Ep. 11 Essential Oils, Self Care, & Boundaries w/ Carley Schweet

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • what self-care actually means
  • how to create strong soulful boundaries
  • giving yourself permission to say NO
  • our favorite oil recommendations
  • how we both removed our IUDs recently
  • the power of friendship as an entrepreneur

Additional Resources:

COURSE: Launch Your Wellness Biz

A 30-day course for lightworkers to who desire to turn their pain into their purpose and create profit. I’ve heard so many people say they don’t know where start when it comes to building an online wellness business, this solves that problem and helps you go from overwhelmed to bringing in regular paychecks.

BOOK: Boundaries with Soul: A Guide to Regaining Control of Your Time and Truest Values (without feeling guilty!)

Are you a people pleaser? Regain control over your time and values by taking a stand and setting healthy, respectful boundaries—and give your authentic self a space to thrive! Often, feelings of anxiety and guilt keep us from saying no—but we can learn to release these negative emotions, freeing us to say yes to what we truly want. Effective boundaries make us masters of both our personal choices and the type of energy we allow into our lives, encouraging respectful relationships—and allowing us to be our most authentic selves.

BOOK: Holistic Self-Care Guided Journal: Nurture Yourself, Expand Your Mind, Embrace Who You Are

Self-care is the essential, powerful practice of loving yourself―not just with fun indulgences, but with everyday habits that support and strengthen every part of you. The Holistic Self-Care Guided Journal helps you build the best self-care practices and reclaim your relationship with yourself―addressing everything from nurturing your mindset to organizing your personal space to reaching out to your community

Episode Transcript:

Carley: I just felt this deep sense of relief. Like I am getting goosebumps just even thinking about this. Just my intuition saying, thank god girl, you are finally showing up for yourself. What took you so long?

[musical interlude]

Sarah: Hello everyone and welcome to the show. In today’s episode you are going to hear me chat with my friend Carley Schweet. She once worked in the intense corporate fashion world of New York City, and took a turn to become a self-care coach and author of the book, ‘Boundaries of Soul’. She now lives outside of Seattle, Washington. You are going to hear Carley and I discuss what self-care really means. How we have created strong social boundaries in our life. How to say, and give yourself permission to say no. We are going to chat all about essential oils, and we are going to get into some juicy details of how we both actually, removed our IUDs recently. And the power of friendship, and sisterhood, and community as an entrepreneur, and as an oil business owner. I think you guys are going to love this episode, so let us dive in.

[musical interlude]

Sarah: Hi Carley. Welcome to the show.

Carley: Hey Sarah. Thanks for having me.

Sarah: I am so glad to have you on. And I just want everyone who is listening to know that you are an extra special guest because you are also my oil mentor with doTERRA. And it is just proof that this oil business can really connect you with freaking amazing women. And I am extra excited to have you on today. So can you start by telling listeners a little bit about your transition from corporate fashion in New York City, so, literally across the country from where you are now, you moved across the country, and now you are this amazing self-care coach and author.

Carley: Yes, I reflect on my journey and it is so familiar and so crazy at the same time. So, I went to school for Fashion, I moved to New York when I graduated in 2012. Worked for some really big fashion companies in their corporate offices. And found myself so wrapped up in other people, and what other people wanted in my personal relationships, in my professional relationships. And, I thought that, at the time, that is what made me a good person. That is what made me a good employee, a good partner, a good friend, and things were going well until they were not. And, things went downhill. And, my health started to take a turn. I was constantly bloated. I literally thought, unbuttoning your pants after every meal was normal. I had itchy patches on my eyelids. I drank pretty much, every single night with my friends.

I had such a shopping problem, partly, because I worked in the industry, partly because it was helping to fill a void that I was feeling. And, I was in this relationship at that time that was not doing any good for me. My self-worth, my self-love, there was none of that. And, I started going to the gym, and I hated the gym. I have never been a huge workout fan. And, I started going to the gym and found this incredible trainer. And it was not the working out, it was not the trainer, it was not the gym. It was committing moments to myself each day. And that grew, and grew, and grew. I eventually enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sarah is also, an alum. And, I started my journey with coaching, and quit my corporate job in New York. I moved to Seattle with my fiancé that I met at work. I always joke he is the best thing that came out of that job. And also, just discovered that my unhappiness, these feelings of not enough self-love, really stemmed from always giving too much, always pleasing, too much. Never standing up for myself, never setting boundaries. So now, as a self-care coach, it is truly my mission to help the people pleasers of the world, take back control of their lives. And not feel bad about doing it.

Sarah: Yes, that is amazing. Can you go back into your shoes a little bit, that day you put in your notice, to quit that corporate job. That, I am assuming, probably had benefits and a great salary. And you took a huge risk by saying this is not aligned with me, and my soul’s purpose, and growth. And you decided to create those boundaries and to take a different path. But, go back into those shoes. What did that feel like for you?

Carley: Oh my gosh. As you could imagine, I am sweating bullets. My hands were so clammy. Just felt such a sense of am I doing the right thing? What are people going to think of me? I am really letting my boss down because the company had big plans for me to eventually take over my manager’s position. I worked on an eCommerce team, so it was really fast-paced, competitive environment. And I just did not want it. So, I am sitting at the table with her, and the words start coming out before I even realized what I am saying. And I just felt this deep sense of relief. I am getting goosebumps just even thinking about this. My intuition said, thank God girl, you are finally showing up for yourself. What took you so long? And, it was met with such love, and support, and quite honestly, a lot of my first coaching clients came from the people that I worked with at this corporate fashion company. And it just proved to me, the world needs this work, and the world needs more healers and more coaches in this space. And, it is like the universe made way and made space for me.

What self-care actually means

Sarah: Beautiful. Okay, so now you are a self-care coach. What does self-care really mean to you? What does it look like in your everyday life?

Carley: Oh my gosh. Okay. This question I love so much. Thank you for asking, because I think self-care, well it is certainly a buzzword these days. Everyone is talking about self-care. And, self-care to me, and my deep private personal beliefs about self-care, it is not going to get a manicure every Monday or eating chocolate cake in the bathtub. Yes. Sometimes it is so awesome to treat ourselves like that. But to me, self-care is about these small moments throughout our day where we are really tuned in to our feelings. We are aware, we are mindful, and then, we are making decisions out of that confident, and secure place. So, for me, I talk a lot about boundaries, and a lot about emotional self-care, and learning how to say no. Standing your ground, communicating your needs. These are all types of important self-care, and that is the self-care I am working on spreading the message of. Because, at the end of the day that is the shit that matters, and that is what really makes us fully happy. And, of course, weaving in taking a bath, doing yoga, going for a walk. These are all very important things that we can do as we are working on tackling those bigger ideas of emotional self-care.

Sarah: Beautiful. So, my last episode, episode 10, was with Andrew, my boyfriend/spouse. He always corrects me because we are technically, in a common-law marriage. And, there was a lot of buzz around that episode. And you brought up your partner, Corbin. And so, I just want to ask you a little bit about, so you went from this transition, you evolved and changed as a person to become a woman who puts herself first, and who prioritizes self-care. How is your partner a part of that? How does your relationship come into that as well?

Carley: Yes, it is so interesting. I will never forget, a bit of a story about me and Corbin. I will never forget when we first started dating, and we were walking down Third Avenue. And, I am not kidding, this is maybe our second date. And he is, so what do you want to be doing in five years? Like, this is not a light conversation.

Sarah: Who asks that?

Carley: And I am, and it hit me at such a time in my life, that I was, none of this, literally none of this. And I had this moment of clarity, and ever since, and Corbin and I have been together ever since our first date, without question. And ever since, he has been such a constant supporter of my growth. He is not a people pleaser. So, we have definitely had to do some communication around, why sometimes it is hard for me to express things? Why sometimes I cannot find the right words? Why sometimes I shut down, or give too much to people who do not deserve it? And, he certainly learned a lot along the way too. And he always says, I am just so proud of all of the growth that you have shown. And yes, I am certainly a different person, but in such a positive way that I am able to give more to our relationship at such a deeper level. Without feeling this sense of insecurity that I used to feel in my old relationships. I would hold on so tight because I would be way too scared, they would leave if I let go, any slight bit. So, it has been cool, to watch our relationship become this solid, solid foundation for our lives.

Sarah: Yes. You evolve and grow with each other. Yes, I have goosebumps, and so, I love to love. I like hearing about love. So, thank you for sharing.

Carley: It is so crazy.

Sarah: Let us talk a bit about oils, and how oils play into your self-care practice. We talked about it not just being eating chocolate cake in the bathtub, but how do oils play into all aspects of your self-care, and routine?

Carley: Yes. Essential oils, it is one of those things. They are one of those things that you do not know how much you need them until you have them. What did I ever do…? I am sure you can relate. And, it is, what did I do without these? And what I really love about essential oils that I did not expect, I did not anticipate this, as they really give me a moment to myself each and every day. They are little tools of self-care that I have scattered throughout my house. So, on my bathroom vanity, I have my a.m. and p.m. rollerballs filled with oils just for my skin. And, they smell so incredible, that every time that I am putting them on in the morning, or in the evening, the sense just takes me back to the day, after day, after day, of using these oils.

And, there are some things, so grounding about scent. Especially when they are familiar and tied to a positive experience. Like waking up in the morning, setting my intentions, using the rollers. Or, before I climb into bed. It creates this pocket of time for me, that I used to just completely neglect. I used to go to bed with my makeup on every night, in New York for sure. Especially after a night out. I would used to roll out of bed, coat on makeup. Now, it is, I barely wear it and my skin starts to speak for itself, with how these oils can really change us. And then there is creating detox baths for myself. Something I like to do every Sunday by myself. Corbin knows it is my time. Please do not interrupt me. Based on what I am needing, and also, just the immense support I get digestion wise, overall immune system. I have not been sick for quite a long time. Thank goodness, I am so thankful for that. And at the end of the day, like I said, these oils are just tools that allow people, especially those who might have a hard time doing it, create moments for themselves that do not necessarily feel like this extravagant self-care. But it really is.

Sarah: Yes. And, you can makeover your entire medicine cabinet. I like what you said in the beginning there, about how not really knowing that you wanted or needed these oils so badly. Until you have them in your cupboard, in your medicine cabinet, in your purse, and in your car, and your bathroom and all the places. I used to, when I did not have them, I would reach for anti-inflammatory drugs or antihistamines. And there is such a beautiful alternative and a natural solution to things that are destroying your gut. And, even the cleaning products, do you use them for clean products as well?

Carley: Yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. I just made this amazing couch spray yesterday. I have lived a very exciting life guys. I made this couch spray because I have two dogs. And I have a fabric couch, and normally, I do not even know what you would do. But I was, this smells like dogs. And I made this spray, it was rosemary, lemon, bergamot, and eucalyptus with some baking soda, vinegar, and just water, and a bit of rubbing alcohol. Sprayed it all over the couch. Let it soak in, and then, vacuumed it up once it was fully dry. And I am realizing, this is so simple, and it costs me maybe 75 cents.

Sarah: Amazing. Okay. I am going to need that recipe because, as you know, I have my little Bella at home. And we are planning on getting a second one too.

Carley: That is cool.

Sarah: I know. We are going to need that couch spray. Especially, Andrew wants a great dane. So, that dog is going to take up a lot of space on the couch.

Carley: That is for sure. That is for sure.

How to create strong soulful boundaries

Sarah: Okay. Do you have any examples of how, with stronger boundaries, you have been able to and learn how to say no, to some of the things may be, would have been more in that people pleaser version of yourself in the past? So, how did you learn to say no, and how did you learn how to create some of these strong, soulful, boundaries in your life?

Carley: Oh my gosh, it is. If I were to tell you, saying no was easy for me, I would be lying. First and foremost, I am not an amazing person at saying no. I think, I just have such a better awareness of when I need to be saying no, now. So, if someone is struggling with saying no, I really encourage you, the first step is to when you are faced with a decision, and maybe you feel a little too much pressure to give an answer right away. Never be afraid to ask for more time. Take a step back, figuratively, literally, take a step back and really tune into your body. I found, a lot of people when they are faced with a decision, and they feel they should be saying no, may start to feel it in their gut. They start to feel it in their chest, they start to feel it, maybe in their throat. And that is usually, a sign that your higher self, your intuition is saying, hello, please pay attention to me. This is not good for us.

Giving yourself permission to say NO

So, once you learn how to hear that voice, and then begin to learn to trust that little voice. Saying no might still remain hard, but learning when we should be saying no becomes much easier. I am getting married in August, Corbin and I’s wedding is in August. And, let me just tell you, planning a wedding is a test of boundaries. people have been coming at us from all angles, requesting things from us. And, that has been a really big test of my ability to say no. And, it is been really cool to watch everyone respect our wishes. At the same time, I get to flex my boundaries a little bit more. It is very reassuring to me, because I know on that big day, things will be the way that we want them, and the way that we intended. There will not be any resentment. Hopefully, there will not be any lack of communication. And, you hear stories all the time about bridezillas and terrible wedding. The days of the wedding that just go absolutely terrible. And I think at the end of the day, it all comes down to a lack of boundaries within all of these really close-knit parties.

Sarah: Definitely. So, you actually wrote a book on this? What inspired you? And it is a workbook style book. So, tell us about the book, and what inspired you to create this?

Carley: It is so funny. It was one of those things where I was, I have to write a book on this. So, I actually did the IIN Write Your Dream Book course or Launch Your Dream Book course. And, I had just led a retreat in Costa Rica in November 2015. And, the theme of their retreat was, ‘Love yourself first’.

Something that felt so personal to me. And, it was in those moments that I was, I am sorry, it was November 2016. It was in those moments where I was, this is where I am in my life. I feel so comfortable, and so enthusiastic, about teaching it, that I need to spread it to others. So, it quickly became the theme of the retreat. And, as I worked through the content for the five days in Costa Rica. It became really apparent to me that I had a book on my hands. And when I watched the reactions of everyone at the end of the week, just have all of these realizations of where they needed to create boundaries in their lives. I was, Oh man, I really have a book on my hands.

So, I started writing. I love to write. That is one of my new-found passions. I started writing, and this book came out of me, I could have typed it with my eyes closed, it was there. And, the first step in the book is to understand what you value. And I think a lot of us, especially if you are a people pleaser, I talked to quite a few people-pleasers in my day. And we can lose track of what we value, definitely. Lose ourselves in others. We lose ourselves in comparing ourselves to others. We lose ourselves in what we think we should be doing, or what society tells us we need to be doing. So, I really challenge everyone within the first chapter to, sit down and start creating a list of what is important to you. Get to it, and do not feel bad about it. And, that is for sure, the most important part of the boundary building journey. And honestly, my favorite part of my book, because that is where it all begins.

Sarah: Yes. I also think that we can give ourselves permission to change what is important. So, those values, if I look at myself 10 years ago, even three years ago, what was important to me is different than what is important to me now. And, it is like we, at least, I used to put myself in this container that was, well, this is what you decided you wanted, so you have to stick to it. And eventually, I broke out of that mindset, and was, no, I am allowed to change whenever, wherever, however, I want. And keep evolving and changing as Sarah Small, and this human that I want to be and become. And that has helped me too, is just giving myself permission not only to say no and have boundaries. But also, keep changing my priorities, and keep changing what is important to me.

Carley: Oh, totally, and I am sure as you made those decisions, you saw how quickly the universe will support you. Whether it is financially, or sending the right person into your life, or the right opportunity. As soon as you declare what is important to you, everything just starts to fall together. And, I read this email the other day, and it was, all you have to do is decide. Just decide. What is it that you want? What is it that you value? What is it that you want to be this year, this month, today? Just make your decision.

How we both removed our IUDs recently

Sarah: Yes. And start. And then, yes, there is less force, and there is more ease and allowing. And letting things flow into our lives organically. And when we do give ourselves permission to change, then we stop trying to fit into something we are not. And the universe does just show up, and reward us, and support us, and I normally felt that the universe really has my back. When I am true to myself, and not trying to be something that I am not. This is actually a great segue into something that we both just experienced, which is allowing more space in our life. We both had our IUDs removed in the last month or two. So, tell me a little bit about your experience and what inspired you to have your IUD removed? And for our listeners, IUD is an Inner Uterine Device. It is a form of, you can get hormonal or not hormonal IUD, is for birth control.

Carley: Yes. So, I was on birth control since I was 15 years old. A lot of women around our age, we started birth control young. No one was really talking about the side effects. It was viewed as a way to have convenient periods. And without a lot of pain, or acne, or exhaustion. So, I started at 15, went through all different types of birth control, up until I was 25. I decided to get the Skyla IUD. So, I had been on NuvaRing for about six years before, so I definitely had a detox of the synthetic estrogen. And then, Skyla is progesterone only. So, I was still getting synthetic hormones, and I also still had something foreign inside of my body. But I did not know what I was doing. And, I am someone who discovered their anxiety later on in life. I had a panic attack at that corporate fashion job, and I did not know it was going on, I thought I was just being emotional. I have been told my whole life, you are just too emotional, stop being so emotional. And now that I am, this is a bit of a tangent, but it all comes together, now that I am more aware and respectful of what is truly going on. My body has totally become happier, and more, more even and consistent.

So, in early 2018 my anxiety, exhaustion, everything just kind of… I always say, shit hit the fan. To the point where Corbin and I were struggling. And this is not that long ago. This was early 2018, so we had been talking, okay, what do we do? Do we need a couples counselor? Do we need a therapist? What is happening? Because I was not myself. I could not get out of bed. I was exhausted. I had no sense of humor. I literally could not laugh at myself. I just felt this fog, constantly surrounding my brain. It was hard for me to be creative. And, when you own your own company, you have to be creative almost every day. Every moment really. And so, work became really hard and that is when I knew things were wrong. Because, I love my work so much, not to say I do not love Corbin so much, but couples fight, and they go through rough patches. But this was different. And I read about Sarah’s story, as well, and something clicked. And I had to get my IUD out in June anyway, so I was already planning on removing it. But this expedited the process for me. And, the moment that it was removed, I was, Oh, cool. That was cool. But, two hours later I was at Target. I remember I was sitting in a Target parking lot, and everything, I kid you not, felt brighter. Everything looked brighter. I just felt such a sense of clarity and just a connection back to myself that I have not felt in 13 years. And it was just, it is been mind-blowing to me. The changes, Corbin immediately noticed within 48 hours. He was, you are a completely different person. He literally said, I am so glad that you came back.

Sarah: Wow. That is super powerful. And I mean, I am just hypothesizing here, but I feel if you had gone to a doctor, they might have been, Oh, you are depressed, are you have anxiety. And they would have potentially, given you a medication that had no end date to it. And, it was just as simple as, everyone is different. And, to each their own, we all have to make our own choices about our feminine bodies. But just taking that little thing out was like boom, the world just changed for me.

Carley: Totally. Totally. And I live in Seattle, so I am really grateful that we have access to such natural, holistic-minded practitioners. So, I was working with this holistic midwife and she told me, she was like, if you do not feel a change in everything within the next month, let us look at your diet. And I was like, thank you so much, honestly, for being an advocate of the way food affects how we feel. I know. It is so refreshing to hear. And, there were days where I was, Googling seasonal depression. Am I depressed? And there were days I was yes, this is me. This is what it is. And again, it is tapping into your intuition. It is tapping into that little voice that says, okay, no, there is something more. Please listen to me. Please listen. And for me, what I had started to experience as I did not have any bleeding on my IUD, up until early 2018. And in January 2018 I started to get breakthrough bleeding, or maybe November. A little bit here and there. And something in my mind was, my hormones are changing. Something is changing. This has never happened before. Why now? What triggered this out of nowhere? Why? And most of us are never taught to ask these questions to our bodies. And never dig in. It is, oh damn it, I got my period.

Sarah: Yeah. It is this ongoing thing.

Carley: Yes. And I was, no, no, something is going on. And then, all of these emotional changes started happening. And I was, my body needs this out.

Sarah: Yes. And you listened to your intuition and got it out. I was talking to my coach about my experience with my IUD being removed. And I posted about it to where, when I went in, the nurse practitioner put the speculum in and was, Oh yeah, it is already ejecting itself. Your body is removing it on its own. And, I think that is part of our body’s innate wisdom. It is so smart, so knowledgeable, and there is this foreign thing in my uterus that is not meant to be there. So yes, my body was already ejecting it or rejecting it. And then after, it was super easy, it did not hurt to come out, or anything. Super simple. But I immediately felt a shift too. Where I was, whoa. I felt very emotional at first, but I just let myself be emotional because I think my body was just relieved, and experiencing all these things. that I may be was blocking out before. But also when I was talking to my coach, we were talking about how the womb is creation energy. And that is where babies are made. And where we incubate little babies. And so there is creation energy there, yes, for birth, human life. But, also our creative energy and our sacral chakra. And as entrepreneurs, you and I, we love being creative. It is also required that we have some creativity to do what we do and hold ourselves accountable. And so, I feel it makes a lot of sense. Yes, there is this physical thing. Blocking the creative energy center of your body, and then once it is out, the energy can flow more freely, and it is liberating. Very liberating. So, yes, I was very happy I made that decision. And now, it is a whole new learning experience. I do not know how you feel about this, but now, I am using several apps, and the basil thermometer, to do my temperature. And do self-checks and learning all about my cervix, and, sorry ladies if this is TMI, but your discharge. I never paid attention to that shit before. And it is beautiful, and we get to learn more about ourselves and our cycles. And I am even implementing, within my business, I have this natural cycle. How can I actually utilize that cycle for my business? And figure out when am I energized, versus when do I need to hibernate, and coming back to self-care. Take care of myself a little bit. So yes, it is powerful to feel the shift in your entire body emotionally, and physically.

All right. Well, I want to just come back to oils for a second with you. Because we were talking about boundaries and I know you have some amazing suggestions for oils to use, to help maintain, create, uphold strong boundaries. Which oils would you use for boundaries?

Our favorite oil recommendations

Carley: Oh my gosh, there are two that immediately come to mind. So, Melaleuca, which is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil was actually the first oil, (side note) that I was ever introduced to. The store-bought brand and my mom gave it to me when I had cut my arm or on something. She was, Oh, use tea tree oil. And I was, this smell is really weird. I have now since, now that we using pure oils have grown to love the smell. But Melaleuca is the oil of energetic boundaries. So, it helps to aid the skin in healing and create boundaries from harmful bacteria. It helps to create boundaries within ourselves, emotionally. So, I really encourage people. I work very selectively with private one on one clients, but I just was talking to one of my clients, and it was, okay. She knew she had this big event coming up, and she was really nervous about the way that it was going to go. Because she had to announce something pretty big and knew she was going to get pushed back. And I was, okay, here is what we do. We are putting Melaleuca, you are putting Melaleuca on the bottom of your feet before you go in. Not only are you just putting Melaleuca on there. As you are applying it, I want you to lovingly rub this into your feet. I want you to think about how it is going to feel when you stand your ground in this situation. I want you to envision what it is going to feel like once that is over. And I want you to also envision this oil protecting your body, your energetic body. And so, I texted her a few hours after that meeting. And I was so how did it go?

She was, it went so well. It could not have better. I feel so supported and listened to. And now, I feel really excited because they know how I feel. I was not violated, my boundaries were not violated in any way. And, I am just now genuinely excited about moving forward. I was, damn, these are strong. And it is not just the oils. It is the intention that, the oils can help us create. The scent is a very powerful thing.

Sarah: What is it? How many seconds to your bloodstream, and then how many…?

Carley: I think 22.

Sarah: Yes. Twenty-two seconds to get… Yes. And then, eventually, it is in your entire body within, I think, it is two minutes or something. So, they work fast too.

Carley: They work fast, and they are so incredible. And the second oil is one of my favorites. It is a proprietary blend. It is called OnGuard. And OnGuard is great for the immune system. I am sure you guys have heard Sarah talk about it before. It is a protective blend, and if you look it up in the, ‘Beautiful Emotions and Essential Oils’ book. It is a protective blend that helps us ward off harmful pathogens to our energetic body. It is filled with all of these natural antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, all of these different oils, that help us ward off this unwanted energy. So, when we apply this oil, I recently led a workshop and I had people think about where they feel the boundary violation happened in their body. Mine’ is my gut., my nauseated knots. I talk about that in my book. I encourage people to take a moment, put themselves in a time where a small boundary violation occurred. But where you felt, your intuition spoke up. And then, from there, focus on where you feel that physically, and then I suggest applying OnGuard to that spot. Of course, not if it is up your nose, in your ears, or in your eyeballs. I have to say that.

Sarah: Airways and orifice.

Carley: Exactly. Because then, you have that extra protection. You have that extra protection in that spot, that might feel vulnerable, in certain instances when we need more protection.

Sarah: Yes. Okay. So, OnGuard, yes, absolutely love it. And I think it is beautiful, because, not only does it help support the immune system, but there is this energetic side that you were just talking about. So, energy vampires, parasitic people. And, I always diffuse OnGuard when we have any guests over at the home, that might be potentially people who I know are going to intrude my boundaries. Or, have some bad ju-ju and bad energy, I diffuse my OnGuard. But then, on the physical level, the same as you said, especially with autoimmune disease. I used to get sick all, freaking time. It was just non-stop. I was susceptible to anything. I would try to bury my face around anyone who was sick. I am, oh yes, I am definitely getting that. And now, I go, if I am around anybody who is a little stiffly, I go home, and I take my OnGuard soft gel. And it is amazing. I do not get sick anymore.

And, so, as an entrepreneur it is amazing. Because when you are sick, you are not as energized to run your business. And now, I am, yes, I still take days off and I rest. But I feel much more energized because I am not getting sick all the time.

Carley: Absolutely.

Sarah: So, we are both entrepreneurs and have left our previous careers to start on businesses. And both of us have an oil business as well. So, can you talk a little bit about what it is like? And some of the amazingness of why you decided to join doTERRA, and start an oil’s business as an entrepreneur?

Carley: Oh my gosh, yes. Because, this story, like everything, it all changes so much than what we originally intended. And so, I bought some bracelets off of Etsy. I do not even know if you have heard this story.

Sarah: I do not think so.

Carley: Like cute little Mala bracelets.

Sarah: Oh, from Jess?

Carley: Yes.

Sarah: Okay. Keep going on to your story.

Carley: So, they come to me and they are in this adorable package. And I am going through this big spiritual transition. It is a time, I am a new coach, I am living in Seattle. I am discovering what I want. So, these oils, not the oils. But these bracelets come. And there is this quote. And it is, “she decided to be the light” or something. I still have it thumbtacked on my corkboard.

Sarah: Awesome.

The power of friendship as an entrepreneur

Carley: I was, oh my God, this is amazing. And, whatever, wear the bracelets, blah, blah, blah. Three weeks later, as per usual, in Jess’s style, I get a follow-up. And she is, Hey, have you ever thought about adding oils to your coaching business? And I had gotten so many of these messages. And I am, ugh, but I opened Jess’s message and I am, Oh my god, it is her. It is the woman who sent me that quote. And, who, in that pivotal moment of my life, was there for me in a way she did not know. But she is spreading her love into the world. And then, she followed up with me. And it felt like everything was falling into place, which of course it was. And so, I responded. I am, absolutely, sign me up. And the oils, I just had this conversation the other day. Yes, the oils are absolutely incredible. I love them. I do not know what we would do without them, in our household. But what I love so much about doTERRA, that is absolutely invaluable to me, is the community of women that has connected me with. Because, I mean Sarah and I would not be having this conversation, more than likely. And it opened up the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals, who have been on a path of change. And, it filled this void that I really was missing. Of, soul sisters. Not to sound cliché, but when you go through this huge path of transformation, people fall off from your life. You lose friends. Maybe family starts to think you are a little crazy. But you pick up some really incredible humans along the way if you are open to receiving them.

Sarah: Yes, I totally agree. And Jess is the one who enrolled me too. And she followed-up several times, and I was, ugh, this doTERRA thing. And then, something was different about her, and her energy. And I was, no. So, I decided to order the oils. Obviously, they are amazing. So, I fell in love with them. They are the highest quality oils that I have ever experienced. I used to buy my oils at Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx. You guys do not ever do that.

Carley: Please do not. We will send you samples.

Sarah: We will send you free oils. Do not do that. But, Jess, I was excited to be a part of her community that she built. And then, continue to build my own community too. And connect to amazing women, spiritual women, women who are the light, and are spreading their light with the world. And then it clicked. I was, Oh, this is not just, there is absolutely no yuck here. Actually, this is amazing. These women are genuine and soulful. The oils are fucking amazing. Why would I not do this? And, it has now been a beautiful and seamless part of my autoimmune tribe business to also have a doTERRA business. And be able to incorporate the oils not only into my own personal use, and self-care, and ritual. But also, be able to connect with amazing women.

I keep saying amazing, but it is because it is really amazing. And yes, now I have you, and I have many other soul sisters that I have connected with. And just built this community that, as an online entrepreneur, anyone how works remotely. You are at home in your office, by yourself, most of the time. And, it is also a way for you, and me and the rest of our team to be able to connect outside of that. And feel you still have these authentic connections, and community even though you may be sitting at your desk by yourself, or with your dog.

Carley: Yes. It is so true. And I find myself telling people all the time. When as an entrepreneur, when do you get the opportunity to collaborate, and brainstorm with people on a daily basis? Without fear of competition, without fear of scarcity? It forces you to change your mindset around the way that you view the business. And the way that you approach it. And it is so powerful if you really buckle up and dig in. And it has completely changed my business. And like I said, the connections I have made along the way are just invaluable.

Sarah: That is correct. Yes.

Carley: I am inviting these women to my wedding. It is not that they are these fake connections where we tag each other in Instagram posts. These are real connections, and a lot of Instagram people too.

Sarah: Beautiful. So, we are running out of time here. But I want to thank you so much for joining me today. Carley, I love chatting with you. We get to talk every week, or pretty much every week. Like I said, these people are my friends now. But it was amazing to have you on the podcast as well. So, I just wanted to ask you, before we wrap up. You can let the listeners know how they can they find you, work with you, see all of your magic. And then, let us also tell them how they can join our doTERRA team as well.

Carley: Absolutely. So, everything I do is housed on my website. It is carleyschweet.com. I have been writing and creating so much lately. There is a great self-care blog on my website, where you can read all about self-care. Emotional, physical, whatever it is that you are needing. There is also some information about joining our doTERRA team, under the essential oils part. You can either become a customer or join us in the leadership portion. We would love to have you. Information can be found there. Also, there is a spot on that page for my book as well. If you are interested in learning more about boundaries. If you are ready to say no to the things you hate, please check out ‘Boundaries with Soul’. It is also an Amazon.

Sarah: Yay. Thank you. I will link to those in the show notes and thanks again for being on the show today.

Carley: Thanks for having me, Sarah.

Sarah: Thank you so much for joining me for today’s episode. If you loved this episode and want to support the creation of future episodes, please leave a five-star review. I also love to fit you on social media. Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram or Facebook @autoimmunetribe. Thanks again for listening. See you next time.

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February 28, 2019


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