Ep. 111 Creating Sustainable Wealth with the Law of Attraction with Emma Mumford

Listen here:

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The 5 steps to Law of Attraction
  • What wealth truly is
  • Creating a healthy relationship with money
  • Creating sustainable wealth in all areas of life

Additional Resources:

COURSE: Manifesting Money for Your Wellness Goals

This training will teach you how to stop feeling broke AF and unable to invest in the things you desire. Detox your limiting money beliefs and start bringing in the cash money.

PRODUCT: Thinx Panties

Save $10 off your first order of period panties! These CUTE, washable, reusable undies absorb your period and are a more sustainable solution than single-use disposable products.

TRAINING: Behind the Scenes of My 6-Figure Biz

Check out the behind-the-scenes of my business + how I scaled to 5-figure months!

Episode transcript:

Sarah Small: Welcome to the Healing Uncensored podcast. My name is Sarah Small. I’m a life and success coach for empaths who want to create a thriving body, business, and life. Healing my own chronic illnesses as an empath led me to become fascinated with energy, and more specifically, all of the emotional, spiritual and holistic healing modalities my doctor never told me about. I began to share my insights and journey online, and over time built a powerful community and business, supporting women who were also on the pathway to healing. Think of this podcast as your uncensored and no-BS guide to navigating life health and entrepreneurship as an empath. You’ll get no-nonsense and totally holistic tips from me in real-time as I navigate this healing journey right beside you. Now, let’s get started.  

Welcome to today’s episode. I am so delighted to have Emma Mumford as my guest today. She is an award-winning life coach and mentor as well as a YouTuber best-selling author, speaker and host of Spiritual Queen’s Badass podcast, which I had the honor of being on. Emma’s work focuses on helping you turn your dream life into an abundant reality using the law of attraction. In today’s conversation, we talk about not just the three, but the five steps to manifesting your desires with the law of attraction, as well as how to build this positively wealthy life using all of our manifesting powers. Now you guys are going to take some really actionable, tangible steps away from what Emma has to teach today. So let’s get right into it. 

Hello, and welcome to the show. Emma, I’m so glad to have you on today. 

Emma Mumford: Thank you so much for having me on. I’m really excited. 

Sarah Small: So we are going to be talking about wealth, money, abundance, manifestation today, so many amazing buzzwords, but I want to really break it down into an understandable and tangible way for the listeners and for the audience. So I’d love to start with, what is manifestation mean to you? What is your definition of manifestation? 

Emma Mumford: Cool, it’s a good to question. So we’ve probably all heard of the law of attraction before, and manifesting from big book story, like the Secret; the Rhonda Byrne’s book. So you may be aware of the law of attraction already, but manifesting to me personally means, we’re also having a human experience, so we’re able to manifest our heart’s desires and be able to what we put out into the world comes back to us. So you see the law of attraction a bit like a boomerang, what you put out comes back to you. So that can be good emotions, that can be materialistic things, like finances, cars, careers, lovers, etc. But you can use it for emotions as well. 

So really, what I would say manifesting is, is taking control of your life and creating the life of your dreams to what you see your life as. Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you, as Tony Robbins says. So, really, it’s about taking control of that and saying, if you’re not happy where you are at the moment, you absolutely have the power and control to change that and manifest things into your life into a reality, that will help you live a more fulfilled and happier life.

Sarah Small: Yeah, I think you defined that so well. There are so many people who are always wondering, how do I become a better manifester? What we put out there in order to get back what we want? How do we get better at that? How do we become a more powerful manifester? 

The 5 steps to Law of Attraction

Emma Mumford: I think that’s the question on everybody’s lips. Definitely, learning the five steps of law of attraction is something that definitely helped me. So traditionally, you may be aware of the three steps, which is; ask, believe, receive. But when I wrote my first book; Spiritual Queen, and throughout my manifesting journey over the last four or five years now, I was like, there’s more to this. When I was manifesting in the earlier days, I found it hard and I was thinking, Okay, some things come to me easily, some things don’t, why? It really intrigued me that there were other people out there when I joined law of attraction forums and communities, that were also having these problems. So I started to talk about law of attraction and spirituality on my YouTube and things like that. 

At the time, I actually wasn’t a spiritual entrepreneur, I was a money-saving entrepreneur. So I started to drip feed these things in and the feedback I was getting was you’re right Emma, there are more steps, which a lot of law of attraction teachings do miss out. So I made it my mission with my first book to really explore what those five steps were. Well, more than three steps, I decided there should be at least five, and I’m sure there’s probably more, but I feel in my heart that these five are the most important. Ask is the first one. That’s the traditional step as well. So setting those intentions, being clear, having clarity on your desires, because a lot of the time people may think, I really would love this, I would love a lover, I would love a husband, wife, I’d love a dog, I’d love a house, but they don’t know the specifics of that. 

So you can be manifesting those things at every corner. But if you’re not specific enough in saying like, for instance with manifesting a lover, if you are specific with those qualities of that person, you could end up manifesting someone exactly like your exes, which is probably not what you want. So having clarity is key. The best way to do that is not just with love, with every aspect of your life is to look at it and say, what do I not like about the things that are in my life currently, or exists? For example, what did I not like about that? How would I like to feel about these things? How would I like to experience these things in the future? That’s how you can get clarity. So asking can be setting intentions verbally, writing goals down, writing intentions down, doing vision boards, things like that. 

There are multiple ways you can ask, even by thinking, you’re asking the universe. I’m sure all of us have had those moments where we thought of something and then, an hour later, it happens or that person gets in touch, you’re like, whoa, how did that happen? That’s so freaky. This is all the law of attraction. So there are multiple ways to ask, but you definitely only need to ask once the universe hears you. So have that clarity and don’t overdo it. The universe is hearing you loud and clear. Then the second step is to believe. This is where the real work starts for you. When we step into the belief stage, that’s where we really have to address everything that’s within us, which is blocking us from receiving our manifestations currently. 

Love is a great one to use as an example here. If you were trying to manifest a partner for example, then look at the blocks and triggers within you. Do you feel worthy of love? Do you have self-love? Do you believe in the law of attraction? Do you believe it can help attract this partner to you? If you are feeling negative in terms of feeling single at the moment, then there’s something there to be worked on. So the belief stage is where you really work on the limiting fears and beliefs that you may have within yourself and work to remove these, so you can become an energetic match to your desires. 

Then the third step is a new step that I’ve added in, which is to let go. This is a big step that has missed out of the law of attraction and one that definitely is a Virgo I could have used in the beginning, I used to be a controller, I used to have to know when it was going to happen, how it was going to happen, I had to know all the details. Otherwise, my Virgo 08:12 self was freaking out. Well, really with the law of attraction, that does not work. This is a co-creation with the universe, you have to meet the universe 50% of the way with your inspired action, and the universe is going to meet you 50% of the way as well.

This may seem like a backward step because many people think, I have to ask, believe, and then you’re telling me to let go of this thing? How does that make sense? So what I mean by let go is to not just forget about it and say, ‘’Oh, it’s never going to happen,’’ you’re still holding that end goal, but you’re releasing the attachment to it. So if you’re feeling desperate for this thing, if you’re feeling attached to it and control, this is just mirroring that kind of energy back to you. So you want to feel in a relaxed place, where you’re detached from the outcome, the how’s, the when’s, the why’s, the if’s, the but’s, whatever, detach from all of it and trust in the universe.

So surrendering and letting go is definitely a process. It’s not something you can just click your fingers and it’s done. It is a consistent process where you have to remind yourself to let go, check-in with yourself and making sure that you’re not really becoming crazy with your manifestations, definitely an important step. The fourth step is also a new one, which is to trust. Now many people may think this is the same as belief, but actually trusting is where – so in your belief stage, you will actually be taking your inspired action. So if you want to manifest winning the lottery, for example, you’ve got to play the lottery. So this is where you have to show up a little bit. You’ve got to take some inspired action. 

If you want to manifest a lover, get yourself some dating sites, get yourself ready for that person. If you want to manifest your career, start applying for jobs. You need to take that little bit of action because the universe is not just going to deliver it all to your front door. So you’ve got to take action. When you’re trusting stage, the fourth stage, this is where you have taken your inspired action, you’re surrendered, you’re let go, you’re detached from the outcome and you are trusting in divine timing. Divine timing is a big thing because we want it now, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We have to understand that it’s not just us who are working to create these manifestations, the universe is at play too. 

So if it is not for our highest good to have that thing right now, we have to trust that because I’ve done this before and I’m sure everybody can, listening who has done manifestation. Sometimes you’ve manifested something really quick and then it’s actually not been the right time for it to happen and you’re like, Oh, damn, I lost that. Or, it didn’t work out and then later on down the line, it does work out and you’re like, Oh, now I understand. You don’t want what’s not meant for you. So definitely when you’re manifesting, always say at the end this or something greater for the highest good of all, like a little safety net that of just saying, this would be fantastic, but if you’ve got something better-planned universe, I’m here for it, I trust in that. So that’s your trusting step. 

Then your fifth step is to receive, which is where you can celebrate, where you get your manifestation and you’re like, Woop, this is fantastic. So definitely be grateful when that happens, really take it in and be present and don’t just go to the next thing. Be present and just be grateful that the universe has brought this manifestation to you. 

Sarah Small: Yeah. There’s a couple of things that stand out to me in my own process as you were describing that beautiful five steps versus three steps of the law of attraction. I’m so glad that you reminded us in that second step of belief that it does require some inspired action like we do have to do something. You have to apply to the job or you have to go sign up for those dating sites or whatever, is in alignment with the thing, the goal that you’re trying to manifest in your life. I think that gets left out of the big movies, like The Secret as well as we also do have to take some action in order for this to be a full complete manifestation process. 

You also mentioned really beautifully, trust, and to me, it’s so easy to want to stop trusting, when I said, I wanted to manifest, let’s say, 20 people inside of a program, and it’s the night before the cart closes and there are only 15 people. It’s so easy in those moments to be like, Oh, I failed, this is just not going to work. I think the test of the true manifester and when you actually get what you desire is in the last couple steps, the last hour, the last minute. You still trust even when it looks like it’s not going to happen, or It feels like you have to have this big leap or a miracle has to roll into your life for it to actually happen, but you still trust at the very moment before the finish line when it looks like it’s not going to happen. Have you experienced that in your own manifestations before, where you’re like, it would be so easy for me right now to be like, oh, it sucked, it failed that, whatever, throw in the towel and instead you continue to believe?

Emma Mumford: Totally, we’re all human, we all have this. It’s a really good example you gave that what I use in my own processes and say to people is, okay, you’ve noticed you’ve got a couple of hours left before your course closes, you’ve got 15 out of 20 people, what’s the worst thing that can happen here? So my question to you Sarah and anybody listening would be, what’s the worst thing that could happen? This is where you break down the ego because that’s the ego piping up like you need those 20 people, you failed, but actually, it’s like, hold on a minute, let’s celebrate 15 people have signed up to your work, trust you, vibe you and want to work with you. Take the gratitude at that moment to be like, okay, it’s not the full 20, but my God, 15 is incredible.

So when you turn that lack into appreciation, your whole game shifts because you’re not putting out that lack vibe, you’re putting out that abundant grateful vibe, where it doesn’t matter if you manifest it or not, because you’re grateful for exactly where you are right now. So really, if you are in that stage, where you’re like, well, it’s not exactly the right figure or the right amount of money or the right amount of people, just stop yourself up in your tracks. That’s your ego talking. Return to your soul and say, actually, I’m going to be really grateful for how well I have done already with this because it’s still a great success, I’ve put in the work, I’ve shown up. If only 15 people are meant to sign up, that’s what’s meant to happen right now. That doesn’t mean to say that next time when you open it up again or do it again, even more people would sign up.

The thing to remember here is sustainability. This is a big theme of my next book because we can – and I’ve seen this and I will hold my hands up and admit this as well. In business, we’re like, it’d be great to have like a six-figure business. How will this succeed? How will these people sign up? I recently launched a membership and I was like, people asking me how many members would you love to have? How much money would you love to own and I thought, how many I really thought of that? I’ve just been so focused on actually getting it up and running, that I haven’t even set that intention yet.  For me, it was really good to actually manifest from a surrendered place this time of, what is meant to be, will be, whoever is meant to be a part of this membership will be a part of this membership. I actually exceeded all of my expectations by having that relaxed approach. 

So sometimes we put restrictions on our own manifestations. I did this with my first book and things in the past where I was, like, I want to have X amount of blah, blah and I hit it. Then I thought, hang on a minute, what if the universe had something even greater plan for me? So with the membership, this is a great example to just have no expectations whatsoever. Just show up, be of service, create a great platform for people and surrender it and just say, whoever is meant to be in here will be here, and I blew every expectation I ever had. Ask yourself that question today as well, ‘’Am I restricting myself?’’ Now, that’s not to say go for millions of pounds and dollars and then you’re like, God, I really do believe this because then you really have to believe that statement as well, but really just having that relaxed approach sometimes to manifesting can really help where you focus on being of service instead of the numbers and figures, etc.

Sarah Small: I love that you talked about the celebration within that last step of receiving as well because myself, highly driven entrepreneur and I am somebody who holds myself to really high standards. If I, let’s use the example of a course because I launched a ton of courses, even if it’s like 19, but my goal was 20, there’s still that little ego voice that can creep in and be like, Oh, well, you didn’t hit 20. Then, it feels like I’m not able to celebrate as big. I’ve really looked at that in my own life to be like, 19 is freaking – this is just an example, but if it were 19 and my goal was 20, that’s still freaking awesome. Like you said, maybe that 19 is exactly the number that was supposed to be inside of this course or this program.

So I’ve really started to notice when I resist or detract from the celebration because I’m being hard on myself, too hard on myself. Versus, when I allow myself to celebrate the success and achievements that I have created anywhere in my business. I feel like you can probably relate Emma, that you have a lot of moving pieces within your business and as the spiritual Queen, a beautiful business that you’ve built. I’m sure you have much more that you want to create and want to achieve in your business and in your life. So how do we remember to – actually me, I’m constantly practicing this, but are there any tips that you have to celebrate even the wins that weren’t exactly as you put, like we’re trying to control them to happen and instead, really be honoring and gentle towards ourselves and what we do to achieve even when we have really big goals, we want to do so much on this planet? 

Emma Mumford: Definitely, it’s a question which myself do and probably every entrepreneur or anybody, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to have this inner ego battle as such, but one of the points I brought up in the last question, which I didn’t actually follow up on is sustainability, and with that, I really had to check in with myself and say, right, you have these fantastic goals, amazing, it’s great to be a dreamer, it’s great to have these goals and ambition, of course, but then my friend sat me down one day and really worked me up to this and said, ‘’Emma, if you were to have 5000 people sign up to your membership, sign up to an event, whatever it may be, buy your book, would you sustainably be able to handle that demand?’’ This really intrigued me because I thought, interesting. 

Then I started to look into other businesses, not just coaches and everything, but looking to business in general because that’s what I do, I coach businesses. So I was like, right, I need to explore this myself in order to be able to explore this with others. What I found was that businesses that had overnight successes, like celebrity endorsements, influencer endorsements and they absolutely blew up overnight, for example, failed very quickly afterward. The reason is they have thousands of orders, but they were a small business and they weren’t able to cope with the demand. They weren’t able to grow with that sudden Impact and sudden increase, a rate that was comfortable to them. 

So we apply that to coaches and spiritual businesses here, well-being businesses. Ask yourself, if you were to become an overnight success tomorrow, do you have the staff? Do you have the team? The capabilities, the technology, the space to be able to handle that demand? The answer is probably no. Actually, ask yourself, does it feel even comfortable to even think about that? Because I know myself, if my company blew up tomorrow in a good way, I would be like, I wouldn’t know what to do, I’m a one-man-band still. I would be inundated with orders, with things, probably emails, admin. So you have to ask yourself here. The universe has a plan, the universe knows what it’s doing, so trust here. This is that trust stage because like Sarah said, if it’s 19 people out of 20, celebrate that, that is what you are ready for. 

Don’t beat yourself up here, you showed up, you did the work. Give yourself a pat on the back because you showed up, some people don’t even get that far. So the fact you even took that big leap, launched it, did whatever it was, you were launching and bursting into the world, it’s fantastic. You’re showing up for your purpose, that’s an incredible reason to celebrate, but also growing steadily and at a pace that feels comfortable to you will help you expand and grow in a fantastic way. Whereas, if you just suddenly got that overnight success that you’re craving so much, the six-figure business, the thousands of sales, can you handle that currently? Are you ready and prepared for that? Because we can manifest things, but if we are not prepared, or in that right place to sustainably keep it, it’s not going to stay in your life, so what’s the point? 

Sarah Small: So relatable Emma. I’ve had these big leaps in my business, both a number of people signing up for an offer and financially. Then, I find myself taking a couple of steps back to them regroup at the back end of my business and making sure everything’s organized and that we can support that much income and that many people, and then we move forward again and then we go back and we move forward. Finally, this year, I noticed this, I see what’s happening and I’ve really started to build a team that can support me, and therefore, we can all support my business as the empowered empath.

So, I’d love to talk more specifically about money and building, especially with your book coming out positively wealthy, a healthy relationship with money because I hear, I would say nine out of 10 people, maybe even 10 out of 10 people that I talked to within the empowered empath community, they would say, no, I do not have a healthy relationship with money, I either think I’m irresponsible or I come from a place of lack or scarcity, or I believe there’s never going to be enough, or I’m not worthy. The internal dialogue is endless. So many things can be happening inside our minds, in that relationship with money. So I’d love to hear from you, Emma, how do we start to build a healthy relationship with money? 

Creating a healthy relationship with money

Emma Mumford: So the first step is to get honest with where you’re at the moment because if we don’t have acceptance of where we are, how can we be grateful for what we have and how can we move forward? For instance, if you’re in debt, that is a big money block. I’ve been in debt myself, only 20 years old, I had 7,000 pounds’ worth of debt. That’s how I started my money-saving business. Kind of ironic how money saving tips now coming full circle again to now be spiritual money tips as well. I’ve dealt with money, I used to be a banker as well. Money has always fascinated me, even before I had my spiritual business and my money-saving business. 

So you need to have acceptance of where you are. If you’re in debt, it’s okay. The biggest thing people do is bury their heads with debt. They don’t know how much debt they have. So a good example of this was I was trying to manifest being debt-free and for about five-six months, I kept setting this intention nothing showed up. Everything else did apart from this and it baffled me if, I’m being clear what’s happening here. Then, one day it hit me. I was using words debt-free, not I wish to manifest X amount of money to be debt-free. I had no idea how much debt I had anymore. I was paying it off monthly, but I had no idea. So how can I be grateful for the money I have and have acceptance of the situation when I had absolutely no clue? 

So that night, I sat down, logged onto my internet banking, looked at the debt and was like, how does that feel to me? How does that sit? It doesn’t feel great, but I can manifest this money. From that place where I knew that figure and had that clarity within five days, so I needed I think it was about 6000 pounds. I manifested within five days 11,000 pounds from a brand new source. New income, new opportunity, didn’t know it was coming. Obviously, I’d enter any other area of my business a brand new opportunity. For me, I was gobsmacked because the universe showed up, not just with the 6,000 pounds, but nearly double. So I was able to then reinvest that in my business and do some other amazing things as well to grow my business once I was debt-free.

So you can see here, being clear on your financial situation is the first step with this because being grateful for where you’re at the moment is the key to law of attraction. You may think you’re being grateful, but are you? Do you know what you’re grateful for? Do you know the amount of money you currently have to your name? Even if you don’t have that, do you know how much money you actually have to your name right now? Do you have savings locked away that you have no idea about because all of this once you have that figure, you know how much to be grateful for, and also you know how much then manifest? For instance, if you’re trying to manifest a holiday or money for a new car, if you don’t know your current financial situation, how do you know how much you need to manifest? 

So sit with your finances, get real, sit with the feelings if there is that involved or it’s not where you want to be right now because those feelings are your feedback, and that’s where you need to work on things. So get real with your finances and see what emotions come up for you. The next step is I would say, using affirmations; how do you speak about money? Now I’m not going to come out here and say all the negative affirmations in the world because I don’t want to manifest it myself, but we are all aware of the negative self-talk that we have with money. Saying to people when you don’t have money, statements like your skin, etc., you don’t have any money. Stop saying this now because you’re affirming it with the universe. Now that’s not to say, you have to go around saying, I’m a millionaire because truly, are you going to believe that right now? You have to believe that statement to truly embody it and manifest it. So you equally don’t have to go to the other side of the scale and go over the top. Just talk positively about money and stop yourself if you find yourself saying or just about saying negative affirmation, stop and switch it to a positive, and equally.

If you’re in a situation where someone’s inviting you out or someone’s inviting you to something and it doesn’t feel good to spend that money at the moment, instead of saying, I don’t have the money, what you can say, ‘’Thank you so much for inviting me, but at the moment, I’m choosing not to spend money, but next time, let’s definitely do it.’’ So just things like that. Instead of using that negative statements, switch it into where you are in control, but you’re still honoring your feelings.  You can do another great exercise which is called rewriting your money story. So a bit like affirmation style as well, you can do it as a lesser, use affirmations, whatever feels good to you. Go where you’re intuitively feel drawn with this, but rewrite your story. So it may help you to actually write your current story, by writing your current beliefs down, just so you can see what stories your ego is telling you.  

Then what you can do after that is burn that letter, so you release it to the universe, and then rewrite your story. So what you want to do in that letter is to write all of the things you would like your relationship with money to be. So you can write things like, I have a positive and healthy relationship with money, money flows to me easily and effortlessly. I always have more money than I can spend each month. Those sorts of statements, write a letter to yourself and rewrite your money story, and then keep that. You could put some crystals around it, you could put it on your little spiritual altar, whatever feels good.  Keep that money story and read it out regularly to affirm that as your reality. 

Another great tip is called mindful spending. It’s really simple, but when I realized I was doing this and called it an actual technique, I was like, oh wow, we really do un-mindfully we spend a lot of the time.  Mindful spending is once you look at your household bills, you want necessities each month, you look at your luxury budget of how much money you have to spend for the month and how much you have to spend on luxuries. Then from that place, only spend when it feels good. For instance, if you are out and you’re like, I want to buy these clothes, I want to spend all this money, and it doesn’t feel good to you, energetically once you spend that money. 

When you get home and you’ve bought that item, are you going to feel good about it? Because realistically if you’re going to look at your bank balance and think, ‘’I shouldn’t have spent that, now I feel worse about my situation,’’ you’re putting out that negative energy, so what you really want to do is only spend when it feels good, will that item bring you joy? Will you wear that dress more than three times? Really check in with yourself because if that item will bring you genuine joy, that energy when you see the item, the energy when you wear that item will positively contribute to your finances as well. So something as simple as that can really change your relationship with money and actually make you feel more abundant, meaning, you manifest more money as well. 

Sarah Small: Yeah, I know there are so many people listening who want to do just that, they want to manifest more money. I relate to a few of the tips that you were just talking about. I started my business in my mid to late 20s and I would repel looking at my bank statements. I would repel checking my bank balance because there are so much fear and so much scarcity and so much lack associated with what wasn’t there and how little money I had and how little I was paid in my past job and career. I finally heard from a money coach and money teacher I was following online, this idea of let’s actually have a relationship with our money. To me, that relationship was almost non-existent, it was avoidant in the past. 

When I finally sat down and looked at my money and realized, when I started my business I was 25,000 US dollars’ worth of debt, that didn’t feel good, but then I could create a plan around it and eventually, I chipped away at it until I eventually was making that much in a month and I was looking at my bank statements and now, I look at my bank account almost every single day. I’m constantly transferring money from my PayPal over to my business, checking account, and it feels so empowering, but it didn’t start that way.  I had to get real with it, I had to start looking at it even when it was uncomfortable, to then start to feel empowered and really aware of where my money was going and where it was coming from, and that flow of in and out.

For so long I was motivated by, you mentioned about manifesting the 6000 pounds to pay off the credit card in your case, I was motivated by moving away from what I didn’t want, away from debt, away from scarcity, away from lack, but that only gets us so far, like you said. Then you think about, what do I actually want? Well, I don’t want just 6,000 pounds, I want 11 or 12 or 13,000 pounds and then you start to be motivated by this positive drive of what are you moving towards, what do you actually want and desire. So that away from motivator can get us light a fire under our ass and get us moving, but then I think eventually, we do need to move towards that, well, if you don’t have this or once you’ve healed that what would you like? How much do you want? What does that wealth and abundance look like? Or how would that feel like for you in a positive way of what you’re moving towards?

The second I heard it described that way in my NLP training, I was like, oh my God, I’ve been moving away from pain, my whole life, instead of moving towards pleasure towards desire. Then I started shifting the way, I was writing my goals when I was manifested my money and it just completely transformed everything. So I loved to hear from you Emma about wealth as a whole. Again, this is a sticky conversation for a lot of people because they still are in that avoidance place of being afraid to open bank accounts or just not feeling empowered by money. How do we redefine our version of what wealth truly is and what it means to us in our life? 

Emma Mumford: Good question. Wealth is such a tricky term to talk about because when we talk about wealth if any of you would hear someone say, manifesting wealth, you would think they mean money. We all associate wealth with money, success; money. So this really became a big topic in my life, which inspired me to write my new book, when I hit every goal on my vision board. So I created a vision board a few years ago and I hit everything. I manifest the love, the house, the career, the money, being debt-free, book deal, everything, I manifested all. The last thing was to sell my couponing business, which was my money-saving business. I wanted to sell that business, so I could transition into being a spiritual coach full time and doing all of this full time. 

It took about a year and then the perfect buyer came along, it was amazing. Then I sat there, waiting for the money to hit my bank account. I thought, when this money hits your account, you’ve done it, you’ve manifested everything, your life’s going to change, you’re going to be a completely different person, it’s going to be amazing, life’s going to be fantastic. Then the money hit my account and I felt no different. I felt unfulfilled. I felt that yes, I hit everything called my goals list, but something was missing.  I felt like the most ungrateful person in the world. I thought, oh my God, Emma, you have manifested everything, you were so selfish, you were so ungrateful, how can you be sitting here feeling bad right now? It was because I was chasing the wrong version of wealth. So I had focused so much into my work, into my career, I neglected my personal life. It was at that moment that I realized, something had gone terribly wrong for me. 

These could be stuff too, it doesn’t have to be a big moment like this for yourself, but this is a big wake up call for me of, why did you think that these things would have fulfilled you? Why did you think that manifesting these things would have made you feel better? Why don’t you feel good right now? Go deep within and I realized that it was because my personal life and my relationships and creating that family and having family and friends and a lover around me, I neglected it all.  They were deteriorating as such as relationships because I was so focused on the wrong version of wealth. So really, wealth to me is not money or success or validation. Wealth to me is to have family, love, and fulfillment. Now, wealth will be something different to every single person, it doesn’t have to be the same. So what my version of wealth is, but what I want to challenge you to think about today is, what is your version of wealth? Really get clear on that, because you don’t want to end up like me. I manifested it all and then thought, ‘’Why do I feel so bad?’’ 

I had to go on a whole year-long journey to really work on my fulfillment, really work on those wounds and blocks within me to make sure these things were sustainable because I was manifesting things and they weren’t sustainable. I wasn’t fulfilled inside. A big key thing to law of attraction is you won’t manifest the true fulfillment and things you want in life until you do the inner work. That’s what I hadn’t done. So yes, on paper, I’ve manifested it all, but really, the reality of my life wasn’t as glitzy and amazing and happy and probably what all my followers thought my life was like, I was like on the inside. How have I got here? I show up, I share this stuff with the world, how am I here and I realized because I was neglecting the within, I was neglecting my real version of wealth and what really, I wanted to move towards in that phase of my life. 

So really ask yourself what is your version of wealth? Where do you currently not feel wealthy in your life? Wealth means, every aspect of your life; relationships, career purpose, home life, money, everything, that is wealth. Where do you currently not feel wealthy, and that’s where you can start from because when you look at where you don’t feel wealthy currently you can then think, right I need to work on these things, how can I work on those areas? So that overall, I do feel positively wealthy.

What wealth truly is

Sarah Small: That’s such a different and more empowering way to look at wealth because I’ve had clients come to me and they have money goals. I think it’s great to have money goals. I have money goals, but there’s always I find when I asked my clients a deeper why behind the money goals; okay, you want 10,000 20,000, a six-figure a year, whatever it is that you desire, my guess is for the majority of people and this has been the case with, again my personal experience with clients is, it’s not just that they want that money to sit in their bank account, it either gives them an emotion or a feeling that they’re craving or the desire or allows them to do something in their life that builds wealth in those other areas like you were talking about, maybe a travel or in relationships or in their home life or home environment or experiences or richness of experiences they get to have and get to experience with their family, their friends, their loved ones and that’s really why they want the money. They don’t literally want in most cases stacks of money sitting on their desk, that could be fun, but that the deeper why is that emotion that brings them in some sort of fulfillment in that area, or what they get to actually then use that money to do. 

In my case, I love money to be able to reinvest into my own growth and I love investing in books and in courses and in live events and experiences to be able to continuously learn. That’s a deep part of my deeper why in wanting literal money, that then to me translates into wealth in other areas of my life. You mentioned also sustainable wealth and abundance because I think those two words; wealth and abundance, often, like you said, are directly correlated to money when in actuality, wealth and abundance can be applied to so many other aspects of really all areas of our life. Can you talk about the sustainability piece? When we are building up our version, because again it’s unique to each of us and what that definition is and what that looks like, when we’re building that definition of wealth or abundance in our lives, how do we do it sustainably, so that we don’t rebound back into an old way of being or feel lack afterward?

Creating sustainable wealth in all areas of life 

Emma Mumford: I literally filmed a video about this thing that seems to be coming up so much. The quickest way to manifest is through stop running from the work, the more you’re running, skipping around it, avoiding it, trying to think positive thoughts when all those fears and limiting beliefs are coming up, you’re just running away from your manifestations. So do the work, go within and see where the work needs to be done. The best way to do this is, for me to say to you, your manifestation is not going to happen. Where in your body does that hurt right now? So it will happen. I’m just using that example. See where in your body that hurts. For instance, it can relate to your chakras. We have seven energetic chakras in our body if you’re familiar with chakras.

For instance, one of my ladies who I worked with the other day said to me, ‘’Oh, that hurts just underneath my boobs,’’ I said, ‘’Okay, that’s your solar plexus, this is your confidence, this is your power chakra, this is like your inner roar,’’ and it really related to what she was manifesting as well. Sometimes you can actually connect it to your chakras. If you’re not aware of your chakras, please do go online and look at the positioning of them because you may be able to relate it to where that just hurt in your body. But equally, when I said that, did any thoughts come up? Did any beliefs or ego talk come up? Because again, these are the clues. See why you feel triggered? Have there been any incidences, circumstances or people saying things that have made you feel triggered as hell like, ‘’Oh my god, I don’t believe this manifestation is going to happen? Look at that feedback. Where do you need to do the work?’’

So to make things sustainable is to get to that place where you have healed what needs to be healed with inside you emotionally, maybe physically as well. When you do manifest these things, so love is the great example here. If you haven’t done that inner work to heal from your previous relationships, maybe heal some limiting beliefs you have around worthiness or self-love, if you were to manifest that partner, are you going to be in the best place possible to have that happy fulfilling relationship? Or, are you just going to continue to bring all the baggage with you, energetic and emotional baggage with you into that new relationship? So this is important. Doing the work doesn’t have to be hard, it just requires your consistency and your willingness to do it. Some people have more than others. Some people have less like every wound is different, every belief is different. So don’t think, oh my God, this is going to be taking me forever, it really won’t. When you show up, that is the quickest way through, that’s the quickest way to your manifestations, and the best way for you to be able to keep them as well. 

Sarah Small: That makes so much sense and something I’ve been talking a lot about in the podcasts as well as on social media, has been conscious versus subconscious change.  It’s like, we can push and we can force and we can power through and we can see some success in the areas of wealth and abundance in our life when we’re consciously working hard, but like you’re saying when we go through and we do the inner work, that doesn’t have to be grueling or hard and can actually be fun sometimes. But when we pause to do that work, then we create change on the subconscious level, which is more of that internal automatic programming that we have stored within us. 

Of course, we’re tapping into ourselves at that level, then we’re going to sustainably change, versus when we change through force, eventually we’re going to burn out and then we do see a rebound back into where we started at or at least a few steps back from where we wanted to be, versus that subconscious change that really helps us look at limiting beliefs and the way that we’re operating on a day to day basis within our belief system and our values and the energy we put off into the world and when we change on that level, then things get to be easier, moving forward sustainably forever by taking that moment to pause. 

So I think it’s so important like you were saying Emma, to go inward and ask these empowering questions and see where we’re triggered in our life because I think those triggers are also really great opportunities to heal their messages from our body that something does need to be healed and we can and use books like yours and resources like yours to be able to then work through it because there are so many tools out there, there’s many other tools out there too to be able to work through those things, that are perceived as very challenging, but are actually an amazing opportunity for growth. 

I just want to say thank you so much. Are there any last words, thoughts, takeaways that you want to give the audience before we wrap up?

Emma Mumford: Good question, now I’m totally on the spot. I would just say, trust more than anything. It’s so easy to get disheartened and to be like, oh well, it hasn’t happened by now or something else came along and it wasn’t what I wanted, therefore, it’s not going to happen. The universe can bring us many tests sometimes. Sometimes I’ve had this where an opportunity, like a book deal, is a really good example here, an opportunity came up with another publisher and I just wasn’t sure about it. I was like, should I take it because I’m desperate for this book deal? I thought, is this the publisher that’s aligned with this book? Is this the publisher that really feels good to me, or would be able to have my best interest at heart and all of this? The answer was no. 

So if anything, trust your intuition. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no, and sit with that. You don’t have to make split decisions like that. When I said no to that publisher, which felt like the worst thing in the world because I was trying to manifest a book deal, and even better publisher came along, which was more aligned to my book, more aligned to my values and the perfect publisher for that book. So trust in the universe and trust your intuition as well. We all have this powerful intuition within our soul, which is knowing psychic abilities as such, and we can tap into that any point. So those gut feelings, those things which definitely aren’t ego, when we’ve known someone was going to call us, someone was going to text us, we knew something was going to happen, this is our intuition speaking to us. So the more you tap into it and you can use Oracle cards today, you can use meditation. Work with your intuition and it will never lead you astray.

Sarah Small: That’s so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us today, Emma, I appreciate it so much. In closing, can you just let everyone know where to find you and follow along and also to purchase your book when it comes out? 

Emma Mumford: Cool. Thank you so much for having me on. It’s been so fun to chat with you today. if anybody wants to find out about my new book, it’s called Positively wealthy, it’s out on June the ninth. if you’re listening to this before, hopefully, it’ll be available for pre-order by now and you can find on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, all the regular kind of retailers and that’s out with Watkins publishing if that helps find it. If you want to find out anything more about myself or anything I do, then you can find me on my website at Emmamumsford.co.uk, or on my Instagram and other socials, which is I am Emma Mumford.

Sarah Small: Thank you so much. I appreciate you coming on today.

Emma Mumford: Thanks, lovely.  

Sarah Small: Thank you so much for tuning into today’s episode. I hope you guys gained so much from this conversation with Emma. If you are loving the Healing uncensored podcast, I would so appreciate it if you could go over to iTunes and leave a five-star review and your honest feedback. When we were talking today to Emma, it also reminded me that I have training that you might enjoy. It is called ‘’Manifesting money for your wellness goals’’. It is just $33 and it’s available on my site, where all my courses live, which is autoimmunetribecourses.com. It’s a one-hour training to help change your entire relationship with money, so you can stop feeling broke AF, like you can’t invest in the things that you truly desire. Instead, you get to invest with freedom and work towards your goals and allow yourself to have a surplus. 

So we’re going to detox limiting money beliefs and start bringing in the cash money because you deserve it. There are 10 easy steps that I break down in detail in this one-hour training there. Again, help you shift that money mindset and as long as you show up and you do the work, you’re going to feel an energetic shift in your body right away. The results that I’ve heard from the women who have already been through this one-hour training have been just amazing and so humbling for me. I’d love for you to be able to experience that manifestation of money and wealth in your life like Emma and I chatted about today. So definitely check out her book as it comes out again, that’s Positively wealthy. In the meantime, if you’re looking for some resources to help you change your money mindset, then this course manifesting money for your wellness goals is available for you for just $33 on autoimmunetribecourses.com. Thanks, guys, and I’ll see you next time.  


About Emma

Emma Mumford is an award-winning life coach and mentor, YouTuber, bestselling author, speaker and host of ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’. Emma’s work focuses on helping you turn your dream life into an abundant reality using the Law of Attraction.

Positively Wealthy £12.99 out June 9th, 2020
Check out Sarah’s training “How to Manifest Money for Your Wellness Goals” here” https://autoimmunetribecourses.com/p/manifesting-money-for-your-wellness-goals

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February 11, 2020


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