Dr. Darnell created her online coaching university to help her transform her client’s lives internationally. She is also an expert in EMF safety and has advocated for electromagnet radiation hazard awareness for years after experiencing it’s damaging effects personally and in the lives of her friends and family members.

  • what are EMFs?
  • EMFs sources
  • how to know where EMFs are
  • what do about your smart meter
  • potential symptoms of EMF exposure
  • many steps you can take to protect yourself

Additional Resources:


Learning about Electromagnetic Frequencies can be overwhelming, not to mention a little confusing! Grab your FREE copy of “Top 10 EMF Action Steps” today so you can get started on a path of reducing your family’s exposure and making your home safer!

Interested in a NES (bioenergetic) scan?

Email Sarah to schedule: sarah@theuncensoredempath.com


Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Healing Uncensored podcast. My name is Sarah Small, and I’m a health and mindset coach for women with autoimmune disease. Just like you, I absolutely love helping you tap into your self-healing power, uncover the energetic side of healing, and release limiting beliefs around your body, and your life. Think of this podcast is everything you wouldn’t hear at your doctor’s office. It’s a place for empowered souls to move beyond food, and heal themselves on a soul level. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, now, let’s begin.

Libby: Hello tribe. This is going to be a juicy episode. You’re going to want to tune in. Maybe even grab some pen and paper. This topic of discussion today is E-M-F. EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency and I’m interviewing EMF expert Dr. Libby Darnell on the subject today. Dr. Darnell is also the founder of Revived Living, and creator of the Revived Life Program. She’s a Functional Medicine practitioner, Doctor Chiropractic, wife, and mother of an adorable two year old. She’s written her own nutrition programs, taught hundreds of one-on-one workshops throughout the Chicagoland area, on health and happiness. And, she won the Illinois Top 10 Chiropractor in 2016. As I mentioned, she is an expert in EMF safety. She has so many juicy nuggets to share with us today. And, she has advocated for electromagnetic radiation hazard awareness for years after experiencing its damaging effects personally. Which you’ll hear her discuss today in the lives of her friends and family members. You will also hear a powerful story about losing her niece. So, I want you guys to listen in, tune in, because this episode might just change your life, and your perspective of EMFs. Let’s dive in.

Sarah: Hi Libby, welcome to the show.

Libby: Hi, thanks so much for having me on. I really appreciate you inviting me. This is exciting.

Sarah: Yeah. Like I was just telling you before we push record, I am so excited to talk to you today, because this is a topic that I’ve become a little bit obsessed with, EMF. Which, we would dive into in a second, but I can’t wait to kind of pick your brain and get to some of your knowledge to, not only be able to protect myself better but also for the whole Autoimmune Tribe community to know about. So, I’d love to start just by giving the audience listeners a little bit of background on you, who you are, what you do. How did you learn about, and become invested in educating on EMS?

Libby:     Well, I’m a chiropractor by trade. I graduated in 2010, and then, got into the realm of functional medicine. And, I have been doing that, and then, got into EMFs because I lost my health. And it was sudden, and drastic, and horrible. I still look back on that time and cringe, but so, essentially, what happened with me is, I started doing some testing through a device called the Biomeridian. For people that don’t know what that is. It’s basically testing the energy pathways, and sensitivities for foods, and all sorts of different potential toxic sources. And, it’s an awesome test to have run. It’s wonderful. However, me as the tester, I was exposed to this form of electromagnetic frequency, which I’ll get into what that is, and everything. But I was doing that for 12 hours a day when I started doing it.

And, so I’ve tanked. And what that looks like was, I had overwhelming fatigue. I was somebody who, I get up at 5:30 and workout morning, and I could barely, I could barely get out of bed. I could go to work, and come home, and get right back in bed. And then, started getting weird pain symptoms. I felt like I was going crazy. Like the words in my head, I could think some, and I could not say them. I remember thinking, this patient’s going to think I’m a complete idiot. And at that point, I kind of was. And then, it got bad enough to where I looked at my husband one day and I was like, nah, I’m going to start hearing voices., like, that’s my next step. And, so that’s why I talk about this so often, because know there are other people out there, that are thinking that they’re crazy. I probably would have been diagnosed as bipolar, and institutionalized, or put on meds or whatever, had I not–

Sarah:     Crazy, yeah.

Libby:     I have been in the healthcare field enough to.. I called everybody, I called everyone, I said, this is what’s going on. And, it was actually, the woman who trained me on the Biomeridian, who goes, Oh, you are sensitive to EMFs. And from there, started my whole journey. So, that was, I felt like I was losing my complete life at that point. And so, then I started diving into this topic. So, what are EMFs? And, those are electromagnetic frequencies, which is essentially, any frequency that’s different than our own body’s frequency. So, we have all living things, plants, animals, we all vibrate at a certain frequency. That’s kind of how our cells are organized in our system.

And, when you’re exposed to this foreign frequency, that can come from any sort of electronic source, like your refrigerator, a cell phone tower, your cell phone, your car that you’re driving, and, if you’ve got a hotspot going on in your car. All of these different things, they have alternate frequencies, and what our bodies are meant to be exposed to. And, so if we kind of take a step back, and think in the dawn of man, the history of man, we’ve always had this frequency. There’s that a couple other ones, you know, there’s frequencies from the sun, the magnetic field that are in the earth. But then, about a hundred years ago. So, in all of our history, a hundred years ago, electronic started. And, so we’re kind of in this experiment right now of how it’s going to end up affecting us in the long run.

And luckily, there are great researchers really diving into this topic. So, I know none of them are American, because we tend to make a lot of money in our energy system in the United States. But oddly enough, Russia is leading the world in research in this topic. But essentially, that’s what electromagnetic frequencies are. And the way that they affect us is, those alternate frequencies. This is a real simple explanation, but if you can think back to high school physics, you have, in a cell, and you’ve got your atoms, and your electrons, and protons, and neutrons. We’ve got something called photons and those help organize your body in a sense of time and space. And so, what happens is, you can think of them like the conductor of your body’s symphony. They keep everything pumping. And so, those alternate frequencies throw those photons essentially, into chaos. And then, none of the pieces of your orchestra know how to function at that point. And, that’s why the symptoms from electric magnetic pollution can be so bizarre. For me, it was almost all mental. For other people, they’ll get to a point where they’re almost diagnosed with, or have a diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or arthritis. Full body systemic breakdown.

Sarah:     Yes, that’s me. I’m diagnosed with fibromyalgia, when I was 16 or 17 years old.

Libby:     Oh, wow.

Sarah:     I’m 30 now. So, it’s been a while since I’ve had that diagnosis. And I have definitely, we can, we’ll dive into that here. I think I’m pretty sensitive to the EMFs. You provided a few examples of specific EMFs sources, can you list a few more? So, people will understand where they are in our lives. We can’t really see them. So, I think as human beings, we have a hard time when it’s not a visual thing. So, maybe just a few other examples, of where do EMFs come from.

Libby:     Yes. And, you did (side note), totally hit the nail on the head. This is a hard topic for people to grasp, because it’s invisible. But, let’s say, Hey, when your wifi is not on, or if it’s not working, you know how you have this meltdown when your iPad doesn’t work and you can’t watch Netflix? [inaudible 00:08:24] it works. Yes, you cannot see those signals transmitted, but it does work. So, a few of those sources are going to be your wifi, the Bluetooth on any of your smart devices. If you have, what I had when I was going through my mental breakdown. What I had was a smart home. Everything was linked up to everything, and it was so convenient. I’m a little hot at 3:00 a.m., turn on my phone, turn down the temperature a couple of units. That a great life. But then, I went crazy, and so, had to stop that.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:08:58]

Libby:     So yeah, for that, instead of my smart thermostat, I went to Home Depot and got the old school, $10 thermostat. But boom, that problem was solved. So, any of your smart devices, some people have smart refrigerators. Dirty electricity, which I’m going to get into as a whole separate topic. Things like a cell phone tower, things like your smart meter, anytime you’re on a computer, or a laptop. There’s different amounts of sources from those, that we’ll talk about when it comes to eliminating your exposure. Oh, and a big one, especially for kids, are going to be gaming systems like an Xbox. Or [inaudible 00:09:39] whatever those are called. Yeah. So, those are big exposures. I would say, probably the two most impactful for people, that are going to make a big difference are getting to be definitely starting with getting rid of their dirty electricity in their home.

And then, also, getting people to take some action on their smart meters. So, I have a kind of, well, it’s not a funny story. It’s funny now, that it’s over. So, I’ve been feeling great now, that I went through all these steps, we’re going to talk about. I’ve been feeling great. And then, I got a notice in the mail, to my office, my physical office in Chicago and my home saying, Hey, we’re coming around and installing smart meters. We had just, we’re behind the times, everybody was still analog. And, I right away, of course called and opted out, and they’re well, we’re going to charge you starting in 2020. And, I’m, that’s fine, because I won’t be crazy. So, I can afford to work and pay that bill. So, they said, okay, fine, great. We opted out.

And, I posted signs actually, on my analog meter saying, smart free zone do not install. Some people I’ve known have gone so far as to lock up their analog system. And, I just posted signs and opted out. I thought, okay, job done, job done. Well, my basement flooded, luckily. And so, while I was at work, my mom came by to help work on my basement. And, she had to seriously, chase a [inaudible 00:11:05] installer off of our property. Seriously, I couldn’t believe it. There’s signs posted, and he’s still trying to install this meter. And, my mom was you know, she is not going to be okay with this. You gotta leave. And, he’s, no, everybody’s getting ‘em. And, anyway, it all ended up being fine. But, over the Christmas vacation, I walked into my office, and I immediately got a headache. And I never get headaches. And it’s always my left temple. I call it my little EMF detector. And I had to go home. It got so bad. And, I was like, what? And, I remember, when you get a hint of how you bad you used to feel.

Sarah:     Right.

Libby:     As we start to heal. And, that’s the truth with everybody. As you start to heal, you forget how bad it was.

Sarah:     How bad t was, yeah. Oh yeah, I can relate to that [inaudible 00:11:58].

Libby:     And, then you get this little glimmer of what it used to feel like. And, you’re, nope, I’ve got to do whatever it takes to not have this come out. So, I’m walking around my office going, well, I know it’s a source of EMF, what has changed? I’m testing, everything because all this stuff is testable. And, I thought, I wonder if they just installed that smart meter anyway, even though it’s posted at my office as well? And, I called, and I said I opted out, did you guys install a smart meter, because I feel terrible? And, the woman’s like, Oh, we installed six of them.

Sarah:     Six?

Libby:     Six on our building. Right. Okay. So, of course, then that started my journey into get really, really good shielding material, which has been–

Sarah:     So, that’s my question. Can you reverse a smart meter? Can you go back to analog, or once they’ve done, it’s done?

Libby:     Yes. So, it is a statewide rule. So, listeners are gonna need to call. And just to cut to the chase real quick, I’ve given you those resources. So, if you go to revivedliving.com, which is my website. So, revivedliving.com/EMS, I’ve got all these action steps for you. So, as we’re talking about all the stuff, people don’t need to worry about writing everything down. I have given you all those action steps. And, then in one of the follow-up emails that you’ll get from me, it’s what exactly to say to your energy company when you call.

Sarah:     And that will be in the show notes. So, super easy. I downloaded this. I highly recommend it for just easy, simple tips that are broken down for you.

Libby:     Yeah. Cause it does get overwhelming, when this topic is especially, [inaudible 00:13:28] to people. And then, it’s hard to talk to, sometimes spouses about it or your boss about it. And, so, I’ve loaded my website with research. There’s so much research out there.

Sarah:     And actually, my boyfriend really was not informed of this, and I bought the meter to start testing at home, which again, we’ll go into. But he was, what are you doing? It looks like it’s from the eighties. And, I was, your Xbox is [inaudible 00:13:58] we have to get rid of this thing. Actually, I didn’t make him get rid of it, but we keep it unplugged now. Because keeping it plugged in, made a huge difference versus keeping it unplugged. And now, we’re in a home. So, it’s more space between me and the Xbox. But, yes, it can be hard conversation to have with someone who doesn’t understand this. And, so that resource is really helpful.

Libby:     So, having the research to back up what you’re saying, and then yes., having a meter to actually, cause you can’t lie with the meter. It is what it is. So, that’s been really helpful too, for people that are a little bit on the skeptical side, which is understandable. It is very understandable. But essentially, what you’re going to do, if you have a smart meter is call and say, okay, is this signal to start transmitting via space or via wire? Because on occasion, there are meters that look like they are digital meters that are not, they are actually still transmitted through a wire. I have one of those, on my house. And so, that’s not a smart meter. Then, it’s very rare for that to be the case, but it actually does happen.

And then, if it is transmitted through space, that means it’s a smart meter. And, the whole reason they do that is that somebody doesn’t have to manually come read your meter at your home. And then, you want to ask how frequently is a signal transmitted. Now, you may or may not get an answer on that because you’re asking someone who’s trained to tell you how safe smart meters are. But, when they install the ones in my office, it was transmitting a signal every four seconds.

Sarah:     Four second? Basically, constantly.

Libby:     It was pegging out my meter every four seconds. I couldn’t believe it. And, I’m well, no wonder. I’m feeling crazy. Cause some people are very fortunate, and their smart meter only transmits a signal once every 30 days. And so, that’s not even something I’d worry about, I’d leave it, if that’s the case. But most places you can still opt out. And, if not, I do have shielding material on my website. It’s very inexpensive. It’s sourced out of Israel, of all things. And, it works. It’s essentially, you can think of it like really thick tinfoil. And there’s a video there, showing you how I installed it on my building. Now, they did come and switch most of those meters that I have control over, back to the analog meters.

Sarah:     Where it’s possible.

Libby:     But I can tell you, as soon as I got that shield material up, within 45 minutes, I felt like myself again. And, I hadn’t used that material before, so I was very skeptical. But my headache was totally gone, and I thought, okay, good. And then, I just made it big enough. When people get it, it’s a big enough piece of material that no matter if you need to wrap the whole thing, the front, the back, whatever, you’ve got enough.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:16:47] lost everyone here. Incase people are, not homeowners. Are, what are smart meter? What the heck are you talking about? These are on the outside of your home. They transmit your electrical usage. Obviously, at different, varying times. So, maybe every four seconds or once every 30 days. But, just in case anyone’s like, I don’t know what that is. Then go out to the backyard, go to your side of your house,, that’s where you’ll find it. But obviously, there’s less control in say, an apartment building or something. They’re still there. You just don’t have as much control over them.

Libby:     And so, if you have, especially, cause little people are so much more effected by this, than adults are. And so, if you have little people sleeping near to a smart meter that you can’t opt out of, shield it. That should be probably your first action step really, is shielding that smart meter. Cause I wonder how many kids out there are having health issues that, this is a large variable for.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:17:47] So, how do EMFs actually affect us, our health, our bodies and [inaudible 17:52}? And then, what is the difference between how EMF would affect a child, versus me at 30 years old?

Libby:     So, it’s gonna make you sick. But it’s gonna make a child almost… You know, I lost my niece over this. She was seven, and she passed away. And we tested her home. It was from brain cancer. So, that is one of the pieces that the research is saying, this is causing child’s brain cancer. And, when we tested her home, and her classroom. For example, and I just say units because depending on what you’re checking for, they’re going to be different units and I don’t want to lose anybody. So, your bedroom, or classroom, or living space should be at a 2,000 units of electromagnetic pollution. And, when we tested her bedroom, it was at 42,000 units, and our classroom was in the 60 thousands.

Sarah:     Oh, that’s a lot [inaudible 00:18:50].

Libby:     And, her classroom had had teachers with late term miscarriages, which is not normal. You know, early term is well I don’t know if that’s normal. But early term is more common. Late term is not common. They also had teachers passed from cancer as well, and in the adjacent classroom as well. And so, now, it’s a totally different building they got. They changed that. So that’s why I talk about the childhood stuff so much because, essentially, their bone structure is so much thinner than ours. So, the radiation can penetrate further. So, if you ever looked at thermal imaging studies that have been done with cell phone usage with children versus adults, that’s a big one. Because, my two-year old, he’s two, but he knows he does not touch my phone unless it’s in airplane mode.

Libby:     So, if he ever grabs it, he hands it to me. Cause he knows I’m going to change the settings, before I let him hold onto it. Because, it will penetrate into about 80% of a child’s brain. Whereas adults, it’s like 30%. I mean, it’s still terrible. Still not good for you. So that is one of the reasons why it’s hard to be, well, if you are sensitive to EMFs, you’re going to have X, Y, and Z symptoms. Well, it’s totally rampant. You can have pain, which pain is common. And then you can have emotional changes, you know, like mental health, like I did, big time. And, so just something to keep in mind for sure.

So then, let’s actually get into the dirty electricity, cause that’s another big source. So, in America we have a grid system, where energy comes from the grid, it travels through wires, it powers our home. And, in theory, it travels back through neutral wires to the grid. Now, that would be called a closed loop system. And, there actually are other countries in the world have that closed loop system. What we have, is instead of, we don’t have a thick enough neutral wire that returns to the grid. So energy, has found that, it’s going to be as efficient as it can be. It will travel through the ground, and create ground current. Which is why, (just a small side note), people that have grounding mats, a lot of them come from Germany, where they have a closed loop system, and they’re safe to use. But in America, we actually [inaudible 00:21:13] conduct electricity through these grounding mats. So, I don’t recommend that people use those. I have never tested a grounding mat that is safe. In fact, it’s actually doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to be doing.

Sarah:     Someone just sent me a link to one the other day. I don’t own one. I’ve never tried it. I never knew that. That’s really good information.

Libby:     I stood on several of them and then plugged them, to get how you’re supposed to be using them. And then, I’ll put a voltage meter on my body, tracking the amount of voltage running through my body from these grounding mats. And, it’s bad and it’s not the grounding mat’s fault. It’s the dirty electricity. So, just to close that side note. So energy should travel through a neutral wire, back to the grid system. We don’t have a thick enough neutral wire. We could, if our energy company just spent a little bit more money putting up a thicker wire or an additional neutral wire, but they don’t. Instead what they’ve done is they’ve inserted grounding rods, cause that’s cheaper. Every [inaudible 00:22:12] and along that grid path. So now, energy can travel through the ground, up through those grounding rods.

And, because it’s so inefficient, it will actually create this radiation of dirty electricity through the wiring in our home. So, that’s two different examples. We’ve got dirty electricity and then, also talking about ground current. But, the way to handle dirty electricity is very simple. And, just to give Dave Stetser a shout out. He’s a colleague of mine, he’s a senior member of the iTripoli. Which is, he’s a as high as you can get when it comes to being an engineer in the electronics field. So, he actually speaks at Mayo Clinic on this exact topic all the time. And, he got into this topic. He could have retired years ago. I mean, long, long, time ago, very wealthy man. And, he got into this topic because he was called out to farm to figure out why their cows stopped producing milk.

And, all of a sudden they are having all these infertility issues. He was able to measure. He’d hook up again, the voltage meter to these cows and would measure the current coming up one leg and down the other. And, then he would call the energy company and ask them, because he’s an engineer he could do that. Ask them to power down this certain grid. And all of a sudden, the voltage was gone. So, he actually speaks as an expert witness and trials, and has helped, these people that have lost their livelihood, because of that issue. He has made them millions of dollars, because of that. So, it’s another thing when people are, well, I’m not really sure if I quite believe in it. It doesn’t matter if you believe in it, it’s there, whether you believe in it. And if you’re going to research it enough, you will believe in it.

So, what he did, after he realized that there was this problem, he flew out to Russia. Again, because they’ve done most research. It started back in the cold war. Small story. Russia actually used this as a weapon. They used electromagnetic pollution as a weapon, during the cold war. They aimed it at the U.S. Embassy and gave the guy who was there at the time, a type of cancer. And, gave that to him. Within six months, he had to leave, Cause he was so sick. Second guy came out, they did the same thing. They ramped up all the dirty electricity toward that U.S. Embassy. It’s not just crazy?

Sarah:     Absolutely crazy.

Libby:     It sounds like I’m making it up.

Sarah:     I’m thinking about me going and standing in my backyard, even. How would I know if I had dirty electricity coming up through my feet? So, a lot of research on grounding, and earthing, and how we get these negative ions from the earth, and how that system, in an amazingly healthy? So, is there a way to know?

Libby:     There is a way to know, but unfortunately the way is to hook yourself up to a voltage meter and see. Cause all you do is you stand on the grass, you take basically EKG pads, and plug them into this voltage meter. And, then you can see if you’ve got current running through you. Now, my brother-in-law, so my niece who did pass away from this topic. He’s a physicist, her dad is a physicist. And now, this is what he does. He does virtual home inspections. So, if you’re on my website, you can actually see the virtual home inspection. He mails you equipment to test, and then you just mail it back. And you do a Zoom consult with him, where he’s going through your whole house with all the equipment he’s mailed to you. And so, that is an option, cause it will have that specific equipment in it.

But that’s why, when people ask me, well, how safe is grounding? I can’t give them an answer. Because in my yard you can’t do it. There’s too much voltage there. What I have been told is on that voltage meter, if you’re getting under 10 units on that voltage meter, that’s considered potentially, biologically safe, is what the literature says. Now again, anything over zero is not going to be safe. But they cut it off at 10 saying, we don’t think it’s going to harm you too much at 10. So that’s something to keep in mind.

Now, the dirty electricity, not the ground current result, but the dirty electricity in your home is solvable simply by putting a filter in place. So, when Dave Stetser went out to Russia, and did this research, he came up and developed a filter. That all you do is, you plug into an outlet and it will actually filter out all of the excess energy that’s on the wiring in your home. So, the average home needs about 20 filters.

Sarah:     In every outlet in your home?

Libby:     Not in every outlet. So, what you’re going to do is, you’re going to get a meter. And if you are on my website, you’ll see it. It’s just called, ‘The Bundle’, where you can get 20 filters and a meter. Or you could just start with your meter first, and you just plug that into the outlets in your house. And you should see under 30 units. And, I could tell you story, after story, of people that contacted me with health issues. And, I said, okay, let’s just start with the basics, get a meter, test your home. And, it would peg out the machine, meaning it couldn’t even read how high that person’s exposure was. And, people that have been hospitalized and all this thousands of dollars of expensive testing. And then, that was it. They put in filters and boom, problem gone. There’s so many stories about that.

Libby:     So, just start by getting a meter even, and see what your, especially, I would say the [inaudible 00:27:51] is to make sure that you’re checking your children’s bedrooms and the main living areas. Then from there, get the appropriate number of filters that you need. So minimumly, put a couple of filters in everybody’s bedroom, is what I usually tell people. There are other filters. These are specifically called, ‘The Gram Stetzer Filters’, cause that’s who developed them. There are other filters on the market, but I can tell you, there are lots of reasons. I’m not going to get into why, I don’t want to spend our time talking about that. But there are lots of reasons why I don’t recommend those filters. So, if anybody is curious, you always email me, and I’d be happy to talk to you about why. I just don’t want to bash anybody here.

Sarah:     How about the meter that you recommended? Is everything. Is it that you also recommend that meter over other meters? Cause I’ve seen one of my girlfriends said, she has one of the $30, electronic EMF reader meters. Versus mine is the more like a little, I don’t know what you call it. [inaudible 00:28:48]. So, is there a better reader over another one?

Libby:     So, it depends on what you’re looking for. So, for example, the meter that goes into an outlet. The one that I was describing, that’s the STETZERiZER meter. That’s specifically testing for dirty electricity. So, excess energy on the wires in your home. And then, the meter that you have, which sounds like the trifold meter. Now, that is going to be a general meter, that’s good for checking a lot of things. Then I also, in the action plan, I link to another meter, that’s a little bit on the pricier side, but the great thing about that meter specifically, is it gives you a digital reading of how high that source is. Now, again, if you get a virtual inspection, that’s one of the pieces of equipment that’s mailed out to you. But, it is awesome for checking cellphone tower, radiation, and also seeing how your wifi impacts you. It’s crazy, cause this meter, it’s like an HC analyzer, high frequency analyzer. I’ll send it to you, so you can put it in your show notes. But it’s super cool looking. You feel like you’re a Ghostbuster and then, it actually screams at you. It has this audible when it pegs out. If you’re standing next to a wifi router, it yells at you so much where, you’re like, okay, I’m going to go outside. But I love that, because even if somebody doesn’t quite grasp the importance of this. You stand next to an Xbox, holy cow, it’s going to be horrific, the sound you hear.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:30:37] but our apartment, so I got the meter and I was going around and just looking at different sources around our apartment. And a few things surprised me. So, my computer wasn’t too crazy, but I do a lot of live streams for my business. And, I had this lighting thing that I [inaudible 00:30:57] my video, off the charts, and with that light. And then, I already mentioned my boyfriend’s Xbox. I think I heard you say in another podcast that Xboxes that are some of the highest of the gaming [inaudible 00:31:13].

Libby:     Yes. The worst offenders.

Sarah:     And, then my space heater, had this cute, antique looking fireplace, that’s a space heater. Cause we had these big windows that really just a lot of cool air drafted in. So, I put the space heater there. Put the meter up to that space heater, and, again, it was just off the charts. And it was something that, it was so good for me to know. Such good knowledge to have. And, I did my microwave, and some other things too, and tested some of my outlets. But now, that we just bought this home, and I’ve moved, I’m planning to do all of the outlets, and see what’s happening around this new home, as well. Once we get settled in.

Libby:     Oh for sure. And, that’s the nice thing about, you have filters and you have the R2L cell phone shields on your phone, and you’re wearing your Q-link. [inaudible 00:32:05] And so, people who are listening, so, Q-Link is a pendant that you wear. And, that’s what I wear all the time, especially, if you’re traveling. And, there’s a caveat that I want to say real quickly. I do recommend products that are proven by research. I cannot prove the [inaudible 32:33] and the Q-Link, because even when I test them, I can’t justify why I felt so much better, when I put those on. But I do know, you’ve got your own energy field, and that’s to me is what the Q-Link was affecting is, my own personal energy field. No, it’s not going to stop electricity, that’s in the wiring of your home. But it is gonna, and, I noticed–

Sarah:     That’s how I understood it to., It’s not like it’s this shield, that’s putting a bubble around you, and being like, block the EMFs can penetrate this [inaudible 00:32:57]. But instead, it’s putting off a corrective energy field almost, that’s then, corrective to maybe some of the exposure that you are exposed to.

Libby:     Exactly. And same thing with the R2L cell phone sticker, that we have. It’s converting excess energy to light. But, at the end of the day, in order for your phone to be a hundred percent safe, it would not transmit a signal. You know it’s being transmitted, if you can physically use your phone, it’s still transmitting a signal. So, I say that because I don’t want people getting our R2L stickers for their phones, and then handing them to their small children. Letting them play and watch YouTube. No, that’s not, that’s not safe. There’s no way that is safe. So, that’s my little caveat. But, it does greatly reduce the impact on your body. So, same thing, keeping Bluetooth off, you shouldn’t have Bluetooth on anything unless it’s like a [inaudible 00:33:49] short-term thing that you needed it temporarily for. But otherwise, I hated the new iPhone update, because now it defaults to have your Bluetooth on all the time. And so, when I switched my phone from airplane mode, in and out of airplane mode, every time I have to turn the Bluetooth off. Cause it automatically comes back on, and you didn’t have to do that before.

Libby:     One quick thing that I wanted to mention, as far as action steps, something that people could do today, right now, is go around and check all the light bulbs in their home, and lat their office. So, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb years, and years ago, that is called an incandescent light bulb, and it is safe. It’s a great light bulb. It produces zero excess energy. The worst offenders are CFLs (compact fluorescent light) bulbs. Those are also the swirly light bulbs. They’re the ones that have mercury in them. They’re the ones that if you break it open, you have to have a hazmat team come in. And, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do. You’re also not supposed to just throw them away cause again, just mercury float around them. Not great. But they will literally, you can put the voltage reader up, and just hold your hand up next to a CFL, you will get so much energy flowing through your body. It is incredible. It’s incredible how bad those are. So, a great action step is, right now, go around and unscrew all those little CFL light bulbs. Stop using them. Especially, in your children’s bedrooms and your bedroom. If you work at a desk and it’s in your lampshade, right there by your head, get, rid of that.

Libby:     So, LEDs are middle of the ground, and they do vary by brand, as far as how impactful they are towards your health. Incandescence and halogens are safe. If you’re at Home Depot and you see incandescence and halogen, those are completely safe. I would make that, your first action step, followed by getting your wifi. If you’re still using wifi, get your wifi on a timer at night. [inaudible 00:35:44].

Sarah:     So, that turns off at 10:30 or 11, back on at 6:00 a.m. Cause we’re not using it anyways. So, just to protect ourselves. I’ve got a $5 Christmas tree, type of light.

Libby:     Absolutely. And so, again, I’ll link to an example of a timer, but exactly what you said, you’re just getting whatever you would use for your Christmas lights. And so it should turn, because you’re plugging it into the power source of your wifi router. So, that way, at least at night, you’re not exposed to that. And your body actually gets a chance to heal. We think about everything we ask of our bodies to do at night, that’s the healing process. Nervous system kicks in, all this healing happens. And so, it’s real hard to do that if you’re exposed to all this other stuff at the same time.

Libby:     So, along those lines, you’re just making sure you’re giving your body solid eight hours, to kind of rest and recover. Another thing, if someone is feeling like they could potentially be having symptoms from EMFs, obviously, you’re going to go through to reduce your exposure. But I will do, in a bind, I’ll do a rescue detox bath. Which is essentially, just Epson salt and baking soda. So, I take a cup of Epson salt, I’ll put some essential oils like a love balance from doTERRA.

Sarah:     I’m with you.

Libby:     It’s awesome. I feel like it’s a mega, actual grounder. And then, add some baking soda to that. And then, it’s important to put the essential oils in the salt itself, and then put it in the bath.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:37:15].

Libby:     So, it actually disburses it. But those will, Oh my gosh, those help with a lot of things anyway.

Sarah:     My community knows I’m salt bath obsessed. Oh my gosh, Libby. I take a salt bath almost every day. I don’t add baking soda. Maybe I need to start to doing that. I do essential oils, about 50% of the time too. Because I’m with doTERRA and [inaudible 00:37:37], and so, so good. But they’re lifesaving for me. And baths, especially if I’ve even been out, I get a lot of anxiety in restaurants, and kind of places. And I don’t honestly, couldn’t tell you if it’s because everyone’s carrying a cell phone, or I’m just around a lot of people. But when I come home and I take a salt bath, literally, I’m a whole new woman. It is so healing for me. So, it’s good to know that that’s also a good grounding activity for EMFs.

Libby:     And I have to do that, if I go out. Especially, when I travel, and we could talk about that real quickly too. Cause that’s a whole topic. You have to live a life. I have been told, I’ve not seen the show, but Better Call Saul, I guess, which, I hear it’s a great show. But I guess there’s a guy who’s real sensitive to EMFs on that show. And he has a tinfoil hat, and lives in a cave. There are people out there, that live like that. That’s how sensitive they are. I mean, they are like, if they go to Target, they would be down for two weeks. You know what I mean? And I mean, it’s just so sad. But, sometimes I feel like that, you know. But so, I still want to be able to live life. So, first off, when I fly, I always opt out of scanner. So, those you know, they had one before, and then they got rid of it because they found that there were health issues with it.

And then, now the one, you know, it’s a swirly guy that you stand up, you hold their arms out, and the thing spins around you. And I have always opted out of that, cause I was telling them, I’m like, well, they told you the last one was safe, and that gave TSA agents cancer. So, I’m not going to take your word for it this time. But, it’s kind of funny. I used to get a hard time for that. Not anymore. Now, the agents, I had actually had one person when I said, Hey, I’m gonna opt out. They were like, that’s a great choice. And I was like, thank you. [inaudible 00:39:29]. So, opt out of that, and then I take a specific, super antioxidant blend too. Because you know, thinking about [inaudible 00:39:34] and it’s creating all this extra oxidation in our body. So the more that we can get antioxidants in there to combat it, the better. So, I take a megadose before, and then after I fly. Because, when you’re flying, you’re exposing yourself to more radiation than you normally would. So, that’s a big thing to do, and you can’t avoid that. You going to be exposed if you’re flying. And so, taking a lot of antioxidants. And then, if you are feeling symptoms, I still would, if I’m near a beach, because the beach is so healing., cause you’re getting salt from the salt water and all the ionization. Salt lamps are good too, as long as you don’t have a dimmer switch on low. I’ll come back to that caveat in a second here. But, if you can get to the beach, and walk near the beach, and even if it’s a lake. Get out in nature and that’ll be another great recovery.

So, back to those dimmers. Because that just sparked my mind. So, when I had my home tested originally, when I went looney tunes. We had renovated our house, and we had installed dimmers on every light in our house. And you can read it with your meter. But when you get that dimmer switch down, what you’re doing is you’re not sending as much energy to the light bulb. The energy is going to go somewhere. So, it comes out to your environment. So it’s a real big source for EMFs. If you have dimmers, what I did is, I went to Home Depot and I spent about a $1.25, and just got the old fashioned flippies, and just replaced them. So, I paid all this money to put them in, and then, I just spent more money to get rid of it. Because at that point again, it was not worth it to me.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:41:09]

Libby:     In the meantime, just always use those lights on full blast.

Sarah:     [inaudible 00:41:13] like the immediate effects could be, don’t put it on the low setting, just pump it up?

Libby:     So, leave it on high. So, same thing, some people have the salt lamps, which are beautiful, and gorgeous, and healing. But, then if you’re keeping the dimmer switch on low, you’re almost counteracting, the good effects. So, make sure you’ve got that dimmer on high, as much as possible. And then, last thing I wanted to mention and feel free to ask questions, but I know we’re getting short on time. But you have been a nurse practitioner for a while and you’ve been running those scans on people. And one of the great benefits of the scan, and I’ve had one done on me personally. Is it can check for how your body deals with different sources of electromagnetic frequency. So for me, cell phones came up as a big one. And I mean, I kind of figured that would be the case. That was, it was really great for me to know how to prioritize electromagnetic pollution. So, have you seen that a lot with clients that you work with?

Sarah:     Oh yes. Almost everyone gets the, so there’s different ranges, and priorities within the scan. If you guys are unfamiliar, haven’t done a bio-energetic scan with me. But, pretty much everyone has some sort of level of that EMF, kind of sensitivity. And then, you can see more specifically, cell phone, microwave, laptops. And personally, that always shows up in my scans, that I do on myself too.

Libby:     And so, if people out there are wondering if that is something that they should be aware of, I would definitely get an S-scan, cause those are awesome. I mean, they’re great for a whole host of other reasons, I don’t know. But, that’s just one aspect of it. So, any less imparting questions that you might have?

Sarah:     So, [inaudible 00:43:02] scan is kind of one way to see more specifically if you’re sensitive, and then what type of EMFs that you may be sensitive to. But you know, say someone doesn’t have money to invest in a scan, or hasn’t done one, is there any other way for them to see? I’m thinking in my own brain, just a really basic science experiment, where you decide to turn off your wifi for one night, or a week, or something and see if you feel better. Just go, and experiment and see if you feel better, when you do eliminate some of the exposure. And when you do take some of these precautionary, and protective measures. But, is there any other way to see if you’re sensitive or not?

Libby:     Well, about a third of the population will have symptoms. So, about a third of people, if they do the experiment that you just did, would notice an improvement in their symptoms. But the only issue that I have with that is, because then the other two thirds think that it’s safe., and they are fine, because they didn’t have symptoms. Well, no, that might mean that you’re not expressing symptoms. Or the effects of EMFs aren’t causing you to feel bad, but it’s causing a problem. My niece felt fine, until two months before she passed away. She felt totally fine. So, you know, that’s where I don’t want to base anything off symptoms. But, one of the things that people can do is, find a location that does live blood cell analysis.

Sarah:     That is so cool.

Libby:     Yes, it is awesome. So, when you are sensitive to EMFs, you are going to notice that your cell membranes are actually much thinner than they should be. So, for example, when my niece was sick, six of us, six family members flew to Spain, and did live blood cell analysis with Dr. Raymond Hilu. We went to his specific clinic, because he has a hyperthermia machine. Meaning, he has the only hyperthermia machine in the world, that you can use on the brain. Meaning it’s going to kill off cancer cells, but it will not harm brain tissue. And so, that’s why we went there. There are other places that do live blood cell analysis, but I love recommending him, because he charges $300, which for his time, is amazing. Cause he spits out this whole report for you. Saying, okay, this is everything I saw. He’ll see heavy metals in your blood, all this kind of stuff.

Sarah:     He’s like [inaudible 00:45:17].

Libby:     Yes. What? It is gross. And then, he’ll tell you follow up recommendation. So, for example, four out of six of us had the effects of electromagnetic frequency. And he gave us some recommendations. Most of which we’ve already talked about today. If he sees real weak cellular membranes, the end result is, reduce your exposures, up your antioxidants, and get really good, healthy fats, that make up your cell membranes. And so, those are all things people can start doing. [inaudible 00:45:52] analysis is probably one of the more inexpensive ways to know how much it’s affecting you.

Sarah:     That’s so cool. I definitely want to try that. And I just thought it was so important to mention too, that those two thirds of people are not symptomatic. They’re not maybe presenting physical symptoms, but could be just as affected by EMF exposure. Using your niece as the example, is a very powerful story. And that, even though you went looney tunes. And I feel like now that I’ve reduced my exposure, I feel it’s really decreased my anxiety. So again, more like the mental, emotional symptoms, for me personally. But, some of them may not actually feel that, but it could still be really preventing them from something brain cancer.

Libby:     Absolutely. And just a quick story. I had a client who totally fun, energetic, bubbly, happy woman. And she was a patient at my chiropractic at the time it was just a chiropractic clinic. Not just, but now it’s, we do a lot more things here. But I saw her pretty frequently for years. And one day she came in, was totally in tears, and said she was suicidal, literally. And she had just gotten engaged. She’s the happiest she ever should be. She was so happy. And now, all of a sudden, and you know, it’s so weird, but I don’t know, it was just this thing. And I said, go home and see if they just installed a smart meter, at your home. And they had. The day she had those thoughts, was the day they had installed a smart meter right outside of her bedroom. Isn’t that just crazy? And she couldn’t opt out and at that time, we didn’t have proper shielding for her to even be able to begin to shield away from it. And so she moved. But she was fine then, when she moved. And it’s just crazy how much this stuff… Cause you think if she’d gone to a natural, or a conventional medical doctor, she’d probably be on antidepressants, and still feeling that way.

Sarah:     Absolutely.

Libby:     It’s crazy.

Sarah:     Thank you so much, Libby, is there anything else you’d like to add to the listeners today?

Libby:     No, just a reminder that everything we talked about, you have access to, in the show notes, and then, revivedliving.com/emf and you’ll get followups for me. Dripping this information to you slowly, so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Because I know that this can feel overwhelming. So, all the little steps that you take, are what build up to having good health. Don’t think of it like a sprint to the finish line. It’s just these small daily things that we do, like our daily epsom salt baths and, positive affirmations, all that stuff. That’s what makes us healthy. So that’s the last thing I want to mention is, don’t feel overwhelmed. Take it a piece at a time.

Sarah:     Amazing. Number one, thank you for bringing awareness to this subject. And for being this voice in this field, and educating me and others, and telling your story too. Because I think your story is so powerful, and it needs to be shared. So, I really want to thank you for being that force. Then, also, thank you so much for being on this show today. It was a pleasure to have you, and I can’t wait to keep in touch with you and follow along with some of your research, as well.

Libby: Thanks Sarah.

Sarah:     Thank you so much for tuning in today. I hope this information has been eye opening, and you learn something. Don’t forget to go download your free guide for the top 10 EMF action steps, that Libby has put together for all of us. That link is in the show notes. And, if you’re interested in scheduling a bioenergetic scan with me, you can always email me, sarah@autoimmunetribe.com and I’ll get you on my calendar. Thanks again, for tuning in, and I’ll see you next time.

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March 13, 2019


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