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There is a HIGH demand for leaders who are grounded in their power and showing up to inspire clarity. This is part FIVE of a free 6-part training series for Empath Entrepreneurs.
Find Part ONE Here
Find Part TWO Here
Find Part THREE Here
Find Part FOUR Here
Find Part SIX Here
In this episode, we discuss:
- creating achievable goals in your life and business
- how you will know when you’ve hit your goals
- developing evidence procedure
- building an internal representation of your goal
- confirming the visual of your goal in your mind
- installing your goal along your timeline

Additional Resources:
A 30-day course for lightworkers to who desire to turn their pain into their purpose and create profit. I’ve heard so many people say they don’t know where start when it comes to build an online wellness business, this solves that problem and helps you go from overwhelmed to bringing in regular paychecks.
AURA is an all natural water based cleansing mist created to clear out and transmute low frequencies and bring high frequencies into your space! Save 5% with code EMPOWERED!
Check out the behind-the-scenes of my business + how I scaled to 5-figure months!

Episode Notes:
Creating achievable goals in your life and business
Today’s episode is a training in manifestation and how to create a future that feels freaking amazing. It is about creating and welcoming abundance in a world that has codes of scarcity, fear, and lack running through it right now.
This is the process I have used to manifest a specific number of clients in group programs, to manifest a second home with my husband in the mountains of Colorado, and to have a $100K launch. If that doesn’t tell you enough, it is potent and powerful and I can’t even believe I am giving this away for FREE! But, that is how badly I want you all to achieve your goals. I know you are capable, it is just a matter of getting your subconscious mind on the same page and realizing how REAL your desires and your goals can feel in your mind before they have even happened!
All the tools, resources, and signs will fall into place for you when you are in alignment and you are an energetic match, aka the same vibrational frequency, of that desire. Today requires you to participate, but I promise if you do participate, you will feel really good after these 35 minutes.
What is your goal? Business goal?
Follow the general guidelines of a SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timeline).
How will you know when you have it?
What is the last step that has to happen to let you know you got it?
What evidence will be there to let you know?
How you will know when you’ve hit your goals
Maybe you have a goal to launch your first program, let’s get specific on putting that goal out there.
Let’s say I want to launch a group coaching program, with 10 women inside, and I would like those 10 women inside this program by June 1st, 2020. Add as many other details you can think of for your goal. Money is another really easy one to work with because it inherently has numbers attached to it that make it really clear. So $5,000 a month by May 2020. Then ask yourself, how will I know when I have it?
Example: I used this same exact process last summer. My husband and I wanted a second home in the mountains in Colorado. We wanted an investment property and to put it on Airbnb. In the manifestation of that second home, I asked myself, how will I know when I actually purchased that home, when it is ours. For me, it was sitting at the kitchen table with a pen in my hand and I was signing all the paperwork. I also saw a woman sitting across from me, my husband beside me and I was imagining the way the room looked and all the details.
Another way of asking this question is, what is the last step that has to happen to know that you got it?
Developing evidence procedure
Where are you?
What are you doing?
What will you be experiencing at that moment?
What will you be seeing?
Saying to yourself?
Once you have all these details written out you will follow the guided process in today’s episode!
Building an internal representation of your goal
Now it’s time to close your eyes. This is more of a feeling exercise. Imagine stepping into that moment. Like it is a polaroid picture, you are stepping into yourself, your body, and see what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel, notice what you notice. Are there any sounds, smells, tastes, thoughts, feelings?
As you fully embrace this moment, of your complete manifestation that is now tangible for you and your life. Simply observe and look around.
Notice if there is anything that we could alter, switch, change, edit to help this feel even more REAL. Even more intensified, amplified in your consciousness. So that being in this moment feels so fucking good.
Consider… Are you currently seeing in black and white? Or are you seeing in color? Play with which one feels more real and play with changing the colors. You can amplify the vibrancy of the colors if that feels good.
Next, notice if you are near, does everything feel close? Or does everything feel kind of far away? Do you want to bring it closer, or maybe create more distance? What level of closeness feels most real to you?
Consider is it bright? Or dim?
Is it focused? Or blurry?
Is there anything in your picture that is moving? Or is it still?
Are there any noises? Are they loud or are they soft?
Where are you feeling the feelings in your body? In your heart? Your gut? Your fingers? And how intense are these feelings? Do you need to turn the volume up or down on those feelings?
Make sure there is no question in your mind that this is YOUR reality.
Breathe in how good this feels in this moment. Step out of the picture, still seeing yourself inside, and come back into this time-space reality. Imagine holding that picture in your hand.
When is the exact day that you have achieved this goal?
Confirming the visual of your goal in your mind
Imagine your higher self lifting out of your physical body, taking the picture with it. Allow your higher self to turn in the direction of your future. Carry this picture with you, floating above the timeline of your life until you reach this day in the future that you set for this goal. You may see a specific number on the clock or general time of day based on the sun. As you hover above that moment in time, drop the picture down onto the timeline in that exact moment of your future. As you drop the picture down with all the details encapsulated within it. Take 4 deep breaths to charge it up and plant it on your timeline.
Ask yourself, hovering above the picture you dropped down into your future, ask yourself, what will help me get there?
What do I need to know?
What investments do I need to make?
What resources will be most helpful?
What will help me get here?
Open yourself up to any and all answers.
Now, turn back towards where you can from on your timeline, slowly floating up above the timeline, float all the way back to now. Hovering above your body, drop back down into your body and start to awaken.
How do you feel after dropping that very clear, internal representation of your manifested goal or desire into your future, along your timeline, having charged it up and also having simply asked what will help me? What will help me get here?
Now write it all out. All the details that your intuition showed you about how to get to that manifested moment of your desire.
I can’t tell you how many empaths I have seen withhold their light because they are afraid of outshining others or coming off as “salesy.”
You hold potent medicine. There ARE people who will benefit so much from you stepping into your light and shining fucking bright. The truth is conscious, multi-dimensional leaders are the next generation of millionaires on this planet. And when people like you create massive success- they do amazingggg things with their money. I can’t wait to see what you all create!
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