Ep. 42 Intro to the Inner Healer Archetypes. Self Healing Power. You Are Your Own Greatest Healer.

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In this episode, I discuss:

The next six episodes are going to cover six different archetypes and we’re going to discuss what they are, how they apply to you, and how you can use them in your own healing process.

Additional Resources:

FREE QUIZ: Inner Healer Archetype Quiz

Inside of all of us resides our inner healer. The part of you that always knows the answer. The part of you that is aligned with wellness. Too often, we block that voice out and let our head take over. Take this quiz to discover your inner healer archetype and how you can cultivate more self-healing.

COURSE: Earn Like an Empath

Sales and marketing as an empath is a strength. Let me help you understand why inside this course helps you to release fear around sales, protect your energy, and build confidence so that money comes easily to you. Includes my step-by-step sales process for hitting $20K months.

PRODUCT: Pique Tea

Pique is a concentrated invigorating elixir that dissolves in cold or hot water and provides your body with phytonutrients to unleash your inner potential! My favorite is Reishi Calm for grounding!

Episode Transcript:

Welcome to The Healing Uncensored podcast. My name is Sarah Small, and I’m a health and mindset coach for women with autoimmune disease just like you. I absolutely love helping you tap into your self-healing power, uncover the energetic side of healing, and release limiting beliefs around your body and your life. Think of this podcast is everything you wouldn’t hear at your doctor’s office. It’s a place for empowered souls to move beyond food and heal themselves on a soul level. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, now let’s begin.

Inner Healer Archetype Series

Welcome to the Inner Healer Archetype Series. The next six episodes are going to cover six different archetypes and we’re going to discuss what they are, how they apply to you, and how you can use them in your own healing process. Today, I just want to start with little introductions. We are going to talk about what archetypes are, what the ones are we’ll be discussing, and how we get to break down all this information.

So the six different archetypes that we’ll be covering are the three-eyed raven, the warrior woman, the inquisitive, she-wolf, the medicine woman, the intuitive, witch, and the crystal healer. So we’re going to be able to figure out where, where we fall into each of these categories and how all six of them are actually inherent in each and every single one of you.

What an archetype is

So what is an archetype in the first place? Well, it’s first mentioned in history by Carl Young and this psychologist defined it as an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic image that is derived from the past collective experience of humanity and is present in the unconscious of the individual. So it is a model or type after which other similar things are patterned. So if you want to break that down into some more simple terms, there are these patterns that we follow and we can divide them up into different categories. And those are the patterns that we probably carry out in our life.

We also have an inner sealer within all of us. So again, the topic of this little mini-series is Inner Healer Archetypes. An archetype is that pattern and inner healer is the subject. What is the inner healer? What are these patterns that we fall into? The inner healer is inside all of us and the human body has this beautiful ability to heal itself. You can heal your broken arm, your body heals broken bones. Your body can fight off infections. It can regulate body temperature. It can grow and provide maintenance and repair cells. So think about all of the times that your body has healed itself in the past. Too often, we focus on all the times our body has seemingly let us down or not been able to keep up, or it’s gotten sick.

Or especially for most of you listening, who struggle with chronic illness we see our body as broken and all the times that we haven’t felt good or we have gotten sick. But what about all of those times that your body was a freaking miracle? All of the times that your body was miraculous? How it breeds without you having to consciously think about it or command yourself to breathe. This is an autonomic process in the body, and that’s so incredibly wise and just frigging amazing for our bodies to be able to do. So, as I explored my own self-healing, I realized that there were some archetypes or patterns that these methods of self-healing fell into, and that’s how these archetypes were created. So what if we could rally the inner healer inside of us again, and remind ourselves of how powerful we are as healers and even use this inner healer to facilitate healing for others as well?

So I encourage you to explore yourself through each of these archetypes. And ask yourself, what would it be like for you to ponder or embody more of this archetype? When you hear the name of that archetype when you hear the words, medicine woman, when you hear crystal healer, when you hear intuitive witch, what does that mean to you? What does that embody? And I wouldn’t be giving you lots of details on this, but I want you to also consider what does it mean to you to be the medicine woman, to be the three-eyed raven, to be the inquisitive she-wolf? And so to start this seven-part series, this intro episode followed by six episodes that break down each of the archetypes. I want you to take the quiz in the show notes. There’s a link in the show notes that goes to a quiz to answer just a few short questions that actually have lots of images.

It’s a fun and easy quiz. And after you take the quiz, you’ll get your results and that’ll show you, where are you strongest? What is the inner healer archetype that is most inherent and present in you? And when you listen to that episode, that describes your strongest inner healer archetype, it will likely seem to describe you in your current state of being. Whereas, some of the other episodes may be more like sub inner healers. So, less powerful and your go-to methods for self-healing, but possibly still things that you do tap into. And then there might be other ones that are actually areas for you to discover for you to be able to just explore deeper and see what parts of those archetypes could maybe you call on and you aren’t calling on yet.

So you will not find these archetypes on Google. You can try to Google search them, but you probably won’t find anything. At least not related to healing chronic illness, because these are archetypes. I created about a year ago. And about a year ago, I created them to help women tap into their healing powers and become their own greatest healer. We all have this inner healer within us. And I remember sitting down to create this quiz the first time and everything just flowing the roomy. It was this intuitive process that just channeled through me. All of a sudden there was these six different archetypes standing in front of me. And I just asked them each of them, I asked the intuitive witch what are your strengths? What are your challenges? What are your traits? What goddess energies do you embody?

And when you take the quiz, you’ll also get a downloadable PDF where you’ll be able to get all of that information. What are the strengths? What are the traits? What are the challenges? What are the goddess energies that archetype embodies? And it, it just flew into my brain and then out onto my fingers and onto my computer screen. So that’s where these come from. And there might be some parts that you don’t resonate with and that’s okay too. But notice the shadow in this experience, as you listen, as you take the quiz, notice the shadow coming up, what parts do you brush off or push away that might actually be helpful, that you might actually need that maybe you could benefit from?

So for example, my shadow healer and our healer archetype is a three-eyed raven. A three-eyed raven is really analytical. She’s a researcher. She writes things out. You’ll learn a lot more about her in that episode. Whereas my natural more strong, inherent inner healer archetype is the intuitive witch. And the intuitive witch just likes to feel into things. She’s the empath. She makes decisions based on her emotions. And so, versus analyzing and researching, I like to see and listen to my body. It’s like what works works. If it works, it works. And I just like to feel that in my body to experiment, I like to tap into my intuition and I don’t always love the research, but that’s why the three-eyed raven is my shadow healer. Because if I did invite more research in, which is maybe the thing that I don’t necessarily naturally flow into, but that research might actually be really helpful for me.

So do you see how that works? There’s that natural inherent inner healer archetype that’s just going to be your strongest. However, you have all six of these archetypes within you, and then you might find that there’s one, two, three, maybe more shadow healers that are just aspects of your healing that maybe you haven’t tapped into yet.

So I cannot wait to tell you more about each of these archetypes and see what breakthroughs you have in your own healing. And this understanding of yourself and how freaking powerful you are. We all have this inner healer inside of us. The body is so incredible every single day, performing these miracles. Breathing without having to command our breath, healing, these broken bones, allowing our body to fight off infections, even a fever. We think about a fever and we’re, Oh, I have a fever. This is so annoying. That is our body healing itself, protecting itself, our immune system working. So again, you can start by taking a quiz in the show notes, and then I would love for you to share your results on social media and tag me at Autoimmune Tribe. I will repost you. I can’t wait to see what the outcomes are. So on the backend, I can actually see what percentage of people get each of these different archetypes. And so, I’m going to be sharing that as well to see in this community, this Autoimmune Tribe community, where do most of us fall, and where is there room for us to tap into our shadow side, do the shadow work within the archetypes.

So I will see you guys in the next episode, as we dive into the three-eyed raven, first. Posts your results from the quiz. I can’t wait to see them.

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April 23, 2019


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