Ep. 12 EVERYONE POOPS- All about Coffee Enemas

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In this episode, I discuss:

  • Welp. This episode gets weird. It might not be for you if you have a sensitive stomach… but it’s super real and a little TMI.
  • what is a coffee enema
  • history of coffee enemas
  • the benefits
  • how-to perform an enema
  • why the heck I do it
  • why it’s spiritual for me
  • answering your poopy questions

Additional Resources:

PRODUCT: The bucket I use

FDA LISTED ENEMA BUCKET KIT | designed for Australian and American health standards with premium-purity(tm) #304 grade stainless steel and other materials. This colon cleansing enema bucket is made with medical grade, reusable, odorless, BPA and phthalates free stainless steel, silicone and PVC tips.

PRODUCT: Moon Juice

Adaptogenic blends target stress, tension. and irritability to calm and brighten your mood. Plus they are non GMO, gluten free, vegan, and caffeine free! Get free samples with your order or save $38 on the Full Moon Collection.

BOOK: 21 Days of Healing

21 Days of Healing was created out of my own desire to go beyond food and heal on a deeper emotional and spiritual level. I curated the most loved content based on hundreds of live students experience in the course, and created this self guided workbook to help you navigate chronic illness, release emotional inflammation, and find the medicine woman within.

Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Healing Uncensored podcast. My name is Sarah Small, and I am a health and mindset coach for women with autoimmune disease. Just like you, I absolutely love helping you tap into yourself healing power, uncover the energetic side of healing, and release limiting beliefs around your body, and your life. Think of this podcast is everything you would not hear at your doctor’s office. It is a place for empowered souls to move beyond food and heal themselves on a soul level. I hope you enjoy today’s episode now. Let us begin.

What is a coffee enema

All right, everyone. Welcome to today’s episode we are getting dirty and talking about poop. I know some of you, if you have an uneasy stomach, you might want to skip this episode, but I promise it will be entertaining and informative. I actually just walked into my office from the bathroom. I am still in my bathrobe, and I just got done doing a coffee enema. So, today I am sure, maybe not, maybe you have, maybe you have not, but there is a lot of buzz around Kalanick. It is like, dude, you can go pay someone $200 to stick a tube up your butt with water, and then you could expel it in the comfort of a beautiful office space. There is also a lot of chatter about coffee enemas. And, the thing is they are not new, they are just becoming a buzz word. And, there is even discussion about fecal transplants and how, honestly transformative fecal transplants can be for especially, patients with digestive autoimmune diseases. So, today I want to break down a little bit about my own personal coffee enema experience. We are going to get personal here, and I want to not only explain to you how to do it. Some funny things that have happened to me, and my own experience, but also why, like what the fuck? Why am I actually doing this? Right?

History of coffee enemas

Coffee enemas have actually been around since the late 1800s. Yeah, Nope. They were not just, no, it was not those L.A. people who just decided that they wanted some coffee with their kale. This is something that has been around for hundreds of years. And, it used to be used to speed up the healing process after surgery in order to prevent any poisoning. Super interesting. But coffee enemas were first made famous by Gerson Therapy. That is G-E-R-S-O-N, Gerson Therapy in the 1950s. So, since the 1950s, they have been pretty popular, especially, in more of the holistic healing community. And, in the 1950s, part of this Gerson Therapy was using coffee enemas to treat cancer patients. And, so, it is a procedure that can be done in an office, or at home. I personally do them at home, for many different purposes.

The benefits

So, why, why do I stick a tube up in my butt, and then shoot some coffee up there. Because, and I am sorry, if you do not have a sense of humor, this episode is probably not going to be for you. But there is some real reason behind this. So, why, why do I put coffee up my butt? Well, it is a natural treatment protocol, and I am all about the natural and the holistic. But it is a natural treatment protocol for again, fighting cancer, like in Gerson therapy, for helping rid your body of parasites, which I have personally experienced not long ago. For helping relieve constipation. If you are feeling backed up, or even have chronic constipation. It can also help with your liver, supporting general detox in your body. It can help with candida. Which many of us who have autoimmune, also have candida, it can actually be a root of some of the autoimmune issues. It can also help IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), IBD or syndrome, ‘S’, and other digestive disorders.

So, although this might sound a little freaking crazy, and you are wondering what the hell, Sarah. It is actually a natural detox treatment. It is a supernatural way to help restore our digestive function. To help our body detox heavy metals and have overall amazing health. Again, this goes back hundreds and even thousands of years. So, get this, I read this, it is from Dr. Axe, and his article online, I will link to it in the show notes. In his article, he writes that these coffee enemas were mentioned in ancient historical scripts, like the dead sea scrolls. That described how Jesus, Jesus, Jesus used ordinary ingredients and materials, like food and water to help heal illnesses. Holy crap. Jesus did coffee enema.

Okay. Let us talk about the benefits. So, why, why, why, why, why am I doing this? And, P.S., I have seen some crazy scare tactic videos float around. I have had people tag me, and then before, basically, it is, if you do a coffee enema you are going to die. And, rest assured I have been doing one a week for quite a while now, and I am not dead. So, there is that. But, a disclaimer, before I talk about these benefits, again, I am going to link to also all of the research articles that support these facts in the show notes. But, go consult your doctor, go get some medical advice. If you are considering this to make sure it is actually safe for you. I will talk about some of the risks involved, but they are pretty minimal. However, disclaimer, right here right now, go talk to your doctor.

All right. So, why the hell do I do this? Coffee enemas help flush out bacteria. They help flush out heavy metals, fungus, and yeast. I am just going to be totally transparent with you guys right now. I have all of those. So, I have bacterial overgrowth in my gut. I have heavy metal overload, especially after you have heard me talk about in other episodes, having a copper. Ladies, copper is a heavy metal. If you have a copper IUD, that has a heavy metal that you are putting into your body. So, I had heavy metal overload, fungal overgrowth, candida, and yeast overgrowth. Okay. So, this is something that I did testing on and knew I had going on in my body. So, what coffee enemas do is help flush out the bacteria, the heavy metals, the fungus, and the yeast from your digestive tract. Including your liver and colon. They also help lower inflammation. So, again, inflammation is a huge, huge component of disease.

And, we are seeing that inflammation is even implicated in mental health, and mental illness as well. And, we tend to have chronic inflammation in our body when we struggle with autoimmune disease. So, it helps to lower inflammation. And, I like to also consider, I am 30 years old you guys. I do not feel super old, but that is still 30 years around the sun. And, I have eaten a lot of food., and a lot of crap. I was raised eating a ton of processed foods. I remember in high school, I would come home and eat a donut after school from like, what is that [Entamins?] Whatever that big shop is. Big, big chain, it is an all the grocery stores. I would come home, and I would eat a chocolate donut. Hashtag no regrets. But I can only imagine the amount of gummy bears, and gummy worms, and donuts, and whatever else I ate when I was younger. That is stuck, stuck inside of my body. So, 30 years of food and we eat every single day. Unless you are fasting or something, I have never really, really fast. And, I have only intermittent fasted. So, I have eaten. I can say, rest assured, I have eaten food every single day of my entire life. And, I do not know what is in there. I do not want to see what is in there, but I know that there is probably a lot caked around. I know, TMI. I know, I know. I know some of you are probably going to turn this off. That is okay. Go to the next episode. Wait until the next episode drops, but it is time to cleanse. It was time for me to cleanse. It was something that I chose to do to help restore my digestive function, bowel function. It can also help you increase your energy levels.

Something that I have struggled with a lot, is fatigue and, just having energy every day to be an entrepreneur, and spend time with people I love. So, according to the Gerson Institute, going back to that Gerson Therapy, the coffee enemas remove toxins accumulated in the liver, and remove free radicals from the bloodstream. Free radicals. So, that is why the Gerson Institute recommends the coffee enemas for cancer patients. To help remove those free radicals, help remove toxins accumulated in your liver. Not that this would not benefit you, not as a cancer patient. But, it is a belief that, and actually studies show that these coffee enemas have real benefit. And, this was something I was freaked out about. I do not do caffeine. I did not think, I am going to be honest. I used to drink a lot of lattes. I had an espresso machine at my apartment.

I loved going to get a latte. I was latte obsessed, and I never got decaf. I always would drink multiple lattes a day if, I was really needing to have energy. But I never thought I was affected by the caffeine. And, I think I was just very tolerant of the caffeine, because it was something that was entering my body every single day. And, then I quit the caffeine. I took caffeine out of my life, even in the form of caffeinated tea. And now, when I have caffeine, I had a little bit of kombucha recently, and I was, whoa, whoa. I can feel this in my bones, my hands start to shake and jitter. And before, it is not like I would stay up at night, because I had a latte or anything. But, once you remove something from your life, you realize how sensitive maybe you are to it.

That was me and caffeine. And, so I was worried that by sticking coffee up my butt, that I would have this horrible reaction to the caffeine. And, not only was it a little scary to be doing this in the first place. But I was, oh my god, the caffeine. But here is what I learned and what the research says, that the actual bioavailability of caffeine from a coffee enema is 3.5 times less, than when you are just drinking it from a coffee cup. Drinking orally through your mouth. So, that actually rested a little bit of my anxiety, and made me realize that maybe I would not have any reaction to the caffeine. And, it turned out that I actually tolerate the coffee just fine in the butt, but not in the mouth.

So, coffee, highly debated subject in general. Some studies show and say, practitioners, doctors say, yes, drink a cup of coffee every day. It is high in antioxidants. Other people say no, caffeine is known to interact with your adrenal glands and therefore your hormone levels, cortisol levels. But what the research also says is that caffeine, excuse me, not caffeine. Coffee contains antioxidants, and specific antioxidants that have positive effects on inflammation levels in your body, and in your digestive system. So, when you do a coffee enema, you are getting these good antioxidants as well.

Next, if you are someone who struggles with chronic constipation, what happens is that the coffee, when in the colon, acts as this cathartic. What does that mean? It means that it causes the colon muscles to contract. So, if you can imagine your colon muscles contracting, that is like when you are pooping. It is helping to move the stool through your digestive system and relieve any constipation. So, it makes it easier for you to go to the bathroom and everybody needs to poop. Not only does everyone poop, but everyone needs to poop. You need to get the shit out of you, literally. And, because we all poop, if you are feeling backed up and constipated, it is important to get things flowing again. So, we need to poop. And, if you are having any issues with that, this could potentially help. But I have never struggled with any sort of words, chronic, chronic, chronic, oh my gosh, chronic constipation, say that five times fast. But, because of the yeast, fungus, parasites, and heavy metals, I was very interested in the coffee enemas and decided, yes, I am going to let this coffee carry those parasites right out of my body. See you parasites.

Also, another study shows that, and this will be really interesting to those with autoimmune disease. That the coffee enema helps to stimulate the production of an enzyme created in your liver called, Glutathione S-transferases. Glutosiome is one of the most powerful antioxidants in our body. It is also anti-inflammatory and a natural blood cleanser. I actually take a glutathione spray. It just it is an oral spray. I spray into my mouth every single day to help with glutathione levels and increasing those antioxidants in my body. But coffee enemas are another way that helps stimulate the production of this enzyme called Glutathione S-transferases. Again, I will link to this in the show notes as well. And, coffee helps to open up your bile ducts. What is bile? Well, bile is needed within our digestive system, digestive process for proper digestion. So, it helps us break down and excrete our food. All of the things we are putting into our mouth every single day. So, again, this is another benefit.

Some of the benefits that are listed on that same article I mentioned before, are that coffee enemas can help repair digestive tissue, cleanse the liver, and improve your blood circulation, increase immunity, help with cellular regeneration. Help to relieve digestive issues such as that constipation, bloating, cramping, nausea. And improve your overall gut health, and improve low energy levels, and even your mood. So, this is pretty cool. The coffee, when inserted into the colon is like this natural astringent. And it helps the top layer of skin within your digestive track actually peel off and rejuvenate. So, it is believed that within that top layer of skin or mucus, that lining of your gut, that, it is again, believed that is where you hold the highest level of toxins. So, by shedding that top layer it is also helping, as that top layer is excreted from your body so, are the toxins. And, again, I am someone who struggles with this heavy metal overload in my body. And, I am trying to get those toxins, the F out.

How-to perform an enema

All right, you guys want to hear how to do this again? Here come the juicy details. This is how you perform a coffee enema. First, you have to buy your supplies. You have got to go, and you have to buy an enema bucket. These come in several varieties or variations. I wish I could say colors, but there is no hot pink enema buckets. Someone, please go make me one, or maybe one that is stamped in unicorns. I would definitely, definitely purchase it. But, since there is no unicorn enema buckets, we are going to have to learn how to settle. There are metal buckets, and there are plastic like bags. And there is also disposable versus reusable.

If you do plan, like myself to do these about every week or even every month, then I would definitely suggest getting a reusable bucket for the environment. Because we like to support the environment, and be environmentally friendly, and conscious consumers. But, also because, and this is one of the reasons I purchased a metal bucket. You just do not know what from the plastic is going to leach into it. So, I stay away from the plastic, and I stick with the metal. Metal bucket, you can get these on Amazon. They are not expensive. It just comes with a bucket. I got one that has multiple size and shaped tips. I really wish I could show you guys, but you can Google it. And, I will link to the show notes, the bucket that I actually purchased. Within that bucket, again, there are these different sized and shaped tips. Some of them are curved. Some of them are long. Some of them are short. Some of them have one little, hole spout. Some of them have all around the tips spout. And you can choose which one you want to use. How deep you want that to be inserted. And, pick your poison. Pick, pick, pick your tip, guys, pick your tip. I personally use the one that is a little curved, and it is pretty soft, durable, flexible. That is the one I use. So, number one, purchase your bucket.

Number two, purchase your coffee. This is really important, because the point of this is to remove toxins from your body. So, do not go buy some chemical plastered coffee. Do not go buy your coffee at 7-Eleven. Please do not do that. Only purchase a certified organic coffee brand, because again, whatever regular, other coffee beans are probably going to be sprayed with chemicals. And, again, we do not want to put more chemicals in there. We are trying to get rid of the chemicals from our lives. So, purchase organic coffee. You really can purchase any organic coffee brands. Find one that is reputable. Who do you trust? There is also, again, on Amazon coffee beans that are produced and marketed specific to being used for enemas. There is several of these brands that I have seen. I do not go that far, to me, it feels a little bit like a marketing tactic. They are the same beans as in an organic coffee bean bag. They are just marketed as for your butthole, instead of your mouth. So, you do you, you pick the coffee you want. But again, make sure it is an organic coffee. The last thing you want to do is put more dysfunction into our body and harm.

So, you have got your bucket, you have got your beans, and then you have to brew your coffee. I do this on the stove, in a pot, just a small pot. And, you want to be conscious of the pan you use to. So, you do not again, want to put chemicals into your body. It should be an eco-friendly, non-toxic pan, or excuse me, pot as well. I do three cups of again, very important, filtered water. I have this amazing thing called the ZeroWater filter at home. And it shows me, I can put this little stick inside my water. It will show me how many undissolved solids there are in the water. So, things like fluoride. Do you want fluoride up your butt hole? Do not think so. So, you want to filter your water. I take three cups of just plain unfiltered water. I use that with my ZeroWater filter. You can use any filter you choose. And, then I add two tablespoons of ground organic coffee. I stir it together in the pot, let it come to a soft boil, and then I pull it off and just let it cool again. Huge, huge, important step here, is to let it cool. No burning the bum. No burning the bum. Do not do that, please. Do not do not tag me on Instagram, saying you burned your butt. Because I am telling you right now, to let your coffee cool. Because there is still some caffeine that is being absorbed by the body. I also prefer to do these in the beginning of the day, versus the second half of the day. So, when possible, I will brew the coffee in the morning, and even just give it about an hour to cool. It does not take that long to cool, most of the time. But I usually just give it an hour to kind of sit and cool, and then I will get everything ready.

So, you are letting your coffee cool. You also need to filter it. So, we are not putting any grounds, no coffee grounds go up the butt. Instead, I guess I am going to go back and listen to this episode and count the number of times I say, butt, butthole, ass and poop. I wish this was a live video, so I can see your response. Where was I? We are going to let the coffee cool and filter it. So, after it is done cooling off, we will filter it. And, I use a nut milk bag personally. So, I will take a glass bowl. I have one that actually has, it is like a pouring bowl. So, there is a little bit of a spout on it too, which helps. So, I pour the pot of coffee, brewed coffee, through the nut milk bag so that the nut milk bag catches any of the grounds.

And, sometimes I even do it twice. I will filter it twice, to make sure I got all the grounds out. And, then you are just left with the same coffee that you would drink. You can taste it if you want, but that is not where it is going, for these purposes. Once it is in that glass bowl, I then pour it into my bucket. Now, that metal bucket I talked about before. The important thing here is to make sure that you actually latch the end. So, there is a tube connected to the bucket. That is actually the part that goes inside you. There is always, a little, I do not know the technical term, but it is like a little latch. And it helps you control the stream, the flow and how fast that flow is when you actually release it. So, you want to close it so that you do not get coffee spraying over your entire kitchen, or bathroom. Close it, add the coffee and then, I take it into the bathroom with me. And, I use a carabiner. My boyfriend and I go rock climbing so, we have a shit ton of carabiners. I will grab a carabiner and I will use that to actually, think about gravity. So, it has to be above the height of your body in order for the liquid to flow out. So, I will hook it onto either our towel rack, or the shower rack. It is a pretty long tube too, so you can hang it up pretty high. But the towel rack seems to work pretty good as well. I will latch it on there. Otherwise, you need someone to hold it above your head. And, I am going to guess this is going to be a private thing for you, that you are probably not going to invite your partner, or best friend in the bathroom for. So, I latch it on, and then I get myself comfortable, because yes, I am going to go there.

Why it’s spiritual for me

I am going to make my enema a spiritual fucking experience. And, here is a little bit of why too. So, let me just expand and expound upon that. Energetically, and we talk about energy medicine and some of the energetic roots of illness. If you have a digestive disorder, or you have constipation, you struggle with constipation or digestive issues. I want you to just ask yourself for a second. Do you also have trouble maybe digesting aspects of your life, digesting emotions, digesting experiences? Are you someone who is constantly second-guessing yourself? Are you someone who has this almost hangover of being social? Where you come back and you question everything that you said, but you cannot because you cannot digest what just happened? And, then you get self-conscious about it. Or maybe you have a very hard time letting go of shit, literally and figuratively.

So, the colon and the digestive system on an energetic level, are associated with, not being able to digest your life, things that happen and emotions in your life, and not being able to let go. Alternatively, or the kind of counterpart of this is, that we are obsessed with trying to control things. Maybe, or even as a child, you felt like life was out of control. So, our bodies, we had this amazing survival instinct and out of a lot of autonomic processes in our body. We clench our butt. I know it sounds so silly you guys, but many of these issues with the colon are, that we are trying to clench, because we are trying to control some aspect of our life, when everything else feels like shit is hitting the fan. Not literally, just figuratively that time. So, when we are cleansing, when you are detoxing, I truly see this as yes, this physical thing that I am doing to my body, that I am performing. But, I also see it as this opportunity to energetically cleanse, that which no longer serves me to help me process my life, to let go of shit again, figuratively and literally, and just let myself be free. So, I am letting the fuck go. And, it is so interesting, because I will go into some of my personal experiences with this. But I do believe there is an energetic side to it that compliments the physical healing and detoxing as well.

So, that being said, I set the mood. And I will lay down a blanket or several blankets or a towel. Actually, I put a towel on the floor, and I do this in the bathroom by myself, with the door locked. And I will lay down a couple of towels so that I am comfortable. And, I bring a pillow. I have a special coffee enema pillow, that I lay on to the bathroom floor. And, I light some palo santo or sage, again, adding to that energetic cleansing. Do you guys think I am crazy yet? Enemas are a spiritual experience, believe me. So, I light the palo santo. I would light a candle if I feel like it. Non-toxic, again, we do not want to add more toxins to our lives. Or even diffuse some essential oils that are also good for detoxification. And, I let the mood to be set in the room. I also always will listen to chanting music. So, I turn on Spotify. One of my favorite chanting albums is chanting by Wah, W-A-H. And that is a free album you can listen to on Spotify, I will turn on some chanting, because it helps me focus. And, then I lay on my side. I like to lay on my right side, being a yoga teacher. I typically always tell people to lay on their right side, in fetal posture in yoga too, because our heart is on our left. And, we want to create space on the left for our heart to beat, and our lungs to breathe. So, laying on the right side, and again, bringing this back to this energetic side of healing, fetal posture in yoga is this symbolic representation, this shape in our body that symbolizes rebirth. So, we are cleansing that which no longer serves us, in order to create space for all that does.

So, again, you are laying there on your side. I always wear a silky robe. I know bringing the sexy into the enemas. So, I wear my robe, and I lie on my right side. Everything is set. The music is going. I turn on my timer on my phone to 15 minutes. 15 minutes. So, you can start less. You can also start, I did not mention this, you can start with one tablespoon of coffee grounds, if you feel nervous about the caffeine. And you can start with less liquid too. But, yeah, I do three cups of liquid and, liquid meaning water filtered water, and two tablespoons of coffee. And, I started with that and it actually was perfect. And, I turn on the timer for 15 minutes, and I press go. And, then I insert by myself, the actual tip of the enema bucket, the tubing with the tip that I chose, the tip of the day. And I insert. And, it does not have to go in very far, but just far enough. You will feel it. Use your intuition to know what is far enough. You are not trying to stick it all the way up to your stomach. So, be careful, I am not providing medical advice today. And, then you, again, using that little latch, allow it to open and release and you can go slow to start. And, then, if you are comfortable, you can actually increase the flow of the actual coffee. So, you are letting it enter. It feels a little weird, but here is the thing. You guys, it does not hurt. It does not hurt. It is like pooping. Pooping does not hurt. And, it is a lot smaller than a poop. So, you are just putting this tiny little tube up there, letting it go. And, then I let all the liquid flow inside my body.

And, then, I close the latch again. And, so that it is not going to flow back into the tube. Because that could get messy. So, I just close the latch, and I turn up my music. Sometimes, I text my friends, you know who you are. I tell them, I am like, Oh, just so you know, I got an enema in my butt right now. And they are, oh, okay, cool, cool, Sarah. Awesome. Yes. That is totally normal. Totally normal. And, I prefer to actually just then leave the tube in the rectum, because I guess I just get nervous that if I were to remove it, that I would have to clench even harder. And it just feels safer. I am just going to go with my instinct and say, it feels safer with the tube still inserted, even though the liquid is already in there. And, then you hold, you hold for 15 minutes.

I have had some 15-minute periods of time where, it has been easy-peasy. Really, just lying there chilling. And, I do stay on my side the whole time. And, I have had a couple experiences where I am clenching like a motherfucker. Yes. It is challenging. And the cool part about this though, is that when you actually clench, and you are trying to hold in your excretion, your poop, or your pee, that actually stimulates your vagus nerve. And you guys, your vagus nerve is this giant nerve. It is also called the wandering nerve, because it wanders all over your body. And, at the top of it is by your mastoid bone, behind your ear, around your skull. And this nerve travels around your whole body. And, it is responsible for your parasympathetic nervous system and telling our body that it is okay to relax. And, so that is another benefit that I did not include before, is that, when you are clenching for those 15 minutes, you are also stimulating the vagus nerve, and increasing vagus tone which is really important for overall health in your body.

So, I am clenching for 15 minutes and then the little timer goes off, and I am like, Oh, okay, thank God. And, I remove the tube, and I stand up and I go to the toilet because it is literally one foot away. Do not worry. You guys, you are not going to make a huge mess. My friends have asked me this. You can make it to the toilet. You just keep clenching, you will walk over to the toilet and, what goes in must come out. That is the best way I can explain it to you. What goes in must come out. But what comes out is actually a little bit greater, because it is also taking with it that layer of heavy metals, and parasites, and whatever is caked in your colon. Because who the fuck knows. So, it is not painful, not painful at all. It just comes out, actually very easily. And, that’s it? You wipe up. You flush the toilet. I know TMI, TMI, but I know you are enjoying this. If you are still listening, you are enjoying this. Please admit it, please, please tag me on Instagram and let me know that you actually really enjoyed all of these details. And then, I blow out my palo santo, my candle. I clean my bucket and I am on my way. So, that is really it. It is actually, very simple.

And, again, there is very little risk. I will mention a few. So, again, please talk to your doctor. If you have a hemorrhoid, for example, do not do a coffee enema. Oh my god, I am cringing thinking of it. So, there is some obvious examples, but please do talk to your doctor. Coffee enemas also are not normally recommended for pregnant women, or children since they can be especially sensitive to caffeine.

Another, I guess risk, I would include here is that if you overdo it. You perform too many coffee enemas you can get dehydrated and end up with an electrolyte imbalance. So, if you were doing this every day for a month or something. Number one, do hydrate afterward. Go make sure you are balancing your electrolytes, getting enough electrolytes in your body. Hydrating. I always drink a lot of water afterward. But I was doing them once a week when I was working on fighting this little amoeba parasite in my body. And now, I have slowed down to once every two to three weeks, to still help, because I am still working on detoxing, heavy metals from my body. And, I have found that it feels like it is really helping.

What other risks are there? The University of Korea has actually studied coffee enemas, and they reported that the people who use them actually do not usually experience any complications or side effects. And, these are a safe and feasible option for treating digestive issues. Again, I would be more concerned if you are really sensitive to caffeine like me. If you would want to start low and slow to make sure that you do not have any reaction to the caffeine. Now, the first time I ever did one, I did get a little shaky afterward. And, I was actually told later that, I thought it was just the caffeine that made me a little shaky. And it wore off after a couple of hours. But this can also be a sign that your body is detoxing. So, think about this. Like the first time I ever cleansed my colon in 30 years, there is probably going to be a little bit of a detox effect. And, actually, now, I do not get shaky anymore. So, I do not think it was the caffeine. I think it was actually the detox effect.

So, who is this for? Is this for you? Should you go do a coffee enema? I do not know. I am just telling you my personal experience, and what the research says. But this is for the people who maybe, these people should consider this. If you are constipated, if you have constant constipation, I cannot say that it is too much. It is too much too hard. Chronic constipation. Also, if you like me, you are trying to detox from heavy metals, just improve liver function, parasites, yeast, or fungus. You want a general cleanse. You are 30 years old, too, or maybe older. And, you are thinking about what your colon looks like. And how many gummy bears you ate when you were five years old? That might be for you. And then cancer patients again, as the Gerson Institute recommends.

But, again, go talk to your doctor and there are actually many types of enemas. So, this is super interesting, I have only ever done a coffee enema. But you can go, as I mentioned in the beginning, and pay a bunch of money for a Kalanick and someone will come in and do it for you, it is very clean. Sorry, pretty pristine. But you can do a water enema at home to a coffee enema, as I mentioned. Here is the other type of enemas I found when I did a quick search. Mineral oil. Never tried that one, but I imagine I would not tell you what I imagined. A saline enema, and then, get this, milk and molasses. I do not know why. I have no answer for you. I do not know why people do milk and molasses enemas. But I will get back to you on that if I find anything. I can tell you I have never done one. But I did find that.

So, a couple of things I want to share with you. And, I had some questions from listeners and members of the Autoimmune Tribe community that I am going to answer here in a second too. But I want to tell you a little funny story from today’s enema, that I had just finished and came from. Like I said, usually like 90% of the time, listen to chanting. But today I was feeling a little more hippie, happy up upbeat. So, I just put on a Spotify playlist and I am getting down to my last two minutes, last two minutes of the enema. And, I am like, Sarah, you can do it. You can hold it in. And, then the song turns on by The Weekend. And, I wish I could play it for you, but iTunes would pull down my podcast because it is copyrighted. So, I am going to have to sing it to you. Instead. It goes like this, “I feel it coming, I feel it coming.” Do you guys know that? Please, please disregard my voice, I do not sing. If you do not, go listen to it. It is by The Weekend it is called, ‘I feel like coming’.

I started dying, laughing, but I am also in the last two minutes of my freaking enema. So, you cannot laugh and clench your anus at the same time. So, I managed, I managed. I managed to clench, but I had to stop laughing because the timing of the song was very inappropriate. And, this is a very R rated podcast. P.S. That is why it is called Healing Uncensored. Close your child’s ears, please. So, that happened today, but I think it was the second time I ever did one. I was going to do the enema, and then I got distracted, something came up, and I was, okay, I am just going to pop this coffee in the fridge. Because it just, I do not know, it felt like the right thing to do. Popped the coffee in the fridge. And, then I came back to it a few hours later, and I was, okay, I am going to do my enema now. And, I grabbed the coffee out and I let it sit on the counter for a little while to come down now, closer to room temperature. Went and got all ready. Got my mood set, poured in the coffee. Put it in the butt, unlatched the tubing. And, I had this very strange sensation. I thought that I had either peed myself, or that the enema was leaking, or maybe I had a hole in my abdomen. I did not know. But I went and I put my hand on my abdominals in the lower abdominal region. And, I was trying to wipe off, because I thought, for sure, I was wet on my lower stomach. Nope. It was just because the coffee was still a little chilly, and I could feel it sneaking through my intestines. And, I thought, for sure, it was like water drizzling on my stomach. It was not. I know you guys think. Oh, I am going to look back at this podcast in like five years and be like, Sarah, that was T-M-I. That was just, it was just too much. But you know what, that is me, I am being here real, authentic, and raw with you. And, I thought that I had peed myself, or that my stomach was leaking. It was not, I was good. It was just a little cold. So, those are some of my experiences.

Answering your poopy questions

Now, let us look at your questions. Serita wants to know, how often do you do these? So, I answered that. Once a week, and now a little bit less often. How much time do you set aside to be done expelling? Good question. I stand up as I mentioned, I eliminate, and then I am good. I am good to go here. I am recording a podcast. I just did an enema. I am going out to dinner later. I am not worried about it. It’s all good. Once it is out, it is out. Your digestion goes back to normal. If I will say, I am not someone who is chronically constipated. But if you are, you might want to stay closer to the toilet, because it could loosen things up, and maybe you will have a second elimination after that. Particularly, interested because she has kids. Oh, she wants to wait until after her kids are in bed, to know how much time to a lot.

So, I would just be a little careful, Serita. If you do it after the kids go to bed, if you are someone that sensitive to caffeine, I do not want you to necessarily stay up all night after your enema. So, if possible, I would try to do it in the morning. And then, where do I get my supplies? Amazon. You can get organic coffee at health food stores at Whole Foods. But I get the bucket. I will link to the bucket in the show notes, to get on Amazon.

Amanda wants to know, When I worked in oncology, there was a doctor that swore by coffee enemas, as part of his cancer treatments. I have not heard of this in years though. So, it is been around a long time. Would love to hear more. Cool, Amanda, I hope you enjoyed this. And, you heard all the things you wanted to hear.

Natalie. Yes. Does it burn your bum tissue? It will burn your bum tissue probably pretty bad, if you do not let the coffee come to room temperature first. So, please, please let your coffee come to room temperature before you do your enema. Or else, yes, we will all have very burnt bum tissue. Otherwise, you are good to go.

If you guys have any questions about coffee enemas, after hearing my experience, some of the benefits, risks, and what it actually, what the hell it looks like. Please just tag me or DM me on Instagram @theuncensoredempath. I am happy to answer your questions, or even do a follow-up session here. Or an episode to answer your questions. And, if this feels like it is for you, consult your doctor and go for it. And, then please, please tag me in your coffee enema pictures or your coffee enema story on Instagram. You will see mine, from time to time. I typically will snap a picture of the bucket, and I will say, Hey, it is time. It is that time of the week to do the enema because I am unfiltered. This podcast is unfiltered.

You all are amazing. Thank you so much for listening today. If you love this episode and love the Healing Uncensored podcast, I would really appreciate it if you could go over to iTunes and leave a five-star review. And, I love to see when you are listening. So, take a screenshot of this episode and tag me on Instagram @theuncensoredempath. I will be sure to repost you, send you my love. Thanks again for joining today, and, I will see you next time.


The Research:








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February 28, 2019


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