Ep. 113 How to Increase your Wealth Frequency with Tori Washington

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In this episode, we will discuss:

  • Tori’s story from bankruptcy to consistent $10k months within ONE year
  • Understanding the frequency of money and wealth consciousness
  • What is wealth embodiment and the WE Flow Method
  • The difference between mindset and embodiment
  • Why we need new perspectives in money mindset teachings!

Additional Resources:

COURSE: Earn Like an Empath

Sales and marketing as an empath is a strength. Let me help you understand why inside this course that helps you to release fear around sales, protect your energy, and build confidence so that money comes easily to you. Include my step-by-step sales process for hitting $20K months.

BOOK: 21 Days of Healing

21 Days of Healing was created out of my own desire to go beyond food and heal on a deeper emotional and spiritual level. I curated the most-loved content based on hundreds of live students’ experiences in the course and created this self-guided workbook to help you navigate chronic illness, release emotional inflammation, and find the medicine woman within.

Training: Behind the Scenes of My 6-Figure Biz

Check out the behind-the-scenes of my business + how I scaled to 5-figure months!

Episode transcript:

Sarah: Welcome to the Healing Uncensored podcast. My name is Sarah Small and I’m a life and success coach for empaths who want to create a thriving body, business, and life. Healing my own chronic illnesses as an empath led me to become fascinated with energy, and more specifically all of the emotional, spiritual and holistic healing modalities my doctor never told me about. I began to share my insights and journey online, and over time built a powerful community and business, supporting women who were also on the pathway to healing. Think of this podcast as your uncensored and no-BS guide to navigating life, health, and entrepreneurship as an empath. You’ll get no-nonsense and totally holistic tips from me in real-time as I navigate this healing journey right beside you. Now let’s get started.

Today’s guest is one that you may recognize. She’s been on the show before. She is a dear, dear friend. Her name is Tori Washington and she is a spiritual business mentor, voice for wealth consciousness, and creator of the brand new Wealth Embodiment Flow that you’re going to learn so much more about today in our conversation around wealth consciousness. More specifics around what the WE flow is, what it looks like, how it feels. I’ve got to experience it myself and I’ll speak a little about my experience during our interview, and at the end and is going to be sharing her story going from bankruptcy to consistent 10K months within a year. Amongst her community, she’s known as the no-bullshit soul sister that you’ve always wanted and I feel so fortunate to have her in my circle and as a friend for, gosh, I think over 10 years now. Her superpower is blending money mindset strategy with embodiment practices in order to help you amplify your magnetism for wealth and abundance. We’re going to be talking also about the difference between money mindset versus embodiment practices, and how you can really combine the two to amplify your frequency around wealth and around abundance so that you get to receive surplus, overflow, excess in your life. You get to achieve your biggest, hairiest, most audacious dreams and Tori is the woman to support you. There’s so much she’s going to be sharing. You might even want to take notes today. It’s going to be good. So let’s dive in.

Sarah: All right, girl. Tori, you are with me today. Welcome to the show. How are you?

Tori: Hi. Hi, I’m wonderful. How are you?

Sarah: I’m good and I’m so excited to have you on. I just love our conversations and yeah, you are known as the no-bullshit soul sister that we’ve all always wanted and I am fortunate enough to have in my life, and so we’re going to be talking about money in a no-bullshit way today, and I’d love to start by having you share a little bit of your journey, your story around your own money mindset. This is something I didn’t even know about you for a long time, so I think that listeners are going to be really interested in the journey and really inspired by the journey that you’ve been able to create in your own life and your own business.

Tori’s story from bankruptcy to consistent $10k months within ONE year

Tori: Thank you. First of all, I receive. You can’t see me but I was dancing in my seat. Thank you. I love you, Sarah. Our friendship and being on the show is always the best because I can be my full self and you create such a beautiful space for conversation. So I’m happy to be here. Yeah, my money story and as I launched my new program Wealth Embodiment Flow, it’s so funny because I’m reliving that story again and I’m relearning it as a way to master it and so I’m going to just start from the beginning, from childhood and kind of hop around from there, because it will all make sense at the end. So I grew up in a household where I wasn’t told that we’re struggling for money. It was always this hidden thing if we were struggling, and they wanted to make sure that we were not aware of what was happening. But as an intuitive, empathic child, I always sensed when money was a stressor. So that created tension in my body and unsafety in my body around money at a really young age. There was a lot of inconsistency like one year we would do great as a family and then when my parents got divorced, things just totally went to the other side, and I made the decision as a teenager that money is inconsistent; it’s not trustworthy and I don’t want anything to do with it because it causes stress.

So I remember being 18 and telling my mom that I’m going to move to India, teach yoga and I don’t need money. I don’t need money, okay? That was like, wearing my Chucks and listening to Taking Back Sunday, and so then I just disassociated with money, which I think a lot of people do between the ages of 17 and 20. There’s no relationship. It’s total dissociation and you work with what you have when it’s there. And then when I graduated college and started to get a corporate job, 30 K sounded like I was rich. This is amazing. I’ve never made that much money before, and I quickly realized that what living paycheck to paycheck was like, because that’s what was happening. I was getting this paycheck and then spending it right away, and just reliving my money roots of inconsistency. When it’s here, spend it, have fun. When it’s not there, make it work, be resourceful. So that carried on throughout my early 20s and I just thought that that’s how it was. I think as a society we’re told to just be grateful for what you have and make it work. I’m from the Midwest, so I wasn’t surrounded by rainbows and butterflies. People were hard workers, blue-collar. And after my burnout with my corporate career, I shifted back into teaching yoga, which was my first love at the age of 18 and we were just talking about it.

You and I met teaching yoga when we were like 20 years old. So I went back to that in my mid-20s and started managing yoga studios, really working in my passion, my purpose. So I didn’t think that money came with that. Again, I was in that mindset of I’m doing what I love and that means I must just accept what’s on the table. What was on the table was like a $35,000 salary. So I was making a little bit more than my first job and I remember preparing one night for the next day and it hit me how much I was giving. I was giving everything to this studio, yet I didn’t feel like I was receiving anything in return and I realized that I wanted more money. But that came with the feelings of guilt and questioning and doubt of like, why do I want more money and who am I to want more money? I have this amazing job. Many people don’t. So I moved through that and I remember typing up my first letter to ask for a raise, which felt like I was preparing for war. It was like, how do I word this right? I needed to convince them that I’m worth it. I asked them for the raise, they said no which brought up so much for me, and that was the beginning of really noticing and understanding how much power money had, and how much money had my power, how much I just had no relationship, no connection to it, and so asking for it felt so uncomfortable and receiving it felt uncomfortable, which is likely why I didn’t get the raise.

So long story short, I ended up leaving that job and starting my own business. I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I’m going to do my own thing and make my own damn money. You guys aren’t going to pay me anymore. I have a gift to share. I’m ready for my own business and welcome to your spiritual awakening for everything. So I started my business and I quickly realized that you get to heal your money roots when you start your business. I think anytime you’re stepping into new income levels, there’s like an initiation involved with money, but I had such a sticky energy around what do I price my stuff as? What’s the market doing? It was like all this confusion and I remember my first coaching package was $800 or something, and just a simple feeling of knowing I had control over where the money came from or had a say, felt better than a corporate salary, but I was still living client to client. So it was like, okay, this feels like living paycheck to paycheck. What the fuck? I thought it was going to be different.

Then I hired my first coach. I took some money courses. I took a bunch of Tony Robbins lessons and just really, really worked to understand this whole money world. I kept seeing on the internet that you could manifest and there were ways that you could energetically attract money. And I was like, how do you do that? I remember my biggest month, it was $14,000 after having only made like $2,000 in my business, and I remember sitting on my couch and being like, Holy fuck! Who am I? This is crazy. Every month after that, my income dropped and fluctuated and it occurred to me that I didn’t feel safe having that much money. I didn’t even know what to do in its presence. I didn’t know how to be or how to hold it, and I felt like I was slow dancing for the first time with this guy and I was tripping over everything until I just hit a wall. I ended up filing bankruptcy in my business and that was my darkest hour with money. I remember being in the courthouse and looking at my lawyers being like, how did I get here? What happened? And it was then that I really healed I am so grateful for that moment because I healed so much about my money roots. I remember making an agreement with myself that I will live financially free. This is happening for a specific purpose, and my mission on this planet is to end scarcity consciousness. I don’t want any other business owner to have to be in this position. I want to support wealthy women in expressing themselves fully. Everything changed. I had my first five-figure month shortly after bankruptcy and really started to practice behind the scenes some stuff that I hadn’t seen anybody doing, but it was working for me because all the mind-set stuff was sounding the same. Now we’ve hit our six-figure year, first six-figure year. It’s so, so exciting to say, and my relationship with money feels free and so stable and powerful.

Sarah: I love how open and honest you are about the roller coaster that can happen, that is, the ups and the downs and when you hit a big month, that is not some promise that you’re going to maintain and you can, but it doesn’t always happen that way, and there can be dips and there is this ebb and this flow. I find in my own process as well, when something really good happens and we hit this new level of abundance and wealth, that sometimes that scares the shit out of us and it does then make us dip back down into a place that feels more comfortable, even though our conscious mind says, I want more, I want more. Oh, this money is fun. It’s playful. I get to be my best self when I’m feeling super abundant and wealthy. Yes, you hit it. You’re there. It’s your reality and your life. Fuck no, and you dip back down into a place that is where you just came from and you were trying to get out of. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what your idea of why this happens to us. Why do we dip inflow, sometimes in drastic ways, and there’s a coach that I’ve worked with who openly shares that she had like a 50-something K month and then a $3,000 a month the next month, and so crazy dips can happen. What’s happening to us energetically when that does happen?

Tori: What’s happening is our nervous system is in shock, and your nervous system is connected to your survival and your safety. So in that moment of escalation or elevation in your income, your nervous system goes into shock. And like you just said, consciously that lower amount of like 500 or 900 – let’s use that as an example – that doesn’t feel like it’s enough, but in your nervous system, in your body, it feels more comfortable sustaining 900, 1000, maybe 2000, but anything above that throws off your survival and there’s fear of spending, fear of losing or fear of moving the money. Those three things can start to creep in. Sabotage. My clients recently just hit a $15,000 month. Before that, their highest month in their business was five. There was a lot of energy that moved like tears, excitement, so much came up and amplified all of that and rattled them, and they’re both looking at their bank account, afraid to do anything with the money because they’re afraid they were going to dip too low. So in that sense, that starts to cause stress in the body, worrying about all that. So then the mind goes to and the body goes to, okay, go back to where you were. That was way more comfortable. That was way safer. We know how to manage that. We don’t know how to manage this. And I think the last thing that business owners and just humans in general, we don’t want to feel stupid. We don’t want to feel like we’re not capable. So your nervous system is going into shock essentially.

Sarah: It’s something I recently learned and like my studies of neuroscience showed me that anything that is unfamiliar, the brain automatically labels as a threat. Let’s say you’ve never seen a fricking puppy before, but there’s a puppy, a little, cute, most people want to pick it up and squeeze it a puppy, but if you never seen a fricking puppy before, your brain will identify it, label it as a threat, and so that’s one of those crazy circumstances where it’s obviously this is good for you, or the puppy’s really cute and it’s going to be a great companion, but the brain doesn’t know that yet. And so it’s like threat, threat, threat until it gets more familiar with that feeling. And I think that really leads into the embodiment of a frequency. So there’s one thing to consciously state what you desire, say what you desire out loud and it’s a different thing to embody the energy of that thing so that you feel it in your body and it becomes more familiar so that then you can easily welcome in and open yourself up to receive 20, 30, 50K months and it’s not so like, oh shit, what’s happening? Instead, it’s like, oh no, I practice this. I know what this felt like in my body before I even had it.

So you mentioned before too, I’ve heard so many regurgitated things over and over and over again in the world of money mindset, and I really think what you teach, Tori is different because it brings in embodiment. So for those listeners who are like, well, what’s the difference? How would you describe the difference between money mindset and a lot of things that you’ve been hearing around manifesting abundance, versus the approach you take around embodiment?

The difference between mindset and embodiment

Tori: So with mind-set only manifesting, we’re using the mind to access the feeling. With embodiment, we’re using the body to access the feeling. And the reason why I believe that this is more effective is that your body is the gateway to your nervous system. So whenever you rewire in your nervous system, everything in your mind will figure itself out. Our mind is not actually that intelligent. Our body is such a record keeper. It’s a record keeper of our pain, our pleasure, our memories, our desires, all the spectrum, the full spectrum, and all those things are what we’re working with manifesting. So I look at it as like IV therapy right now. I could take all these herbs and shift my gut around to get my gut to digest and take all the nutrients, or I could just get IV therapy and put it right into my bloodstream. I am obsessed with IV therapy right now. So that’s what I think about with embodiment is we’re going straight to the source. That’s why it’s so intense. That’s why it’s so effective. And I also feel like that is potentially a reason why people shy away from it a little bit is it’s unfamiliar, it’s different. So there is a place for mind-set. I think that mindset work is a beautiful doorway to taking control and responsibility of your life. With money being so connected to our survival, I think that it’s imperative that we incorporate embodiment, just hands down.

Sarah: Yeah. In my experience too, it helps to hold the frequency so that you aren’t having these maybe big wins that they are followed by that dip back down, at least financially as far as like wealth and abundance go, cause there are obviously other forms of wealth and abundance, but it seems like in my experience in my body, when I am the container for that feeling and that frequency, it’s easier to hold onto it versus when I’m just thinking it or reading it or journaling it. I feel like it’s outside of the container almost if you can imagine that, and instead, it allows you to maintain that frequency so that you’re creating a new normal, a new level of abundance that you get to have and you get to receive and you get to maintain in your life. And to me on a cellular level, it feels very different than thinking good thoughts and instead fuelling into. I did a part of your free challenge.

Tori: The money challenge?

Sarah: Yes. I experienced your wealth embodiment flow for the first time, and I was so curious and I was just really excited to try it after hearing it from you personally, but also seeing sneak peeks on your Instagram. What? I need to experience this and so I did it right here in my office, and it was so emotional because like you were saying, it’s coming from the body and that feeling is evoked through the movement, and it wasn’t just dance in a way that makes you feel happy and joyful and fucking wealthy. It was like no, what is scarcity looks like in your body and let’s also experience what that feels like. So that brings us to what wealth embodiment, also known as WE flow is. I’d love to hear your story of what it is in a nutshell, and what it’s done for you personally and also because this is a channeled process like spirit just was like, this is for you, Tori. Now you need to share this with the world. So how did this happen?

Tori: So true. And I’m just envisioning you practicing this and it’s making me geek out right now. So Wealth Embodiment Flow is a sequence of eight postures that teach you how to embody the eight vibrations of wealth. The first vibration of wealth, ironically enough, is scarcity. There’s no way to know wealth without knowing your scarcity first. Just like there’s no way to know success without knowing failure.

Sarah: Or even like the sun without the moon, like darkness and light in our earth, right? Like you don’t know sadness unless you know joy. Like there’s always dualities and polarities in our life. So that makes so much sense.

Tori: Yes. Yes. And that’s where mindset work falls short. Mind-set work tries to get rid of scarcity. Embodiment allows you to understand your scarcity so deeply that when it does sneak up, you have full power. Whereas with mind-set work, we’re just trying to think positive thoughts, but we’re humans. There’s going to be moments when we experience scarcity and then we’re less prepared. We don’t know what’s actually happening and we go into shame, spirals or sabotage. So the first vibration of wealth is scarcity and you let your body show your mind what it does and what it experiences when it’s in a scarcity hold. So the position is two fists, which represents the scarcity holes. You will be blown away at what the body will show you. You either hide – for me when I first did this, I started to cover my face and it showed me at that moment that when I’m in a scarcity hold, I hide, I run. I don’t want to be seen. So now in my business when that starts, I don’t beat myself up. I say, where am I feeling? Is there scarcity? I get to love myself out of that. I get to use wealth embodiment flow to move up the ladder. I think what that really teaches us is a knowing and that’s what I’m so excited for women to experience. It doesn’t have to feel so hard. You get to really know your body and what it does so that when it comes to the scarcity, it’s not this huge thing. It’s like, oh, I know that. My body showed me. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. We get to move up.

Sarah: It’s almost like a bridge or like the rungs of a ladder as you’re describing it. But to me, I’m also seeing it as this bridge where mindset says you’re here at point A and now I want you to think your way to point B. The process that you’ve created is more of that bridge from point A to point B of being like, okay, I don’t expect you to wake up with a mind-set of a multimillionaire when you’ve been living paycheck to paycheck and stuck in debt cycles or something like that. Instead, let’s create this bridge for you to get there and let’s acknowledge that we all know what some, it’s probably relative to each of us, but we all have experienced some sense of scarcity, varying degree of scarcity in our life. And when I did my own scarcity grip here in my room and it was just like, okay, I know I’m like an unemotional person, to begin with, but I felt very emotional like I wanted to cry and it was crazy because it was not long. I didn’t sit here and think about all the money things have happened in my life. Instead, it was like putting my body in that position, and considering what does scarcity looks like in my body. I was like snap, transported there very quickly and it felt emotional. I wanted to cover my heart, my chest I think to protect myself and all the pain that I have experienced in my life. And it was like, Ooh, I need to protect myself from the world, this armor, the shield and hearing that from you have had this experience kind of just by myself in my office. It’s so interesting now to see that we each have a different reaction to that in the WE flow process.

Tori: Yeah, so cool. And the only thing you need for the scarcity posture is the two fists. The rest of your body will show you. It’s going to look different for every woman. And I love what you just said. One thing I love about the sequences, it’s not asking you to relive the whole story. I think sometimes with mind-set work, it has you go down memory lane and all this shit. The scarcity, you seem to understand the energy of it and how it’s still showing up in your field and a lot of women I’ve talked to, who guided in this process, it’s not just your scarcity. It’s your mother’s and your father’s. It’s ancestral. That’s why when we go into the body, we’re feeling like records of scarcity from this lifetime, past lifetimes and we also have the opportunity to break free of it for future lifetimes, which is really powerful.

So once you move through the scarcity hold, then you transition into innate abundance, which is a beautiful transition that you learn and for every single posture, a couple of hand positions and a couple of positions for your feet. But really the rest is for your body to show your mind and I guide you into different corners and different rooms to play. But it’s really a treasure hunt of your own abundance, your own prosperity, and during the postures., we move up the eight vibrations of wealth into overflow. Some women can have an orgasm in that posture like at that point you are so in it. When you do the whole sequence together, it’s pretty wild the amount of orgasmic freedom that you can access.

So the first time that you do the sequence altogether, it’s mind-blowing, and then the beautiful piece is you can now practice it on a daily basis. I just did it the other day. I wasn’t necessarily feeling broke. I don’t think this is for just women who are like, I feel broke. I’m in debt. Even for someone like me who’s earning six figures, I make 10 to 15 K a month. It feels great. I love it. And I just had a financial sesh with my partner for the first time and I felt naked financial, and all the shame came up and I was like, ah, here’s my bank account. I have the scarcity hold that I moved through with that was shame connected to my mom and shame connected to my dad and I was able to clear that and keep moving. Your body is the pen and space is the journal and you let your body move and teach your mind where it gets to go next and it is emotional. It’s super emotional in a beautiful, powerful, potent way.

Sarah: Yeah. I felt safe and supported the whole time, and it was amazing to me how simple the postures were yet how much movement my body made and an organic, intuitive way with that simple guidance. And so I felt like I was doing everything right, even though there’s no one right way. I was like, no, I’m doing this. This is how it’s supposed to look in my body and what this looks for me, and this is the way it’s supposed to be and my body’s showing me where I’m holding on to scarcity or limiting beliefs around money, etcetera.

So Tori, you’ve had these moments with money and the energy of money, your relationship with money that I can relate to too, where I asked for a raise at a job that was paying around 30K a year as a contractor and I was denied. They’re like, no, we can’t pay you more, and it just hit so hard and it felt like the worst possible thing. It felt like the world was against me at some of those moments when I felt this extreme lack and I did have a lot of debt. And it seems like as you’ve told your story, those moments of filing for bankruptcy, of not getting the raise, of leaving two different careers, for you ultimately turned into these gifts, these opportunities that then led you to be a freaking teacher on the money. Who would’ve thought that the day, you’re walking and wearing whatever? It’s a lawyer’s office and being like, I need to responsibly do this, file bankruptcy, then that would take you along this pathway to abundance and wealth. And I feel like it is through that struggle, that challenge that ultimately turned into a gift that then makes you such a good teacher on this topic because you know what it feels like to be in that woman’s shoes or anybody’s shoes to be able to teach this. Do you feel like those moments now have more purpose and meaning in your life?

Why we need new perspectives in money mindset teachings

Tori: That’s such a beautiful reflection. Yeah, I do. At the time, obviously I was at such a low point with so much shame and I didn’t tell anybody about it, but my partner. Not even my best friends knew because I just felt like there was going to be this stamp on my forehead. There are so many labels out there that I was afraid I was going to be put under, and the reason why my clients and my students I believe love working with me is that I genuinely know what they’re feeling. So what I’m coaching the body, I’m not just pulling this out of my ass. I know what it’s like to manifest starting from nothing. Manifesting something out of nothing. I also know what it feels like to hit six figures in your business when everything in your past told you that will never be so.

Sarah: Yeah.

Tori: And I believe that there are so many other entrepreneurs, you included, who have these money roots have reached this success and they’re afraid to talk to their family about it or their mom’s never made that much money. There’s just so much pain that has come at success and I’m really on a mission to ending that success gives me pleasure, success gives me pleasure, success gives me pleasure. And I believe that I got to go through all those different lessons so I could know the variety of women. I work with nine to fivers and I work with spiritual entrepreneurs so I can really relate to both. I don’t look at them as exclusive. I look at them as if you want to take your income level to the next elevation, my invitation is to get out of your head and into your body.

Sarah: Yeah. And I remember sitting in the back seat of a car, maybe an Uber or Oxana’s car, one of our colleagues, I guess you’d call her, fellow trainee student’s car. We were in the backseat of somebody’s car.

Tori: For NLP?

Sarah: Yeah. For our NLP training. And you’re like, Sarah, have you ever thought about teaching on money? And I was like, no, but I think you are going to teach about money.

Tori: You did do that. We just left Whole Foods. I remember that.

Sarah: Yup.

Tori: I remember that.

Sarah: And it’s like, here you are. I don’t know, it’s less than a year later, and you have channeled such an amazing resource for I think what started for yourself but then has now evolved into something that can really be for everybody on this planet. So I want to get back to that whole … how the hell did you channel this into your life? Was there a moment you woke up and you’re like, scarcity grip, hands in fists? What happened there?

Tori: So I remember it, and I tell the story through Wealth Embodiment, flow, I remember being in my living room and I had reached a 10K month, but then the next month was like five. I was in a bunch of money courses. I was committed. I was like, financial freedom. This is my year, this is the year, this is my year. And I was so in my head about it, I started getting confused. Every single money teacher felt like they were saying the same fucking thing – and no offense to money mindset teachers, I love you. Please keep doing what you’re doing. But for me it was just such a regurgitated message that I was losing my mind a little bit in term, no pun intended, of like, how do I do this? I remember throwing down the pen. I was like, this is bullshit. I don’t know how to make this work, and sustainability was the biggest thing here. I knew how to attract money, but how the fuck do you sustain it? How do you keep doing it again and again? And I remember getting up, I just want to shake this off, if I could take it off like a scarf. That’s what it felt like. Scarcity was like a scarf that I was wearing and I put on some music and I know this sounds corny, but I started moving and my hands literally went into fists and I just started instead of resisting scarcity, I just started moving with it and now it’s like moving it and it felt so good. I started to feel like I was freeing myself of it and then it moved into another movement and I would do this in my living room every week and no one knew I was doing this, not even my partner.

Sarah: Wait till he leaves

Tori: Literally Sarah, I would wait till he leaves and then recently, I would say late last year, I started doing little snippets of my movement and he’s like, what do you do when I’m not home? And he would watch my Instagram stories and actually I think you posted this survey where it’s like asking your partner these questions and one of them was what do I do with my spare time, babe? And he was like, dance and cry.

Sarah: Yup

Tori: That’s accurate. So after my living room, I started doing this and then I went on a trip to Sedona this past New Year’s and I was communicating with the universe. I’m like, this is something. Help me put it together. I do the same movements. I knew it in my body because it was showing me where to go and I was like, I need to put this on paper because I want to show other people how to do it, especially private clients. It was supposed to just be for my privates, but I was tired of just talking about it. I’m like if I could show them this dance or this flow I should say, that would be so much more effective. So I remember being in Sedona, I’ll never forget, I was on the Airbnb floor. I had the pen and it all just came out. Eight vibrations of wealth – scarcity, innate abundance. We move all the way up, up, up, up – I don’t want to give them all away – all the way into the overflow and I was like, okay, cool. That’s the postures. Then I was able to create different shapes for the postures. It created a sequence. I channeled all this music for it. The playlist is so delicious. It’s like it takes you on this whole journey and writing. All this writing just started to come through of like how to talk about it, how to make it tangible.

And I got back from this Sedona trip and I was like, okay, that sounds cool. Maybe next year I’ll launch that. That’s way too out there right now. I just kept practicing it myself. I was showing my private clients, and then something kept knocking. It was like, you know what? This is the most authentic thing I could ever put out there right now. It’s a big conversation than I’m willing to hold and I’m calling forth all the women to really stand in their wealthiest expression, so that’s how I channeled it. I channeled it for myself. You ever been to Sedona? Do you want to have some trippy experiences? Sit on one of those red rocks and you’ll probably get…

Sarah: You’ll get some messages.

Tori: Yeah. And my spiritual teacher Bethany, who you also see, was like, just wait to get to Sedona. And I’m like, okay, and yeah, it all flooded through on that trip.

Sarah: So good. So I think that also opens up a doorway to the woman who… she might not be teaching on money or wealth or abundance, but she may want to teach and may have just this tickle in her throat that says I have something to share with the world. I have something to say. And for you, Tori to really embody the bravery of this. This is really different and there’s not anything out there like this, and yet still trust that it needed to be birthed now and to go for it. What would you say to the woman who has an idea that feels edgy, that feels different or that she has fear around really blowing up and being like, no, I’m going to fully own this, and the idea of that kind of freaks her out. How have you worked through that part of this process of being like, no, this is happening. I get to do this.

Tori: It’s always been in me to do things a bit differently. But this is the first time I’ve really brushed up against my edges of fear around offending my community. I have a lot of mind-set teachers who are great friends here in San Diego. I’m in a community of women who practice this work and the last thing I want to do is cut them short, but I also want to fully express the potential of this. So that hesitation really held me back from launching this a lot sooner. I would say that you have one life and the sooner you detach from the program or the offer or the launch, the sooner you can see it in its wholeness. And I like to think of it as this channeled sequence is not me, but it chose me to be the voice of it.

So every time I talk about it, I don’t feel like it’s look at me. It’s look at this thing, look at this experience that you get to step into. And with 2020 and just everything that’s happening in the world, we have so much of the same aim. So being different is such a gift. People are looking and craving for a different taste, a different experience. You can see it and you can feel it in the self-development community. People are really, really open to it. More open than I think our ego lets us realize and the same thing for you Sarah. You just launched Illuminated, which no coach is really doing – a coach training program. I remember when you first mentioned that and I was like, yeah, no one’s ever done something like that.

And we get to listen to the hits that we get, and I remember sitting in my living room and I was like, if somebody launched this instead of me, how would I feel? And I was like, fuck no. I’m going for it. So at the end of the day, it’s like adding a little bit of spice into it. If you don’t do it, creativity is just an energy. It’ll find another open channel and that would break my heart because I love this so much. I want to talk about this so much. I want to teach about it. It’s my whole heart, and then it activates this reverence, this devotion, this wired energy, and I think that energy is more powerful than hesitation.

Sarah: I felt that energy when I launched Illuminated. It was like, well what if another coach creates this combination of modalities and techniques, and I know that I’m always going to teach differently and you’re going to teach differently than anybody else, and us from each other, but there was kind of that niggle in my belly of like, no, I can’t let that happen. I feel so meant to bring this and birth this into the world that there’s no waiting. This can’t even be a question anymore. I just need to go and I just start somewhere. I need to take a small action that leads into the big action, and just put one foot in front of the other so that this starts to become more tangible and not just a creative flowing idea that may pop over to another open channel like you are talking about.

So it’s a little fire under your ass really, that’s like if you don’t do it, someone else is going to, and how would that make you feel? Because there’s not this monopoly on ideas. There’s this collective consciousness energy that it’s no wonder that we see many teachers speaking about similar things set in different ways because we’re all tapped into this collective consciousness. But I think like what you said is that as a group of people who are trying to better themselves and grow and step into their wealth consciousness, we are craving something different. We crave something that is unique that we haven’t seen a million times before. And I’m so proud of you to see you step into this and I hope you fully, fully receive that because I mean that with every ounce of my heart. I’m so proud of you for creating this thing that is so different and is so authentic and unique and powerful, and it gave me personally all the feels and I just think it’s going to blow up and if people wait to experience this, they’re going to regret waiting to experience it, just like we would have regretted launching these different offerings. It’s there for you. It’s been birthed into the world. Go do it. Go try it. What the hell are people waiting for?

Tori: I feel that so deep. I forgot who I was talking to; this feels so big and I’ve [inaudible; 14:54] thing about me that I want this. It’s like my child and I want it to grow up and live its best life. I see it being on the stages of Wanderlust. I’m pitching to them. I have a whole slew of stages that it’s going to be on in the next year and in the nicest way possible, I’m telling my community, please say yes right now while it’s $9.97 cause it’s probably never, ever, ever going to be this price again because my intention is this is a worldwide practice, the movement, and financial empowerment. So everybody who is saying yes right now, they’re the pioneers. They’re the movers and the shakers who want to be the first wave of that movement, and I’ll always remember their name because they said yes first and when I’m dancing to this in Bali, or doing a retreat on this, I’ll remember this first launch and the women who said yes to it first, and the example that they set.

Sarah: Yeah, it’s really fun to get to be part of the first of something, like that first experience. It’s the pioneer archetype of unearthing something new. We are settling on a new normal, new energy that hasn’t been completely birth into the world yet, that now it has and it’s going to be the first people to be able to experience that, and what an honor. What a pleasure to be able to feel that in your body and then embody this wealth consciousness, this abundance, like you said, that eventually leads to overflow and excess and surplus, which I realized in my own manifestation practice was what I was leaving out. It was like I was always asking for enough and I was never asking for a surplus and more than enough, and that was a huge mistake. A huge mistake in my manifestation practice. Don’t just ask for what you need, ask for the surplus. Now I put this into my manifestation. It’s like when I am co-creating with the universe, I am baking myself this energetic match and frequency in alignment with plenty of surpluses that if there were some emergency, I would easily be able to pay. Our furnace just broke at the mountain house. It was like, okay, there’s plenty of surpluses to be able to fix the furnace, fill the propane tank, invest in my health, go on that trip, invest in a women’s empowerment conference. There can be, there should be. We get to have more than enough. There’s no rule that says you just get to have enough. Why the fuck don’t you get to have a surplus? And I felt like I cut myself off from that possibility for so long, and I’m so ready for there to be just so much surplus in my life that then allows you to give back in really beautiful ways too. It’s not selfish

Tori: That right there is the purpose of WE flow is we need women like you to be in surplus because the change of the planet is thirsty for requires money. We’re on earth, and so if all these women are fully expressed in their highest wealth, which is really just their version of overflow, we now have power and grace embodied on the planet and that is what’s going to shift so many, so many, so many things. And a lot of women aren’t – I will speak for myself especially – I didn’t know how to hold pleasure in my body. I didn’t know how to have an orgasm. That’s not stuff that we’re taught. All that’s associated with the frequency of overflow so when the women in the WE flow get to that point, I mean the expression that comes out is like, whew! That’s going to change the fucking world.

Sarah: Oh, I want to be in a room of that energy, that feeling.

Tori: I’m in Colorado, girl. I’m in a planet-class there.

Sarah: So come on over, sister.

Tori: It’s going to be online. It gets to be everywhere.

Sarah: Oh, I’m so excited for you. I am so fucking excited for you and I’m just so honored to call you my friend and to be on this journey side by side with you. How can people … we’ve been talking this all up, so how can people learn more, experience this in their body? There’s going to be, I’m sure many ways in the future, but for at least now, how can they get started?

What is wealth embodiment and the WE Flow Method

Tori: Wealth embodiment flow is open for enrolment. So early bird is open for your viewers for a little bit longer to the end of this week, and they can go to bit.ly/weflowcourse. All the details and information are there. It’s 50% movement, so of course, they’re going to learn the postures. For this round only, I’m adding eight mentorship sessions, so I’m going to be guiding you through each level of your experience. So that’s on my Instagram bio @IamToriWashington and the course is open till March 20th, so I think that’s like 10 more days. And this first round of women, we’re going to go all the way in and they’ll get to experience it from start to finish, which is still so excited. And I know people who are listening are like, what is this? I need to go and look at it. On the sales page is actually a video that shows you a sample, just an example of what it would look like. But of course, like Sarah said, as you said – I don’t know why I’m acting like you’re not right in front of me – like you said, it’s different for every single person in terms of how they’re going to move their body, but I think the video is helpful just to understand the reverence and the strength.

Sarah: Yeah, and when I’ve seen you in that video, you put off such potent, powerful energy that I think it definitely permeates the screen in a way that I think people can really see what’s what this is all about without knowing all the details. They can at least get a good idea of what that could look like in their body by seeing that example. So make sure y’all go follow Tori @IamToriWashington on Instagram, and we’ll link in the show notes to her wealth embodiment course. It’s just going to be amazing and thank you so much for being just a fantastic friend, a fantastic human being and for coming on the show today.

Tori: Thank you, Sarah. I love you so big.

Sarah: I hope you loved that episode as much as I did. It’s always so much fun jamming out with friends on the show like Tori, and we are going to make it a no-brainer for you to join her for the wealth embodiment flow course. How are we going to do that? Well, she and I got to talking after the interview and I decided that when you sign up through my affiliate link, which is bit.ly/Sarahweflow, it’s also linked in the show notes. Make it super easy for you guys. When you sign up through that link, I am going to include for free as a bonus, the Lightworkers library. When you join the Lightworkers library, you also get access to the healing activation portal. It is a $647 value that you get for completely free when you join her for your course only when you use my link to sign up.

The 30 activations that you’re going to get inside of the healing activation portal incorporate guided meditation, vibrational medicine, and deep soul work. It is a beautiful compliment to the embodiment practice that you’re going to learn and experience with Tori inside of we flow experience. I just want to read a testimonial from the healing activation portal so you can get a sense of what this experience will also be like.

My friend and client Lexie wrote I love, love, love the healing activation portal. I had so many breakthroughs from the comfort of my own home and even though some of it was hard, it was so much healing. Sarah held space so well for me during the more challenging times and I felt very supported. I’m going back to the meditations over and over and I already want more.

So this is a different type of meditation experience and what makes a difference is that not only do I incorporate a powerful biofeedback device called the MyHealth that is used in broadcast mode, and has been shown and researched to be effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow in your body, your muscles, your nerves, your organs and other areas of the human body. It’s also been used to release any energy blockages or trigger points, so we are incorporating that biofeedback device and the recordings infused into the frequency of the recordings as well as biracial medicine. More than half of these are just channeled meditations and they’re intuitively guided and we’re also utilizing what’s called coherence, and Heart Math Institute measured the heart rate variability in students who are experiencing elevated emotions and saw that it caused what’s called coherence and that’s another way of saying an even, rhythmic heartbeat and when we come together and we go through this process together and you go through the WE flow experience together, we are amplified our energy as a community versus justice individuals.

And so while you can do all of these practices from the comfort of your own home, you also get to experience it within a community that’s going through the process with you. The healing activation portal will help you shed your past programming so you can really open yourself up to the embodiment practices Tori is going to be teaching you. Helps you to surrender to your healing process, overcome healing plateaus and open a doorway to what’s possible for you. Then as you graduate into the Lightworkers library, there are 10 more activations that are really created to help the soul searcher uncover their purpose and take aligned action. This is for the lightworker who is in any line of work. You might be an entrepreneur; you might not be. You might be working with women with chronic illnesses, you might be a fitness coach, you might be someone who works in corporate America. It does not matter, but you are the lightworker who wants to use your story in some sort of pain point or challenge you’ve been through in your life in order to not only overcome and show yourself how capable you are but also to inspire others and activate your life’s purpose.

So how does that sound to you? If it is a hell fucking yes – I hope it is – you’re not only going to get Tori’s amazing course and like she was saying, you’re going to be a founding freaking member. You get to experience this before anyone else and before it blows up and everyone’s talking about it is really entering at the ground level with Tori and then you get the support of these 40 additional activations through my courses, the Lightworkers library, and the healing activation portal to help you with things like self-worth, money, beliefs, alignment with your purpose, releasing fear-based thoughts and really owning your unique magic.

I just can’t speak highly enough about how well these complement each other. And how freaking excited I am to be able to offer this to you as a bonus when you sign up through my affiliate link for the wealth embodiment flow course. It is still early bird right now, so I encourage you to go sign up A-fricking-SAP before the price increases by $500. Take action. The one thing that I feel like I hesitated at the beginning of my own business was to take action. There were all these spheres. There was all this hesitation, there was comparisonitis and all these excuses that my mind was making because it was afraid, but that was just the part of me that was trying to play small. It was a part of me that was holding back from really owning my worth and seeing my truth and realizing that I was deserving of more. And I’m here to remind you that you are deserving of more and that you can have all the things that you desire and you can hit those big, hairy, audacious goals. And so trust yourself, trust your intuition. If this feels like a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity, which it is, and it feels in alignment for you, don’t wait, sister. I don’t want you to regret this and I would love to support you and help facilitate your growth. Tori and I are both here for you to ask questions and to answer your questions, and to just be not only your cheerleader but your guide and your mentor to help you step into that next level of your evolution. Have fricking quantum leaps in your life and get so excited about what’s next for you, because really the potential is unlimited. You get to experience your best fucking life, and I just am so honored and humbled to be able to witness it, so you better jump on bit.ly/Sarahweflow, or check out the link in the show notes ASAP, before spots fill up, before early bird runs out, before she begins. Let’s fricking do it. Make 2020 an amazing year. And I’ll see you next time.

About Tori

Tori Washington is a Spiritual Biz Mentor, Voice for Wealth Consciousness, and Creator of Wealth Embodiment Flow. Among her community, she’s known as the no-b******t soul sister you’ve always wanted. Her superpower is blending money mindset strategies with embodiment practices to help you amplify your magnetism for wealth + abundance.

Early Bird for WEALTH EMBODIMENT FLOW COURSE: http://bit.ly/sarahweflow (save $500)
*When you enroll with my affiliate link you will also receive free access to my course The Light Worker’s Library (value $647). Simply forward your receipt to sarah@theuncensoredempath.com!

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Work with Sarah:

Online courses | 1:1 coaching | Send show requests to sarah@theuncensoredempath.com!

This post contains affiliate links. We may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links. Thank you for your support!

March 24, 2020


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